My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 58: Fierce battle


Unprecedented collisions burst out in the void.

The hurricane-like air waves spread in all directions, the terrible shock distorted the space faintly, and all four swords that Suzunu swung out shattered with a click.

The Shenluo Tianzheng carefully prepared by Nagato was the first time he was violently cut to pieces.

The name of Shenluo Tianzheng's absolute defense was officially broken!

Among the various broken aftermaths, Suzuno almost stepped back a dozen steps, stepping on the ground step by step as if a wave of earthquakes had been set off.

The Nagato directly flew a distance of hundreds of meters, only to stop the trend of flying backwards under the blessing of gravity.

"Humph, I don't believe I can break your defense!"

The mouth could not help but snorted coldly, and the long door was directly sealed in the air, with one hand pressed against the void.

Psychic runes spread in the void centered on the palm of the teenager.


With the voice of the red-haired boy, six or seven grim and huge psychic beasts, such as lobsters, chameleons, vultures, rhinos, buffaloes, pandas and centipedes, appeared out of thin air.

The long door fell directly on the vulture psychic beast.

The other psychic beasts fell to the ground, and then flew towards Suzuno to kill them with lightning speed.

Suzuno, whose weapon was just broken, could only wave his fist to greet the attack of the psychic beasts.

In this way, a fight between the giant and the beast appeared directly on the battlefield.


"Roar Roar !!!"

The roaring and roaring sounds continue to reverberate. Although the psychic beasts have become stronger through the psychic strengthening of the long gate, their opponents are not ordinary people.

Suzuno, who is controlled by Uchiha spot, is fully equipped with the terrifying combat ability of Ninja Shura.

With bare hands, even psychic beasts can't suppress it.

Even with the passage of time, Suzuno was able to get stronger during the war.

In the face of this situation, Nagato resolutely manipulated the vulture to dive down towards Suzunou, and under a sudden impact, Suzunu retreated several steps directly.

Other psychic beasts saw this situation and immediately rushed up.


At this moment, Suzuno burst out of terror.

It turned out that the Uchiha spot located in it was not clear, and further squeezed the Chakra that he had left few, so that the giant showed a round of outbreak.

Under this eruption, all the psychic beasts that were rushed up were directly blown out.

"It's now!"

Above the vulture, the pupil of the long gate shrank slightly.

The hands are sealed at a very fast speed, and the psychic art is released again.

This time, the red-haired boy summoned nothing but Gerberus.

This supernatural creature born from the split dog's variation, imitating the Greek legend for Hades to guard the gate of the underworld, directly swooped down after it appeared, and hit Suzuno.


The impact of the falling blessing of Gerberus directly knocked the giant to the ground again. At the next moment, the hissing sound suddenly sounded, and I saw that the body of Suzunenghu, which was completely condensed by the physical Chakra, came into contact with the body of the giant and Gerberus. .

Just in the blink of an eye, the entire skeleton of Suzuno had melted more than half.

The huge giant couldn't stand up anymore!

"not good!"

In Suzunenghu's head, Uchiha's face was a bit ugly, and the left eye that had already shed blood and tears was turned again, and the indestructible inflammation named Tianzhao appeared again.

It was just waiting for the inexhaustible fire to burn to Gerberus, and the monster had already turned into white smoke to dissipate.

And at this moment, the figure of Nagato came down from the sky!

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng !!"

Chakra's mad output in the body, Nagato once again exhibited Shen Luo Tian Zheng.

Like the last Shenluo Tianzheng cast, Nagato's Shenluo Tianzheng is still different from the ordinary uniformly spreading repulsive field, but transfers most of the repulsive field's power to the bottom.

From the appearance, this is an invisible giant sword with the long door as the core and falling towards the ground.

Just like the mythical sword of Damocles descended from the sky and bombarded Suzuno.


The violent turbulence continued to shake the foundations of the battlefield ground, the spider-like cracks spread in all directions, and the spotted Suzuno almost shattered under the impact.

In the aftermath of the fall and bombardment, the gravity of Nagato brought the power to the extreme.

The ubiquitous gravity turned into an invisible armor covering him.

Ignoring the various shocks and shocks around, the red-haired boy turned into a residual image and broke through a aftershock, rushing towards the location where Uchiha spot was located.

In just an instant, the long door broke through numerous obstacles and came to Uchiha spot.

"It's over, Uchiha spot!"

Along with such words, the red-haired teenager raised his right hand, turned it into a sharp blade, and directly penetrated the heart of Uchiha spot. The whole process was clean and tidy, without any hesitation.

There was a shocking look on the face of the elderly, and he lost his life completely.


"It is indeed over!"

The old voice appeared inexplicably, and the vision discovered by Nagato changed.

The body of the Uchiha spot originally worn by him dissipated directly, like a dream bubble, while another Uchiha spot appeared on the front of the red-haired boy.

At this time, the left eye of the spot had completely turned into white and had lost vision.

And his other eye is the windmill turning wildly!

"Monthly reading!"

The vision of Nagato appeared momentarily blurred.

When the blur disappeared, the red-haired boy found himself in an infinitely quiet space, and there was a round of red inscribed with kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in the dark sky.

Nagato himself was bound to a cross, and his chains bound his limbs.

"here is"

"Monthly Reading World!"

What I heard from Nagato's words was that I don't know when I was holding Uchiha spots, "In this world, I control all factors including time, space and quality."

"And you, here will appreciate the real pain!"

As soon as the words fell, Tai Chi in Uchiha's hands had penetrated the belly of the long door. ..

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