My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 63: Fully capable


Chakra Taidao pierced the void and cut through the incoming gravitational waves.

It was only after breaking through the gravitational wave that the Chakra Tai knife in the hands of the four-armed Tengu warrior also lost its shape due to the strong anti-shock, and was completely broken.


Seeing his victory, Uchiha's face flashed unpleasantly.

After regaining the posture of the victory period, the arrogance in Uchiha's heart has swelled to an alarming level, and the lack of some places will make him feel dissatisfied.

Then I saw the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes, and the wheel began to rotate.

The original four-armed Tengu's posture Suzuno changed again, the volume became extremely huge, Chakra stabilized, and the whole body was covered with a layer of armor.

The armor on the back changes wings and is equipped with double swords.

Almost in a flash, Suzuno had evolved from a warrior to a peerless warrior.

The terror's coercion permeated out, making Nagato feel a little suppressed.

"This is the complete body of Suzunogi!"

Standing within Suzuno's head, Uchiha spotted his eyes tightly on the Nagato, "Only those who have developed the pupil power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel to the extreme and have a huge Chakra can open it Zuneng is the ultimate form. "

"Spread, come on, long door, let's dance!"

Along with the last words, Uchiha spot manipulated Suzuka's complete body movement, and saw the peerless Wushen pulled out a sword from his wings and simply cut it out.

For the first time, Nagato felt a sense of extreme terror.

Almost instinctively performed the avatar and left the spot.

Then the red-haired boy saw that a terrible sword gas crossed from where he was originally, leaving a deep crack on the ground and chopping off the mountains several kilometers away.

The whole process seems relaxed and freehand, and it seems that there is no need to spend much power on the body.

"What a terrible destructive power!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato couldn't help being surprised.

To be honest, red-haired teenagers are not lacking in destructive moves, especially some of the powers of heaven and earth, such as those that hinder the planets, even destroy the world.

But in the face of the immediate presence of Suzuneng, these moves are basically useless.

Meteorites enough to destroy all, under the horrible sword spirit, that is, the problem of a few swords, if you want to defeat the immediate sight of Suzuneng, the Nagato needs to take other means.

Thinking so, the long gate rose directly, looking at Suzuno who was almost completely in front of him, his hands spread out.

"Super God Luo Tianzheng !!!"

Unlike the previous self-restricted battle with Yahiko, the Nagato at this time completely released the power of Super God Luo Tianzheng.

The turbulent Chakra in the body consumed more than a quarter in a short time.

The terrifying repulsive field appeared in the sky and bombed towards the position where Suzuneng was almost completely. In the face of this situation, Uchiha Spot did not choose to avoid it.

Although his Suzuno can almost completely have wings, he can fly freely.

But where would he be willing to make such a weak move?

"Suzuno can dance with two swords!"

Suzuno's second hand, which was almost complete, also pulled out the sword from the wings of the back. Two swords were in hand. The peerless Wushen waved an unprecedented sword dance of destruction.

All of a sudden, the sword gas that shattered everything and the repulsive field that crushed everything had a frontal collision.


A huge collision beyond the imagination of the world burst out completely.

The gravity of the battlefield was chaotic for a while, the earth cracked, the magma was wanton, and the terrifying earthquake spread continuously around, even attracting the attention of the living creatures within hundreds of miles.

Under such tremendous destruction, the courtyard where Nagato temporarily resides is naturally difficult to avoid.

Whirlpool Sinai woke up in a huge roar.

Then the girl was frightened by the disaster scene in front of her, and the village courtyard originally in the girl's memory has been completely transformed into ruins and dust.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the ground showed many cracks, and magma was everywhere.

Indistinctly, the girl even saw many creatures wailing and wailing among them.

If it weren't for her to have an extremely strong guardian enchantment, I am afraid that with the power of Nine Sinai now, it is hard to escape from this near-doom-like natural disaster.

In the area of ​​catastrophe, the long gate has just recovered from the recoil shock of the collision, using the invisible gravity to condense into an invisible armor, and cut through the smoke.

Obviously, the red-haired boy was ready to reapply his old skills, and caught Uchiha spotted by surprise.

Nagato believes that in such a collision, he definitely has the upper hand. Not to mention, in the state of returning to the light like the Uchiha spot, the recovery ability is not comparable to that of himself.

Just when Nagato had just acted, he saw a terrible sword gas burst into the air.

Fortunately, the super-sense sense of the red-haired boy was extremely keen, which made him evade almost the first time, successfully evading the almost sword-like sword spirit.

After all, if you eat a sword on the front, even if Nagato is strong, you will suffer a lot of injuries.

In such a battle, such injuries can completely affect the final outcome.

Therefore, Nagato couldn't help but feel afraid for a while, but in addition to the fear later, he felt some incredible, because the sword energy was completely released by Suzuno Huo completely.

In the previous collision, Nagato dare to ensure that his super **** Luo Tianzheng absolutely smashed it.

Even if Uchiha spots condensed the complete body of Suzuno, it would not be so fast.

Thinking this way, Nagato's eyes looked toward the direction of Jian Qi's attack.

As the smoke gradually dissipated and the surrounding visibility expanded, the long gate saw it, and a tall martial art giant stood on the ruined ground.

Not only that, but Nagato also saw a giant around him coagulating around the giant.

There is a Uchiha spot in all giants that have been completed or are completing.

Seeing this, the long light flashed in the mind of Longdoor, recalling a scene in the original story. He immediately understood that what he had collided with himself before was probably not the body of Uchiha spot.

It is the wooden avatar that he differentiated with the strength of the wooden escape between the thousand hands!

It is similar to the shadow avatar, but the effect is much better than the shadow avatar. You can freely assign Chakra to each wooden avatar, and the avatar can pass the information directly to the body.

The most important thing is that the wooden avatar created by this avatar is almost the same as the deity.

Under normal circumstances, there is no difference at all-after all, Mu Dun is a ninjutsu with life force, and the avatar created by wood avatar is also life.

I'm afraid when the initial setting of Suzuno is almost complete, the spot will release the wood avatar to replace itself.

And his ontology condensed a brand-new Suzunenghu completely body in that disaster.

Just when Nagato understood all the reasons, the Uchiha spot's Suzun Huo's army had also been assembled completely, and all eight Suzunu Hu's bodies stood on the earth.

"Sprinkle, can you continue to dance, Nagato!" ..

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