My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 64: Guild Wars and Psychics

The eight great martial arts stood, and the terrifying coercion came to us.

Looking at the eight statues of Suzuno controlled by Uchiha Spot, the eyes of Nagato could not help but slightly squinted. The inexplicable sense of trembling made the young man's heartbeat stagnate.

The enemy's strength is somewhat beyond the expectations of the red-haired boy, but it is reasonable.

After all, Uchiha Spot is the Ninja Shura that is famous among the gods of the ninja, and even if you look at the history of the ninja world, they are all at the top of the ninja.

Especially now that the heyday has been restored, I am afraid that the ninja world can compare with each other in the history.

And this is calculated by including the family of six Dao Xianren.

Faced with such a strong Uchiha spot, Nagato, whose growth time is too short, was deterred for a time.

It's just that red-haired teenagers are not ordinary characters after all.

Soon he broke free from the shock.

The corner of the mouth is slightly raised!

"bring it on!"

The Chakra flowing inside the body is running crazy, and the war spirit of the Nagato has soared to the extreme. The momentum around the body is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that the eyes of the eight martial gods are blooming:

"Using your full strength, let's have a fight, Uchiha spot!"

"Haha, let's dance!"

Seeing the posture of Nagato, Suzuno almost laughed at Uchiha in his head and said, almost at the same time, all eight Chakra giants of at least 100 meters moved.

The Chakra giant closest to Nagato immediately withdrew the Excalibur from his wings and cut it out.

Two fierce sword qi burst into the air, as if to cut everything off.


With a slight hum, the long door did not choose a frontal collision, and the toe tapped the ground, and the whole person easily avoided the attacking sword gas with the help of gravity.

At the next moment, the figure of the boy rushed towards Suzono like a bullet.

In an instant, the remaining seven Chakra giants drew their swords simultaneously.

Fourteen sword qi interweave into a net and hang down.

"Strong attack."

"But it's useless if you can't hit anyone!"

Facing the intertwined sword qi net, the face of the long gate during the gallop did not change at all, and the speed rose again, and the lightning suddenly passed through the gap between the sword qi net.

Almost at the next moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared behind a suzunuo on the edge.

"Vajra blocked!"

Along with a light whisper, Nagato exhibited the unique abilities of the vortex family.

In an instant, six Chakra chains engraved with endless runes burst out from behind the red-haired boy and spurted towards the body of Suzuno who was in front of him.

The speed of the whole process is fast, just in the blink of an eye, the giant who must be energized is chained.

Uchiha's brow furrowed in his body, and instinctively manipulated him to break free of the chain. As soon as he moved, he felt the power of the invisible seal attached to himself through the Chakra giant.

Not to mention breaking away from Chakra's chain, he lost all his ability to move.

"How can it be!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Uchiha spot felt a little unbelievable.

King Kong is no stranger to blocking this kind of power spot. The woman between his old opponent and a thousand hands is very good at using this power, but according to his experience, this power may have a great effect in dealing with the tail beast.

But if it is used to deal with his Suzuno, especially the full body Suzuno, the effect should not be great.

It's just that the situation now is completely beyond Uchiha's expectations.

But waiting for the speculation, the long door moved!

Keeping Chakra's blockade, the red-haired teenager raised his right hand, and Chakra inside his body converged to the palm of his right hand along the body's meridians, and finally emitted a red laser.

"The maximum output power of Shura's attack!"

The red laser seemed to be an indestructible Excalibur, which bombarded Suzuno's back, and penetrated the defense of Chakra's giant, not to mention the spot.

The entire Chakra giant shuddered slightly, and then disintegrated instantly, turning into Chakra dissipating in the surrounding environment.

"Really, what a pity!"

Looking up at the seven surviving Xu Zunuohu, Nagato put his right hand down, "It's actually not the body, the wooden avatar is this difficult, it's hard to distinguish the body."

"Haha, I really underestimated you!"

In a blink of an eye, a Suzunenghu was lost. After the initial dismay, Uchiha burst into laughter, and at the same time, the seven Zunusuhu shook the wings behind.

The gusty wind swept the earth, and in the roar, the seven Suzunos rose slowly.

At the next moment, the seven Suzunos with their double swords drove towards the long gate and drove towards the long door. During the gallop, their huge size did not affect their speed at all, and they quickly killed the long door before.

Facing such a fierce offensive, Nagato did not choose to dodge this time.

Although as a messenger of manipulation of gravity has an amazing advantage in high-altitude movement, as long as he is willing, the red-haired boy can completely avoid the siege of the seven Suzunos.

But Nagato knew that it was only a temporary situation.

The flying Suzuno no longer has the defect of slow action before, and with the terrible combat experience of Uchiha spot, if he blindly avoids it, he will eventually be pushed into desperation.

and so--

"Super God Luo Tianzheng!"

Raising his hands, facing the attacking Suzuno, the Nagato once again exhibited Super God Luo Tianzheng.

The terror repulsion field that surpassed all previous Shen Luo Tianzheng exploded out of thin air, blasted toward the front in the form of a shock wave, and had a frontal collision with the incoming sword gas, and even the Suzuneng giant.


In the big collision that shook the world, the first two Suzunos were almost exhausted and dissipated.

The red-haired boy also flew out directly and fell to the ground several kilometers away.

At this moment, Uchiha Spot launched the offensive again, manipulating the last five Zunusuhu, directly breaking through the smoke from the big collision, and chasing towards the place where the long door fell.

At the forefront, Suzunou Huo directly cut a super-large sword gas straight into the sky.

Just after cutting off his sword spirit, Uchiha's face changed slightly.

Because the sword energy he had cut had not yet attacked the long gate, he encountered an obstacle halfway along. It was a dark sphere, a sphere that floated out of the big pit that fell from the long gate.

Bian knew that kind of spheroid, that is another ability of the reincarnation eye heaven to explode the core of the star, the gravitational ball.

Waiting for the spot to think more, Jian Qi chopped onto the spheroids.


In the sudden roar, amazing upheaval appeared.

At the moment when Jian Qi cut through the dark sphere, the power of terror spread, and the Qi Qi collapsed, not to mention, and it also made the gravitation of a thousand kilometers of space all confused.

The seven flying Suzunos could almost all fold their wings and crash to the ground.

In the big pit on the other side, the long gate looked at the falling seven Suzuno Hu, he could not help but secretly relieved, and at the same time fighting with so many Suzuno Hu, it was quite difficult for the teenager.

Nagato understood that he did go a long way on the path of spiritual practice.

But he did not turn his practice results into real combat power.

Otherwise, the battle may have ended long ago.

"After all, it's still a matter of time!"

Such emotions flashed again in the brain, and Nagato's thoughts went back and forth, and finally he made up his mind, and his hands were sealed, and the surging Chakra in the body came out:

"Psychic-Waidao Golem!" ..

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