My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 65: Horror Golem!

Alien Golem.

The **** tree was pulled away from Chakra's body, an exclusive psychic beast with reincarnation eyes.

Nagato's original intention was to summon Uchiha's psychic after defeating it. After all, this was closely related to Chakra's ancestor and Otaki Muhuiye.

Even if the Vientiane seal was developed, Nagato could not guarantee that there would be any hidden dangers in completing this psychic.

However, the situation is that in the face of Suzuno's powerful and speedy Chakra giant, Nagato needs similar strength to better defeat each other.

The Outer Tao Golem is the best choice among the powers that Nagato has.

Red-haired teenagers are not indecisive.

When even made a decision!

With the conclusion of the Longmen's psychic seal, the Chakra in his body was madly assembled under the pull of the seal, which urged the will of the red-haired boy to jump suddenly.

In an instant, the consciousness of Nagato was connected to an unimaginable ancient existence.

Through its unique sense of super straightness, Nagato can clearly sense the horrible will of the original ancient existence deep inside the body, which can be called violent and murderous.

Fortunately, the ancient existence seems to lack substantial power, so that the will is difficult to manifest.

"It seems that the Golem is temporarily safe!"

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, and the huge amount of Chakra in the long door body was madly lost, infiltrating into the ancient body through the passage in the dark.

If Chakra is not in the body of a teenager, the recovery is fast, and I am afraid that it will soon be emptied.

At the same time, a large amount of information appeared at the same time in the hearts of young people.

He, concluded a contract with that ancient being!


A huge white smoke erupted in the big pit where the long gate was located.

There was an amazing roar in the smoke, and the ground was trembling. When the smoke dispersed, a huge humanoid monster stood on the ground.

The monster's eyes were covered with a white cloth, the color and body were like dead wood, and there were ten pillar-shaped protrusions behind.

Its appearance is terrible, the power is extremely terrifying, as if an angry **** came to the world!

The red-haired boy just kneeled halfway over the monster's head and got up.

"Alien Golem!"

The moment the monster appeared, Uchiha spotted its existence.

If the Nagato psychic went out of the Golem before the real battle, Uchiha spot might be very excited, because in his eyes, the psychic Nagato's long door could not escape his palm.

It's just that he doesn't think so now, let alone, the strength shown by the long door alone is enough to control the evil spirits of the outside Tao.

Under such circumstances, the appearance of the Golem Golem gave him a less beautiful feeling.

According to the spot's own observation, Nagato can absolutely control the gothic golem and not have to consume his own vitality, which is really not a good thing for Uchiha spot.

Without waiting for the speck to think further, the alien golem that just appeared appeared to act.

The monster-like body rushed towards the spot where the spot was located at an astonishing speed, completely unaffected by the twisted and chaotic gravity around it. In the blink of an eye, the wicked golem rushed to the front of a Suzeng Hu.

In the face of the irresistible Su Zuonenghu, the outsider golem showed an extremely cruel side.

The dead wood-like hands grabbed Suzunou's body straight, and the outgoing golem opened a big mouth of the blood basin, as if a beast, straightly shattered the outgoing golem's defense.

The horrible attraction bursts out of the golem's mouth, and in a blink of an eye, the entire Suzuneng is swallowed up.

The spot of Suzuno Huri was also transformed into Chakra, swallowed by the golem.


After engulfing a Suzunju, the Outer Golem could not help but screamed in the sky, and four chains completely made of Chakra condensed out of its mouth, pointing directly at the remaining four Suzunju.

Faced with this situation, the remaining four Suzuno struggled frantically.

Uchiha Spot, who has been accompanied by the gothic golem all year round, naturally knows the horror of this golem, even if it is still just an empty shell, it has the power to shock the world.

The chains bursting out of the golem have great restraint on Chakra, especially Chakra the Tail Beast.

If bound by that chain, even the Golem Golem will be defeated.


"How can it end like this!"

Regardless of the arrogance in mind or future plans, Ban will not admit defeat in this way.

Chakra, running crazy in his body, urges Suzono!

Coupled with the original repair ability of the planet, the gravity of the chaos gradually subsided, and one of them, Xu Zuneng, finally got rid of the influence of the chaotic gravity and flew into the sky.

The other three Suzuno are trapped by the chain, and the seal inscribed on the chain imprisons any action.

At the next moment, a strong attraction was once again expelled from the mouth of the Golem.

The chain began to be recovered, and Suzuno almost entered the golem's stomach.


The continuous swallowing gave the dead wood-like golem a trace of vitality and fierceness, and the blindfolded white cloth faintly showed the terrible fierce light, making the long door above the golem frown.

The teenager understood vaguely that the more the golem swallowed Chakra, the more difficult it would be to control.

"It seems that this big guy should be handled well after the war."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato raised his head slightly, looking at Suzenguhu in mid-air, and Uchiha spot inside Suzunuhu's head, feeling a bit sad.

Nagato felt that his luck seemed to have a tendency to rise and fall.

If not, in the case of eight Suzunuri, there must be a deity of Uchiha spot, how could the seven spots of Suzunuri be continuously destroyed?

"But it doesn't matter, take the trick, spot!"

He whispered to himself, the long door was running Chakra's method of refining, engulfed the natural energy around him, constantly transforming Chakra and pouring it into the alien magic image.

In an instant, the gothic goblin shouted again, and behind it threw several huge lightning bolts into the sky!

In addition to the mighty power of the Golem, the thunderbolt it releases is almost comparable to that of nature.

The speed of it is completely the speed of light.

Less than a moment later, Suzuno who bombarded the sky!


ps: The next chapter solves this battle. ..

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