My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 75: Awakening in desperation

There is a saying that Baiwen is better than seeing.

Before seeing the Zhicun Tuanzang, Nagato used a lot of information, including the so-called original story, to construct a deep and dark image of the hero in his heart.

It was just after the meeting that the red-haired boy sighed in disappointment.

Because he saw it, Tuan Zang's eyes panicked.

In the mind of Nagato, the real Xiaoxiong should not have such a look of panic. No matter how dangerous the situation is, the Xiaoxiong should face it calmly.

From the point of view of the red-haired boy, the Zhicun Tuanzang in front of him is obviously unqualified.

Just thinking about it, Nagato realized that the current group possession is not the darkness of the wooden leaves in his memory that has experienced two ninja wars and countless dark baptisms.

He is just a loser who competes with Ape Fei Ri for three generations of Naruto.

Thinking so, relief appeared on Nagato's face.

The change in Nagato's face was naturally seen by Tuan Zang. He didn't know the psychological history of the red-haired boy, but just looking at the disappointed expression, he couldn't help feeling a burst of anger.

He Zhicun Tuan Zang is the second leader of Muye, the only leader of the root organization, the guardian of Muye!

How can I endure the contempt that the teenager in front of me inadvertently revealed!

"Do it, kill him!"

Angrily, Tuan Zang gave the order immediately.

Obtaining the order of Tuanzang, dozens of ninjas around the root organization did not hesitate and acted one after another. Seven or eight ninjas took the sword and rushed forward.

The attack of the ninjas is not a blind charge, but a strangling from different directions in a surrounded mode.

The tai knives pierced the air, flashing an amazing chill under the drizzle.

"not bad!"

Facing the siege of the ninjas, Nagato's brow slightly raised.

In recent years, red-haired teenagers have been conducting combat training in Yuren Village. Among them, white-blade battles are the most frequent. After all, Yu-nin village has insufficient heritage, and many ninjas are dominated by white-blade battles.

In addition to the chaotic environment of the rain country, Yuren's ability in white-blade battle is still very good.

However, compared with the Ninjas in front of the organization, Nagato had to admit that Yuren was still a lot worse.

In addition to admiration, the chakra inside the long door opened.

"Shenluo Tianzheng reform!"

The powerful repulsive force field spreads in all directions starting from the body of the red-haired boy, but the diffused force field is not fan-shaped, but is covered with various convex subtle shapes.

The attacking ninjas were hit by the invisible force field one after another, and they flew out without saying that the arm holding the knife was even twisted.

Seven or eight swords fell from midair, and the long door raised his hand, holding one of them.

"It feels so good!"

Waving the Taidao that he got with his hand, the long door whispered to himself, and the toes lightly touched the ground. The force of gravity instantly blessed the red-haired boy.

In an instant, the figure of the teenager appeared beside the ninja who was closest to him at a speed exceeding the common sense.

Under the blessing of gravity, Nagato's Tai Dao slammed out.


The sound of the blade cutting the flesh rang around, and then saw Nagato directly cut the waist of the ninja in front of him with a knife, and the blood suddenly spilled over the ground.

The whole scene was silent.

next moment--


After all, the ninjas of the root organization are not ordinary ninjas. In the face of the terrifying combat power of the red-haired boy, they were only slightly surprised, but they did not have the slightest fear.

Not only did he not have the slightest fear, but he took the initiative to attack.


In the face of the siege of the enemies, the corner of the long door slightly raised, and he suddenly found that this way of directly slashing the enemy with a knife seemed more interesting than Shenluo Tianzheng. Immediately, the red-haired boy no longer used a large-scale attack, but faced up with a Taiji.

In this way, a fierce fighting took place in this ancient barren city.

The ninjas of the wood leaf root organization perfectly displayed the background of the wood leaf, and various exquisite cooperations, endless ninjutsu, illusion, and even enchantment seal technology were continuously carried out.

Not only that, the ninjas of the root organization also showed a cruelty beyond humanity.

With their hands broken and their feet broken, even if they were seriously injured, they did not retreat in the slightest. If they felt necessary, they would not even hesitate to sacrifice themselves and turn into an attack to kill the enemy.

Faced with this kind of siege, even ordinary movie-level strongmen, I'm afraid it won't please.

It's just a pity that they met Nagato.

Even if he no longer uses those large-scale attack moves, gravitational blessings alone, combined with super-intuition and the experience of the red-haired boy's recent combat training, he can't be underestimated.

Speed ​​and power beyond imagination, amazing fighting instincts and growing experience.

Nagato held a sword, harvesting the enemy's life a little bit.

With the passage of time, the battle of Nagato became more and more comfortable. He even had the leisurely mood to mobilize the power of humanity and extract knowledge from the minds of the defeated ninjas.

Half an hour later, the battle was over.

At this time, the deserted city became more desolate and broken, with traces of different ninjutsu and **** stumps everywhere, and the red-haired boy with a sword was standing in the center of the **** battlefield.

Looking at the battle results around, half a ring, the red-haired boy exhaled for a long time.

"Really, enjoyable!"

With such a soft voice, Nagato quickly digested his battle gains, not only the fighting experience, but also the knowledge read from the defeated ninjas.

At the same time, his eyes looked around, slightly puzzled: "What about Tuan Zang?"

Soon, several breaths of rapid departure appeared in his perception.

"Going away? You can't escape!"



On the other side, a plain a few kilometers away from the deserted city.

Tuan Zang is running away with two men.

Yes, run away!

After seeing the unimaginable fighting ability of Nagato, and then thinking of the collapse of the city wall, Tuan Zang knew why he couldn't do anything with his current strength.

Faced with this situation, Tuan Zang who didn't want to die could only choose to run away.


"Damn it!"

Running and running, Tuan Zang couldn't help but look back at the direction of Abandoned City, or Yu Ni Village, "Damn Yu Ni Village, still Han Zang, and that **** teenager, you wait for me."

"I Zhicun Tuan here swears that I must get back today's account!"

Just after his words fell, he heard a long sound of sonic booms in the distance, and then Tuan Zang was a little scared to see a red figure from far and near.

"Sorry, you don't have a future!"

Along with such words, the red-haired boy rushed towards Tuan Zang, the Taidao in his hand lifted slightly, and the cold light reflected in the cold blade surface made Tuan Zang suddenly feel despair.

At this moment, the time seemed to extend indefinitely, and the spirit of Tuan Zang could not help but feel a little trance.

The memories of the past have emerged one by one in his mind. When he was young, the worship of the **** of ninjas, the days when he studied under the second generation of Naruto, and the cause of the ape flying sun ...

All memories circulate continuously, and finally stay on the wood leaf and root tissue.

"When am I so weak ?!"

Inadvertently, Tuan Zang's mind seemed to flash a thunder, waking him completely, "I'm Tuan Zang, the guardian of Konoha, how could it die like this !!"

The roaring will urged Chakra to run, and Tuanzhuang finished printing at a faster speed than ever before:

"Wind escape-vacuum wave!"


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