My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 76: Guild Wars and Thunder

Shimura's counterattack was completely beyond the expectations of Nagato.

In fact, after Mingwu's current Zhicun Tuanzang was only a loser competing with the three generations of Naruto, the Nagato knew that killing Zhicun Tuanzang was easier than expected.

The reason is simple. The Chakra system is a force closely related to will.

The weak-willed people can't be beaten even if they are strong, and the strong-willed people, even if they are weak for a while, are likely to create miracles. This is reflected in many of the original works.

If nothing else, just say the so-called protagonist of the original!

-Whirlpool Naruto.

In Nagato's opinion, this guy is completely weak except for the vortex bloodline and the nine tails, but in the plot, he can defeat the so-called strong one by one.

The reason for this situation is that Naruto has a firm will beyond the imagination of the world.

No matter what kind of hardships and hardships, Naruto cannot stop step by step.

This is the real reason why Whirlpool Naruto became the protagonist!

The group that appeared in front of Nagato was the opposite of Naruto, and his will was surprisingly weak.

According to the red-haired teenager's inference, Tuan Zang is obviously still in a lost state of disqualification from Naruto. The root organization was created entirely to escape this lost state of mind.

As for the group tragedy in the original story, I am afraid to get rid of the lost state and re-establish the existence after the will.

Knowing this, Nagato knew that it was not difficult to kill Tuan Zang.

And the situation is just as the red-haired teenager expected, when he rushed towards Tuozang in a posture of exceeding the speed of sound, free of gravity, Tuanzang almost had to be put to death.

Just didn't think about it, just at the moment he was about to kill Tuanzang, he issued a counterattack.

A straight wind blade burst out from the mouth of Tuanzang.


The long gate, which was already difficult to evade, made a decisive decision, covering the whole body with a repulsive stand, and then waved the Tai Dao straight towards the incoming wind blade.

In the violent collision sound, the wind blade dissipated, and the red-haired boy was strongly impacted and stepped back slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhicun Tuanzo's hands were sealed again:

"Wind escape-vacuum waves!"

A plurality of wind blades burst out from the mouth of Tuanzang, instantly spanning the distance between the two, and beheaded down to the key positions on the long door.


Facing the pursuit of Tuan Zang, the corner of Nagato's mouth slightly lifted, and he found that Tuan Zang at this time seemed to have changed a person, swept away the dust between the hearts, and rejuvenated.

Immediately, there was a trace of interest in Nagato's heart, and his empty left hand lifted up:

"Shenluo Tianzheng reform, impact mode!"

The power of Heavenly Dao from the eyes of reincarnation spread again, and the repulsive force field was twisted into a straight forward impact under the will of the red-haired boy, and came out.

In the face of the twisted impact of the repulsive force field, the wind blades did not break apart in the slightest accident.

Not only that, but the impact field also went straight to the location of Tuan Zang.

Fortunately, after awakening, Tuanzang finally recovered his extraordinary combat experience as a shadow-level strongman. He noticed for the first time that his right foot exerted a little force, and the whole person jumped up.

"It's now, Shura's attack!"

Seeing Tuan Zang leaping up, a movement in the heart of Nagato, Chakra emerged from his body, turned into a long arm, and then turned into a barrel shape, and it was fired when the laser condensed.

Tuan Zang, who is in mid-air and has nowhere to work, is obviously very difficult to escape this blow.

Seeing that Tuanzang is about to fall into a crisis——

"Heart to Heart!"

After the war between Nagato and Tuanzang, one of the members of Tuanzang who was in the state of soy sauce raised his hands, and in an instant, Nagato felt a spirit hit his body.


Frowning his brow, Nagato's originally frozen Shura's attack could not help but stagnate slightly.

Chakra, which works in his body, inspired the power of humanity.

All of a sudden, Nagato absorbed all the incoming spiritual power with the power of the human Tao and said nothing. He also hooked out the soul of the other party and devoured it.

"Kiye, the secret technique of the mountain family, kind of interesting!"

Digesting the acquired memory, Nagato's super-intuition reacted, turning his head slightly, and as soon as he saw a large number of insects released from another subordinate of Tuanzang rushing towards himself.

"Send bad insects, the oil girls."

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and the originally condensed Shura attack appeared again, except that the laser did not blast toward Tuan Zang, but swept toward the attacking swarm and the ninja who released the swarm.

Under the horrible laser, the swarms fell one after another, and the Ninja of the oil girl group also instantly split into two halves.

The whole process was completed in less than a moment, and it was a mess.

After dispersing the condensed arm, Nagato's eyes turned again to Zhicun Tuanzang, and at this time Tuanzang also recovered from the shock of the death of his two men.

"What the **** are you!"

Looking at the red-haired boy in front of him, Zhicun Tuanzang's voice was a bit harsh.

The other party was so young and powerful that he inevitably thought of his idol when he was young, the **** of ninja who used wood to escape the ninja world.

Is it possible that a new generation of Ninja God has appeared, but he does not belong to Konoha!

Thinking of this possibility, Tuan Zang felt very heavy in his heart.

And what comes with heavy is the killing!

At this time, Zhicun Tuanzang couldn't help but think about whether he could kill the unspeakable strong man in front of him at the expense of his own life.

"My name is Nagato!"

Nagato naturally felt the killing and determination of Tuan Zang, but he did n’t pay much attention to it, "If nothing happens, I will be the rain shadow of the future!"

"Then let me see how much joy you can give me, Tuan Zang!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato turned into a red afterimage and rushed towards Tuanzang. In the face of such a situation, Tuanzang, who already knew the speed of Nagato, immediately sealed the seal:

"Wind escape-vacuum waves!"

Plural wind blades appeared in the air, strangling towards the long gate.

Tuanzang himself began to move at the same time ... He knew that the vacuum even wave could not kill the Nagato. The reason why he used this trick was to hinder the opponent's actions.


"You still underestimated my speed, Tuan Zang!"

In a soft whisper, the gravity of the long door maximized the output blessing, and the whole person once again broke through the sonic boom, directly avoiding the plural wind blades, and appeared in front of the group.

"not good!"

Tuan Zang's face changed wildly, but he couldn't react at all. He could only watch the blade approach.

At this moment, a flash of light appeared, blocking the blade of the long door!



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