My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 77: Restlessness and white teeth

Konoha, Naruto Office.

Three generations of Naruto Arihitsu stood in front of a world map hanging on the wall, and after listening to the war situation reported by the dark department, his eyes had been fixed on the map.

From time to time, Ape Feiri will wrinkle slightly, seeming annoyed.

At this time, it was less than a month before the war between Muye and Yunyin, and the number of real battles between the two sides was very few, but the situation of the war was not as good as he thought.

The main reason is that the three generations of Lei Ying'ai in Yunyin Village seem to be a little too strong.

Even Dahe Wan and Bo Fengshuimen could hardly suppress him.

"The future Yunyin must pay more attention to it!"

"Do you want to play some secret hands."

Such thoughts flashed in his mind. Ape Feizhi thought of his old man for the first time. If he wanted to steal from the enemy of Muye, he and his root organization were the most suitable.

It's just that the old man seems to have focused his eyes on Yuren Village and the demigod recently.

For the actions of his old buddies, Ape Fei Rijian is happy.

After all, as far as the strategic position is concerned, Yuren Village is indeed too suitable to be a vassal of Konoha, and the power of Shanjiaoyu Hanzo is indeed not to be underestimated.

Of course, Ape Fei Sun will not admit that in his heart, he is still a little unhappy with Yuren Village and Hanzo.

You know that his son and his apprentices have failed in the rain country!

Thinking like this, Ape Feizhi suddenly felt a subtle unease, just thinking about it, but he didn't find anything wrong, as if that unease was just an illusion.

"Really, is it an illusion?"

The thought flashed in his mind, and the incomprehensible Ape Feizhi could only divert his energy to other directions. Immediately, he turned slightly to look at the dark ninja behind him:

"Shuo Mao, his task should be completed!"

"Yes, Lord Naruto!"

The Ninjabu Ninja replied respectfully, "According to the latest information, the leader has successfully contacted the name of the country of wind and reached an agreement, which is already on the way back."

"That's very good!"

Hearing the reply of the Ninjabu Ninja, Ape Feiichi was very satisfied.

In this world of ninjas, the existence of daimyo is not false. Ninjas are not productive. Ninjacun can function normally only by relying on daimuno, but the power of ninjacun also restricts daimun.

The relationship between Daming and Ninja Village is complicated, but the relationship between most of the village and Daming is quite harmonious.

But most are not all, and there are always some exceptions, as is the case with Shayin Village.

Although many high-ranking officials know that, no matter how hard the leaves are coming now, and the clouds are not keeping pace, the real big war will not start at this time.

The trauma of the Second Ninja War has not been healed, and the villages of Ninja still need time to cultivate.

Seniors are basically sensible, and will not allow the scale of the conflict to expand.

It's just that Ape Fei Sun Sect is still a little worried about Shayin Village ... This Ninja Village located in the desert area is too scarce in terms of materials, and it is also the most malicious to Konoha.

In case the senior officials of the Shayin Village are interested, it may be possible to send Ninja troops to intervene.

Under such circumstances, if you can use the great meaning of the name of the country of the wind to curb the actions of the Shayin Village, the ape flying the sun will naturally be successful.

Thinking of this, Ape Feiri's smile was even worse, and then he inadvertently said:

"Where's Shuo Mao almost now?"

"Go back to the Lord, the leader is almost in the territory of the rain country."

"Country of Rain ?!"

Hearing the words, Ape Feizhi felt a sense of inexplicable panic.



At the same time, a quiet plain in the rain country.

The sound of metal collision suddenly echoed.

Nagato's lore was blocked by a short sword with a thunder light. After a moment of surprise, the red-haired boy retreated a dozen meters with the impact of the collision.

Looking up slightly forward, the long door saw an icy ninja holding a short sword.

The other party seems to be about thirty years old, and is in the ninja's most victorious years, pale long hair with a standard wooden leaves on the Ninja costume, looks extremely solemn.

"... Qimu, Shuo Mao ?!"

Thinking a little, Nagato recognized the man's name in front of him.


Hearing the words of Nagato, the white-haired man, or Qi Mushuo Mao's cold reply, then he looked slightly at the still-unidentified group behind him, and nodded slightly.


The appearance of Qimu Shuomao is indeed somewhat unexpected.

At this time, Nagato realized that Muye actually had this character, and he almost forgot.

For a moment of surprise, the corner of the teenager's mouth slightly raised.

Qi Mu Shuo Mao was able to save Tuanzang in the horrific lore he performed at an amazing speed. The speed and determination displayed by the other party surprised the Nagato.


"Qimu Shuo Mao Rescue Group?"

Looking at the two people in front of them with eye contact, Nagato was inexplicably feeling a sense of joy.

In the memory of Nagato, Qimu Shuomao is the future protagonist teacher, Qimu Kakashi's father, known as "Muye Baiya". He is so powerful that even Sanren has to be respected.

It is just to set such a powerful man as the background board in the so-called original story.

At the beginning of the original story, he was already dead.

It is said that during the execution of a certain mission, Qimu Shuo Mao, who is the captain who infiltrated the enemy position, was forced to make a difficult decision: to perform the mission or save his companion.

According to regulations, it is strictly forbidden to give up the task, but he gives up the task in order to save the life of his companion.

The companions in the village blamed him for the loss of the village. Even the companions rescued by him began to accuse him. Qi Mu Shuo Mao was physically and mentally injured and eventually committed suicide.

According to the research of the original story by Nagato combined with the actual situation, Qi Mushuo's self-death is very abnormal.

After all, no matter how much the village loses, there will be no big losses caused by the death of Qimu Shuomao.

Under such circumstances, Qi Mu Shuo Mao fell to the end of the crowd, apparently someone was pushing, and according to the situation of Mu Ye, the people who promoted are very likely to be Tuan Zang.

In other words, the two people in front of them are undoubtedly enemies in the original established future.

Thinking of this, the red-haired boy's gaze suddenly looked subtle.

With the delicate eyes of Nagato, Qimu Shuomao naturally saw it. Even if he felt inexplicable, he didn't struggle with it, but raised his short knife slightly.

Accompanied by a little sound, the sparkling electric light was derived from his knife.

The terrible killing was even more pervasive, making people tremble.

"The killing intent is so strong!"


Feeling Qimu Shuomao's murderous opportunity, Nagato lifted his sword too in his whispered soft voice. The Chakra inside his body was fully operational, and gravitation blessed his body.

At the next moment, the stagnant battlefield was operating again, and the intertwined lightning flashed across the world. ..


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