My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 91: The arrival of Haeyu Village

In the depths of the pure land of bliss outside the planet, it seems that the death of the silent incarnation suddenly opened his eyes, and no longer became a silent death, with a terrified look on his face, he exclaimed in anxiety, "No, that is the power of the mother is disappearing ! "

"No, no, this is, this is the power of God at the same level as the mother. Why is it so strange that there are other **** power owners on this planet?" There was also a cry of exclamation in the darkness beside .

"It ’s the God Tree. I just heard the fluctuation of the mother ’s power. I thought it was a trace of the **** ’s power that the mother was sleeping in the seal unintentionally. Now it seems that the situation is very bad. It is the mother ’s mark on the God Tree that was removed by people. Who is it? Want to use the tree to take away the power of the gods? "The expression that is irrelevant to the world is no longer on the face of the silent old man. If the tail beast is here, he will be surprised. Yes, The old man is their father's big tube wood plume, the originator of the ninja known by the descendants as the Six Daoist.

The old man in the dark also appeared in shape, not in the darkness, he had a face similar to the six-drum fairy big tube wood feather clothing, yes, he was the big tube wood feather village's younger brother.

"Come on, no matter who he is, with this power, it should not exist on this planet." Datongmu Yuyi said.

"Yes, Master Mother was to destroy the planet to create an absolutely peaceful world. Thanks to our timely stop, seal Mother Mother, otherwise the whole world will now be under the rule of Mother Mother, Mother Mother is the only **** on this planet. "" Datong Muyu Village sighed.

"It's not too late, and there is another level of power at the same level. We don't know who he is, what is the purpose, if it is unintentional to absorb the idol, if ..." After all, the two turned into streamers, Disappeared in place.


The place where the golem once lived is no longer what it used to be. The space collapsed, the golem disappeared and disappeared. The long door body floated in the air, looking at the desolation, moving in my heart, and seemed to feel far away.

"It seems that there will be a little trouble, but with the power of the present ... Forget it, although the current power has been raised to dominate the planet, but after the energy has just been improved, it still needs more practice. What about the ability? "Nagato waved indifferently, turning this space into nothingness.

As a result, the long door sat cross-legged and waited for the arrival of trouble, while feeling the power of God in his body.

"Is this the power of God? It seems that the former Chakra is only low-end energy. Even if Chakra is cultivated to the top, it is only a demigod power. The power of God still needs the fusion of Chakra energy and soul energy. It ’s okay. But I still have to be familiar with this kind of power. After all, it ’s the power of God. It ’s such a huge energy. It takes a while to fully control it. Even if I used to control it at Chakra stage, it ’s easy. , It should take a while to think about it. "

Immediately, the long door sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and slowly felt the flow of strange energy in the body.

"In other words, I haven't felt the power of this power for so long."

It is an indescribable purity. The energy called the power of God circulates in the body, is born from the heart, flows through 108 vital acupoints, and then spreads from 108 acupoints to a total of 720 acupuncture points. Eventually, they converged into the heart again and again.

Nagato concentrated all the power of the spirit, observed the flow of the power of the god, and found that the power of the **** was so mysterious. In the world of the previous life, there was the discipline of astronomy, and Nagato happened to know something about it. He was surprised to find that the trajectory of the power of God was surprisingly the same as that of the planets of the solar system. similar.

"It turns out that this is the most original power, the power of God? It actually contains the trajectory of celestial bodies."

"It is indeed a high-level power, even the running track can be so high"

Even if the two worlds were humans, Nagato could not help admiring the magic of this power.

Nagato continued to exercise the power of God and continued to make detailed observations. He also found that this power contains not only the laws of celestial bodies, but also the traces of the laws of elements.

This also explains why elemental ninjutsu can be easily released for Nagato. Unlike ordinary ninjas, only one elemental ninjutsu can be released. Even high-level ninjas can only release not many types of ninjutsu. Some blood succession limits can only be fused up to three.

And as a family of vortex, it is known for the huge amount of Chakra. At the same time, the power of the long door is above the energy of Chakra, which is more pure than it. So in theory, the long door can be hundreds of times. Unleash the big ninjutsu.

Suddenly, Nagato remembered the sentence "Divinity: the product of the intertwining of heaven and man, the opportunity of longevity, the traces of truth." This is the road of Yuki Kaneki, who used the power of faith to become a god, but did not want The power of belief in ants like ants can become a factor that affects one's will, so there is an inevitable release of infinite moon reading.

The two sons, Datongmuyuyi and Datongmuyucun understand the mother's thoughts and prevent the mother and the sentient beings from standing opposite, thus sealing Datongmuhui Yeji.

"So what will my path be?"

"The path of the power of faith to become a **** is definitely not feasible. The power of faith alone can affect one's own will, which means that one's will is not firm enough."

"Since the Divine Tree is the source of the power of this world, Ogiki Huiyeji also created Divine Power by stealing the fruits of the Divine Tree, that is, the pure Divine Power transformed from the power of heaven and earth absorbed by the Divine Tree is the real The power of God. "

"The power obtained by eating the fruit of the **** tree is equivalent to the power of the imprint of the **** tree, which is controlled by the **** tree, so it needs the power of faith to achieve the **** position."

"Then the path I want to take is to transform the **** tree into the power of the gods, and then absorb it through my own filtering, so that it will eventually become my own power." Thinking of this, Nagato's heart seemed to break open A door, there is an endless road ahead, that is the eternal road.

"Although the Golem has been refined by me, and the body of the Golem is the Divine Tree, it is still necessary to be cautious and cannot absorb the power of heaven and earth absorbed by the Golem directly into itself, and the God Tree is a treasure, But in the end, improving yourself still depends on yourself. "

Having said that, it seemed to make sense. The long door looked coldly forward and said quietly, "Since it is coming, then don't be sneaky."


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