My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 92: The will of Nagato

This is a desolate place, and the power of heaven and earth cannot be felt for more than ten years. It seems that the hand of the gods grabbed a hand here, making it desolate.

In front of the Nagato, two figures appeared, which were similar to humans but radiated divine presence, floating in the air.

Both have the same body shape as men, with male characteristics, not tall, but give a majestic feeling.

Both have white jade-like horns erected on their foreheads with similar faces. They are also dressed in white robes, with hooked jade interlaced on them, and have cold faces.

A person's brown hair rises, with the same direction as the white jade horns, and the mark on the forehead is like the third eye, red, and the three hook jade appears, undoubtedly writing chakra eyes, the eyes are purple, the circle spreads from the pupil outward, awesome It is the same reincarnation eye as Nagato. Holding a tin stick in his hand, it is made of Qiu Daoyu, and the two ends are in the shape of sun and moon.

The other shawl has silver hair, holding a tin stick, and the right end is shaped like a nail rake. It is also formed by Qiu Daoyu, and the blue muscles on the outside of the eyes burst up like a pair of white eyes.

"Are you finally here, Datong Muyu, Datong Muyu Village?" Nagato joked with an unpredictable expression of the prophet.

"What purpose do you have? Why do you take away the power of the golem?" Hearing the voice from the heart of Yumura, who heard the name of Nagato.

"Hahaha, why can't I understand? I didn't seem to do anything? Are you too surprised by the bow?" Nagato laughed.

"Hamura, don't worry, let's ask him a little bit." Datongmu Yuyi reached out and stopped Yumura.

"It seems that after so many years of being indifferent to the world, there has been a great talent in the ninja world. Such a young face really makes me ashamed." Mutong Village exclaimed.

"It's just that you are too old. Now the ninja world is not the time when you founded Nizen Sect. Your time is over. At such an old age, it is better not to walk out to avoid hurting your aging body." Nagato said proudly.

Because I already knew the strength of the two, the two sons in the original book were only slightly lower than Datong Muhui Yeji, so they had to seal Datong Muhui Yeji. Renxian Intermediate, so I will not be afraid of the two brothers Yuyu.

Hearing such reckless words from the mouth of a teenage boy, Datong Muyu Village could not help but shout: "Whose red-haired boy, we have passed Chakra energy to the world, but we have not taught it. Are all ninjas like you who are lacking in education? "

Datong Muyu Village, who has lived for several generations, looked at the teenage boy's rant, but he was not able to calm down, and was easily irritated. The reason for this was to make Datong Muyu clothing think deeply-

"Yes. Normally, Yucun won't be easily angry when he is outside. This time, the young man in front of him can't control his emotions. There must be something wrong."

Thinking of this, Datongmu Yuyi couldn't help but look squarely at the young man in front of him, seeing it as the same existence, no matter what. "Oh, young people don't move, my brother has been lonely for years, and finally came out and walked around, he didn't control his temper for a while, I hope the little ones will forgive me."

After all, the big tube wood feather clothing put his hand on Yucun's shoulder and passed a fresh energy along his arm.

The anger in Yucun's eyes disappeared and disappeared. At the same time, he recovered his clarity, and there was a horror in my heart. "What happened to me just now, how did I suddenly feel that my emotions are out of control, and I was so easily triggered by negative emotions. The people in front of you are by no means ordinary. "

Nagato just used a trace of soul power to influence the unprepared Datong Muyu Village. Although it was only a surprise, it only used a trace of soul power. The level of soul power is not low now.

Immediately, Nagato looked at the two characters standing on the top of the planet with a smile and said, "Oh, where is Liu Dao Xianren, you are the founder of Nizen Sect, that is, the originator, how can I blame your brother? ? Both of you are big figures respected by the world. How dare I offend you? "

Although the juvenile words in front of him carried a respectful speech, there was no trace of awe in the face, as if to ridicule the two originators.

Seeing this, the two Yuyi brothers couldn't help but feel more vigilant, and their bodies entered a tight state, ready to start at any time.

"This little friend, who seems lonely for a long time, also ignores how to get along with people. He forgets the appearance of people, so he pays no compensation to the little friends here."

"Xiaoyou is waiting here so calmly, I must have guessed the arrival of my two. I wonder if Xiaoyou also knows the purpose of my two?" After all, the teenager in front of him has the same power as his mother Hui Yeji If you ca n’t control it, it will cause serious damage to the planet. So the big tube wood plume asked with a hint of caution.

"The purpose is not clear, but it ’s not too far away from my guess. The reason you came here is to feel the power of God. Although it is different from the energy of your mother Hui Ye Ji, The energy levels are still similar. "

"And you joined forces to seal your mother Dahui Muhui Yeji, and you want to come because your mother's will is to stand opposite to all mankind, so that only one **** exists on this planet."

"Because she relied on the power of faith, she could not directly stand opposite to the group of human beings, so she came up with an infinite moon reading method, so that all human beings could enter the spiritual space she created, so that she could infinitely She provides the power of faith, and she is an absolute **** in this world. "

Nagato looked at Yui and Yucun calmly and said.

Yuyi and Yucun ’s faces are as calm as a windless sea without waves, but their hearts are already turbulent like a gigantic wave, because this historical secret is never documented, and no one else knows. Where did the red-haired boy know that even if he wanted to break his head, he wouldn't know, because anyone can come up with a long-term rebirth, an anti-existence that predicts the plot in advance.

"But my power is different from hers. I do n’t need the power of faith to promote myself. My power is more direct, it is to directly absorb the spiritual power of this world, so there will be no power of faith to affect me. The will of this kind of will. It is only me who affects my will. "

Nagato once again spoke amazingly.

"My will is to destroy this deformed world, and I will create a whole new world."


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