My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 110: New plan

It took less than a week for the day to pass. Nagato completely absorbed the magical power of Dahui Muhui Yeji.

At the same time, as the only **** on this ninja planet, Oki Kageki is the only **** on her ninja planet. After she was absorbed by Nagato.

She also completely reduced to an ordinary person, even if the body is not dead, it is impossible to return to the original height.

After being treated like this by Nagato, Otaki Muhui Yehki completely lost his heart for hegemony, and she also begged Nagato to let her go, she just wanted to be an ordinary person, and no longer asked these right and wrong.

Nagato itself wanted to deal with the big tube Muhui Yeji completely, but now she has lost her heart and hegemony, even if this kind of person gives him another 30,000 to 50,000 years, she may not get back The original height.

After that, Nagato cleaned up the power of Oki Muhui Yehji, instead of using this power deliberately, he took Xiaonan and Jiu Xinnai around the world of Ninja.

This period is three months.

And in the past three months, they have a very happy life with two women and one man, and they have already adapted to all kinds of bed moves. Try to experience.

For Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai, they have determined that Nagato is their man, so they are willing to give their most precious things, and they are also willing to cooperate with Nagato to do anything.

On this day, Nagato returned to Yuren Village with Xiaonan and Jiu Xinnai, after saying goodbye to the people in the village.

Nagato took Xiaonan and Jiu Xinnai to an island. There were no people on the island, and even many wild animals were few and few.

"The two of you are waiting for me here. I need to open a door to space!" Nagato said seriously.

Of course, Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai knew that Nagato had something to do, so they could only play around on the island.

The reason why Nagato said this is because the key to the world he first obtained was required to activate the door of space. Although he said that he was able to use it before defeating Datong Muhui Yeji, but that It will cost him a lot of power.

So now he absorbs the divine power of Dahui Muhui Yeji, and he intends to open a door to a space, and quickly find another world to practice and practice.

At the same time, this time Nagato has been thinking for a long time. He has left footprints and legends about him in so many worlds. In fact, this is indeed a proud achievement, but for him, this degree is far from enough.

Nagato is only a senior portrait now, if he wants to become stronger.

Then all the incomplete things on this planet are no longer suitable for him.

It's like, if only an eggshell egg white and egg yolk are left, how can it be considered a serious egg?

Although this analogy is a bit rough, it just illustrates a problem. That is, he has no unity on this planet, and everything planned. This leads to the fact that everything here is incomplete and incomplete and imperfect, so practicing here is destined to stop here and not go higher.

Too far away, after the Nagato took out the Key of the World, he used the divine power of Okiki Hikaru to open a door in the void, and he didn't know which place or world this door led to.

"Xiaonan, Jiu Xinnai, come here! I have something to tell you!" The Nagato cried, because of the blessing of the secret method, the two girls playing on the other side had also heard the Nagato's call.

"Nagato, what's the matter?" Xiao Nan looked at Xiao Ai with an eye, seeming to wonder if he wanted to say something.

Jiu Xinnai is different, she likes and loves Nagato at the same time. Her aggressive personality also led him to be more solitary in these ways of getting along.

But this does not mean that she does not love long doors, on the contrary, she will become so reserved in front of her favorite person, so few words.

Nagato looked at Xiaonan and Jiu Xinnai, and said seriously, "I didn't talk to you two before, about what I'm leaving this planet? If you want to leave here now, you will follow me right ?"

Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai nodded at the same time. At this time, Nagato was their only one.

Even if it is the Nagato, let them do many impossible tasks, they will do it, because they are determined that Nagato, they are willing to spend any time and energy to complete the love for Nagato.

Nagato sees the two women nodding so seriously and seriously, and at the same time feels warm in her heart, "Too many things in this world are incomplete, which makes us want to grow, or want to get out of the constraints of many world rules. It is too difficult. Now! "

"So if we want to go to other worlds to practice, I now have a more adventurous idea and plan. If you are willing to listen, or are willing to try, I will tell you ..."

Nagato walked all the way, and met too many people and things. So he understands that if he wants to become stronger and want to detach himself, he must abandon many things and recreate many things that belong to him.

This is a very long process and it takes time to accumulate things, not to say that only the qualifications can rely on them, any protagonist aura can accomplish.

Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai glanced at each other and nodded at the same time, clearly expressing their intentions.

Nagato saw the two of them being so serious, and he was so happy to take care of himself.

"I now want to disperse all the repairs on my body, but seal my memory. If the two of you are willing to do the same, I will also seal you the same with my method!"

"Because if I take something from this world to another world, then everything will become meaningless. If we need to change, we need to push everything we have now, otherwise we will say no. Changes, but only improvements! "

Xiao Nan nodded and said nothing. He knew that his man was telling the truth, and he also supported her choice.

At this time, Jiu Xinnai hesitated for a moment and asked, "I am willing to respect any of your decisions and ideas, but I want to ask one thing now, that is, if our memory and practice are sealed, then we Will you still be together? "

But at this time, Nagato suddenly grinned, "If we are destined to be a lifetime, then we are destined to come together, don't we?"


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