My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 111: new world

Regarding the decision of Nagato, Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai also fully respected and chose to believe.

As Nagato said, if they are all destined to be together, even if they seal their self-cultivation and memory, then they will meet each other before they will always remember each other.

After the decision of Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai, Nagato first sealed both their memories and behaviors.

Afterwards, he cultivated his body as a tactic, and sealed the memory after that and the memory before it, leaving only a little memory of their going to other worlds.

After doing all this, Nagato took Xiaonan and Jiu Xinnai to the door of time and space.

The power of time and space in the door of time and space is chaotic, colorful and impure.

It is essentially different from the power of space and time in the ninja world and the power of the world. The power of space and time in it is more chaotic and makes people unable to control it.

The power of time and space inside them also scattered the three of them. After they entered, the power of time and space inside seemed to be alive, forming a turbulent flow, which involved the three of them.


A strange world, in a beautiful and beautiful mountain forest.

An old man who appears to be sixty or seventy years old is carrying a little girl who is only seven or eight years old and is grazing sheep on the mountain.

They have a total of almost 200 sheep. These sheep are the result of their hard work and the main source of income for them throughout the year.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, come and see. It's like a person lying here!" The little girl jumped up excitedly, as if she had discovered the New World.

The old man with the sheep was also found at this time. There was indeed a white figure in the grass in front of him, as if he were indeed a person.

"Little girl, let me go first, let me see!" The old man took the little girl aside and then carefully looked at the people on the ground.

This man is very handsome, very fair, and a man, but the white clothes on his body seem to have never been seen. Even those in the town, who are very expensive, do not seem to wear such clothes.

The old man stepped forward to sniff his nose and found the man alive. Then he carried people with difficulty, drove the flock, and took the little girl back to his cabin.

The log cabin is on the back hill of the village, and it is also the place where they live the sheep. If it is not for the sheep, they will live in the village home.

I didn't know how long it took. Nagato felt his brain hurt. He forgot everything he remembered. He looked around blankly, not knowing where he was now.

"Brother, you are awake!" At this moment, the little girl came in with a bowl of water, "Are you thirsty? Drink some water!"

Nagato nodded, thanked him, and drank cleanly with a sip of water.

"What is this place? Where am I now?" Nagato asked confused.

In Nagato's blank mind, he didn't even know what he had done and what happened before, so now he is equivalent to a little white, a little white who doesn't know anything at all.

The little girl looked at the long door in doubt, "This is Qingfeng Village, it is the place managed by Qingfeng Town!"

Breeze Village? Qingfeng Town?

Nagato was confused. Perhaps this is why he chose to seal himself and seal his own thoughts and behaviors before he would become what he is now. He did this because he wanted him to do it again.

If it is with previous cultivation, or with previous memories, then the height that the long door can reach will certainly not be too high, or more directly say that it has kept all the previous ones, he will be invisible There is an inexplicable cycle in it, and I cannot get out.

If you want to come out, you must not break!

At the same time, the old man also came in. He found that the long door seemed to have some trouble remembering.

"It's okay, it's okay, if you don't remember anything, let's stay here first! Although we are poor, we can still give you a hot meal." The old man said with a smile.

Nagato nodded and did not refuse.

At this time, all he might need is a hot meal and a hot Kangtou bar!

At the same time, Xiao Nan and Jiu Xinnai have also come to this world.

It's just that they don't know each other, and the place where they fell is different, so if the three of them want to come together eventually.

As Longmen said, they will gradually find each other, so that despite their memory loss, they will eventually be together for a lifetime.

And Nagato and the old man and the little girl have been living for several days. In these days, although there is not much talk about Nagato, he will go to herd the sheep and cut the sheep with these old man and the little girl. The weeds, or to approve some, they need to firewood for cooking.

Although Nagato can't remember everything, his body is indeed the ultimate in the world, reaching the point of immortality.

That is to say, despite saying Longmen, he sealed up everything he remembered and dismantled his cultivation base. His body is still magical that ordinary people can't reach.

Even when Nagato was chopping wood, he was scratched several times by an axe, and his wounds could be recovered quickly. Even the little girl and the old man didn't find it.

Nagato secretly wrote down his magic. At the same time, although he did n’t remember anything, he found that his body seemed to be a bit different from ordinary people. He also realized that there might be a reason, so he was not entangled. .

"Brother, brother, come on, I'll cut a watermelon for you. You eat a little bit!" The little girl carried two slices of watermelon and ran over.

The old man also sat not far away eating watermelon, smiling at the two with a smile.

Nagato took a slice of watermelon, ate it, and put down the axe in his hand.

But at this moment, the sound of the horseshoe came not far away, the sound was getting closer and closer, and soon reached the front of the cabin they lived in.

A strong man, with a steel knife in his hand, jumped straight away from the horse.

The little girl was so terrified that she could only hide in the arms of the long door, and the old man's face became very ugly.

Because they knew that this group of people was no one else, it was the bandits on the nearby mountain.

"Hey, I said that you, old man, are having a good life, and have watermelon!"

The man grabbed a piece of watermelon directly and ate it. The seven or eight people who came behind him came down immediately and took all the remaining watermelon in their hands.

At this moment the little girl shouted a little, "Why are you bad guys, why should we eat watermelon from our family? That was grown by my grandfather, but not for you!"

For a moment, the thieves all looked at the Nagato and the little girl. The unwholesomeness in their eyes already shows that they are the unwholesome ones. ..


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