My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 118: Go to Blackwood City

In the ensuing days, Nagato stayed with Xiaoya for several days.

Despite the old man, he is an ordinary person, but he still feels a lot about the method of long door.

At the same time, it will be more a bit of nagging, but Xiaoya is different. He has already relied on the long gate in these days, so after learning that he is leaving, he ca n’t cry.

But there is no way for Nagato. He knows that if he wants to take that step, he wants to go further, even if he wants to know why he is like this, he needs to leave here. This is a possibility that needs to be buffered. Things.

Because of these things, it is a must-do for Nagato, because if it is said that the old man and the little girl forced Nagato to stay, it is not realistic, after all, it is too selfish.

At the same time, they also understand that if a person with such a strong name is simply staying in Qingfeng Village, it must be unrealistic.

After saying goodbye to Chen Gang, Nagato set off for Heimu City.

In fact, Qingfeng Town is located in Heimu City, which is also a relatively remote place, but it is indeed within the jurisdiction of Heimu City.

So Nagato was there to get there more smoothly. Can only go straight down the road.

At the same time, Nagato also knew that if he went this time, he might not be able to return for a lifetime, and he might have time to come back in the future, but at least, there must be a time when he could not return to this place.

At least I haven't figured out why he was here, why he appeared here, and his actual, specifically why, Nagato will not, come back here again easily

From Qingfeng Town to Heimu City, it takes about 80 miles to walk for at least one day, which is still the speed of horse riding. If you rely on manpower to move forward, you must have at least a third or two or three days.

But then again, this also allowed Nagano to realize the beauty of this world again, because the surrounding environment and the scenery he had seen along the way were very beautiful.

But when Nagato missed himself and why he didn't remember anything, there was a commotion behind him.

Is it the bandits who don't have long eyes? ,

But Nagato was wrong. The noise from behind was a long stream formed by people with horse-drawn carriages and horseback riders. When they saw Nagato riding on a horse alone, they also greeted enthusiastically.

"Hey, little brother, where are you going? Go to Blackwood City together?" The leader was a bearded uncle, who was 0 years old, with dark skin, tall and mighty, giving a very masculine feel.

However, since I met on the road, it is also a fate.

Nagato smiled and said, "Yes, do you also go to the Shady City?"

The uncle nodded and glanced at the carriage behind him, "We are sending some goods into the city, what about you? What are you doing there?"

Nagato thought about it, "Something ..."

After all, although Nagato said that he couldn't remember anything completely before, he didn't want to tell people that he had amnesia, didn't he remember?

In this way, you really don't feel very good. After all, you don't remember anything, what are you talking about? Or, more directly, do others think you are deceiving?

The uncle seemed to understand more, and he didn't ask more, but greeted, "If not, let's go together, there is a company!" Nagato did not refuse, although a person is very quiet and simple.

But when there are many people, there are a lot of words. If there are many people, they will feel a little lively, at least not so cool.

At the same time, Nagato is not stupid. He can feel that this group of people is indeed asking the delivery of goods, and depending on their situation, it seems that the lineup is quite big!

At least at a glance, there are more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages, and the number of people riding a horse behind is estimated to be not one hundred, and there are 80 people. This lineup seems to be very good.

At the same time, this is also the first time Nagato has met so many people walking together, and this kind of feeling is still somewhat unspeakable.

Along the way, the characters in the team are chatting with Nagato, where he is, or where he is going to go, what is his name, etc., in fact, to pass this boring time.

But Nagato also concealed it a little bit, and if anything is said, it is indeed a bit rash! Therefore, when they chat together, it will be a kind of embarrassing chat.

Soon, when it was dark, they had reached Blackwood City.

However, the appearance of Blackwood City surprised the Nagato. Hearing Blackwood City should also be a very large city, or someone who built a city wall, or a city in captivity?

Even why Nagato himself thought so, he was a little unclear ...

But Blackwood City is not like that. He is like Qingfeng Town, which has been enlarged more than ten times. Civilians can be seen everywhere. At the same time, various people can be seen, and various things are sold on the street.

Very lively!

At least this is the first time Nagato felt the word hilarious, and at the same time felt this scene.

After all, Qingfeng Town is so small, he hasn't been there and Qingfeng Village is so small, there are only dozens of people, and the so-called hilarity is simply not at all.

Even strictly speaking, Nagato didn't have much affection for the villagers who had been hostile to him. Perhaps the only thing he really cared about was the old man and the little girl.

Soon, the caravan lived in an inn, and Nagato was separated from the other because he didn't have enough money. In this case, he couldn't take advantage of other people's houses?

Besides, others do n’t necessarily live for him!

From the long door, they learned that this guy came from a small village. What characters can a person in a small village have? Maybe there are only some people who do business or come here to visit relatives?

Later, Nagato stayed in a cheaper hotel. He came here just to figure out himself. Why did he lose his memory? Who he really is, does not have too many other ideas.

It's just that all these things are the things that Nagato wants to figure out in his heart. As for other things, you can go back a little.

At the same time, after dark, although there is no light in this world, there are only some lights.

However, the variety of lanterns and lights on the street also makes the street look, and it is not as deserted as expected, and it is a bit more lively.

Because many small vendors and children were outside, playing and making noises, they were unhappy, and the long door looking up at this scene from the upper floor fell into contemplation.

Is your childhood as happy as they are? ..


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