My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 119: Women inviting

And just as Nagato was thinking about what he might have happened in the past, his door was knocked.

"Who? Come in!" Nagato said without looking back.

It was a woman who came in at this time. She was dressed in a white dress with a bumpy figure, and it was even more dazzling under the background of the clothes.

Nagato could not help but glance back and found that this woman seemed familiar, and such a beautiful woman suddenly asked him to do it, making him feel something was wrong.

It ’s just that something is wrong, he ca n’t say ...

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Nagato was a little confused, and had no idea what it was like for this woman to come to him.

The woman smiled and showed two small dimples on her face, very cute, "Don't the son remember me? Today we are still rushing together ..."

Nagato remembered who the woman was in front of her. Wasn't this the woman in the team who rushed with me today? No wonder so familiar, but Nagato did not care at the time, just a little memory.

It was felt in the long gate, he seemed to have seen someone more beautiful than this woman, and that feeling was described in words.

It ’s as if you ’ve eaten delicious food already. Although you do n’t remember what you ’ve eaten, when you eat food that tastes worse than it, you will feel that the tasteless taste is very strong .

So Nagato didn't remember this woman much at the time, but now he suddenly came to find himself as Nagato and he was unavoidably puzzled and didn't understand what was going on.

"Did you come to see me?" Nagato wondered.

The woman smiled and said, "It's dark and full moon, I wonder if the son is free?"

Nagato nodded subconsciously and said, "What's wrong? I don't have anything right now, I can say something straight!"

Like the current Nagato, he does not have much thought, or more simply, he is a blank piece of paper. He has not guessed people's thoughts because the thoughts do not yet exist.

Nagato would think that so much is just instinctive thinking, what does the other party mean to find him? So when the woman said this, he was very puzzled.

"Since the moonlight is just right, how about we have a place to have a few drinks?" The woman smiled and said.

Nagato nodded, "All right, all right!"

Afterwards, Nagato was taken away from the hotel by a woman. In his own words, Nagato came here to find out why he lost his memory.

So much so that he came to the Blackwood City more simply, or to experience life, and tried to make himself remember something. Although this is very important, it is more about experiencing life.

After all, I do n’t remember anything. It must be very difficult to remember ...

Soon, the two came to a small pavilion, and children were playing around the small pavilion, but a table was already set up in Xiaoting.

After Nagato sat down, the woman poured him a glass of sake. "Son, look at you, you are young and handsome. I wonder if you are married?"

Although Nagato said that he didn't understand anything, the wedding leave of the most basic matter of men and women still understood, so after she asked, he shook his head and said, "There is not, why do you say this?"

Really speaking, Nagato now, he will gradually adapt to this living environment.

It is also because he feels that he will have amnesia, so he will have to adapt to his current environment. Whether it is a person or a thing, he has to make himself more like a person in this world.

This is like an instinctive instinct to survive. If you want to survive in a certain place, you must definitely learn and evolve. In order to adapt to the environment of that place, you will go and do so much.

The woman smiled and said, "Today I think the son is so eye-catching, if I can drink two glasses, talk about life, talk about ideals, it would be nice!"

Nagato didn't speak, but the woman touched a glass while the woman poured him. Then he took a subconscious sip and looked at the dishes on the table. He also moved his index finger.

After all, these days in Qingfeng Village, although the days are more fulfilling, maybe because of environmental reasons, some big fish, big meat, and small meat have never been seen, so now there are fish and meat in this good table. , Nagato was also hungry.

So after eating some wine, he began to eat the dishes on the table. At this time, since there was someone to invite guests, he also felt that there was nothing, what to eat and what to drink, don't put it in my heart.

At the same time, the woman also ate a bit subconsciously, but she was basically watching the long door to eat all the time, and always had an unpredictable smile on her face.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors,

The woman saw that Nagato was still alive and kicking, and he was curious and asked, "Is the son, food and wine delicious?"

Nagato nodded, "OK ..."

Nagato didn't know why he said so, but he just wanted him to say that it was particularly delicious, and that was not up to that level, so he could only give one.

But the woman was not happy because of his answer, but said with some surprise, "So ... does the son need to add wine?"

This is the third bottle in a long time. Why hasn't that medicine come up yet?

There is a secret anxiety in the woman's heart. There is indeed a reason why he would come to the long gate at this time.

But she didn't think about why, this guy drank three bottles of wine, and the dishes on the table were almost eaten by him, why is it all right?

This has made her very anxious, so that the woman does not have the previous feeling of feeling and beauty.

"No, no, I'm almost full ..." Nagato said lightly, "Thank you girl for your hospitality!"

The woman nodded in a hurry and said, "Do I need to send you back?"

"That's not necessary, I know the way myself!" Nagato said with a smile.

"I'm fine now, I'll give away the son, after all, it's not particularly safe for Blackwood City at night!" The woman said stubbornly

In the end, Nagato did not refuse, although he did not remember anything.

However, he always felt that it was not that simple for this woman to come to him for dinner. It was just that he had eaten the dish and drank the wine. He didn't say anything, and now the Nagato is a bit embarrassed.

Now that people want to send themselves back, Nagato certainly wants to see it, but this woman is certainly not as simple as imagined, and it is as simple as asking him to drink and eat.

As for what purpose she came from, Nagato couldn't understand, so he didn't bother with it, just let it go. ..


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