My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 120: The guards killed

From beginning to end, Nagato did not know why the woman in white invited him to dinner.

Although he can feel that the other party is not so simple, it seems that there is something wrong, or what pits are dug waiting for her to jump ...

But Nagato didn't care. He knew that he might want to get back to himself, and it would take a lot of time and energy, but if he couldn't even manage a woman, then he would be recovered. What about yourself?

The woman in white left after leaving the long gate, and left alone. Even the long gate was inexplicable. She didn't know what the other party thought.

It feels like you are walking on the street, and suddenly someone said to ask you to invite you to dinner, and then really invited, and it is completely free.

So I really want to talk about it. Everyone has to be a little bit changed.

However, since the wine is full, Nagato also intends to wash and sleep.

Now that he has come to Blackwood City, he must follow the rules of life here and start to find himself step by step. This stage must take a long time. At least, he is preparing to start, isn't he?

In the middle of the night, the streets are quiet, let alone humans, not even a few cats.

At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded on the deserted street. The rapid and quick footsteps were indeed too harsh in such a quiet environment.

"It's here, surround here!" Suddenly heard a shout, and saw about a dozen or so people wearing armor and armed with swords rushed in, a hotel on the corner of the street.

The shopkeeper of the small hotel was taking a nap at this time, but in the face of the soldiers who rushed in suddenly, she was already scared to the point of incontinence.

"Adult ... Adult, what's wrong ... What's going on? What happened?" The shopkeeper is a little fat and looks like a fat boy, but the people in front of him have a familiar figure. If he didn't guess wrong, he should be the city owner. The Imperial Guard.

The imperial guards of the city's main palace would suddenly appear here. What was going on was not even clear to him.

"Less nonsense!" The leading young man said disdainfully. "If you are delayed, we must be careful of your head!"

And the soldiers brought by him began to search one room after another, as if indeed looking for someone, and everyone's actions were very arrogant and rapid.

Nagato was also awakened at this time, and he seemed to have realized that these people came abruptly.

As soon as he stepped out, his hind feet were surrounded.

"It's him, it's him! The captain is this man! Someone saw him eating with the woman ..." said a thief-eyed soldier eagerly, "There is nothing wrong with him!"

The leading man, although wearing silver armor, is indeed not an ordinary person in terms of his appearance and temperament, and he looked at the long door at this moment.

"Okay, it looks young, hands and feet are not clean, and it is really shameful to learn theft with people!" The leading man said disdainfully, "grab him and bring it back!"

It ’s just that Nagato was still dumbfounded at this time, and did n’t understand why these people suddenly wanted to catch him, but then again, since the other party was staring at him, there must be a reason.

Is it the woman's problem?

"Slow down ... Can I ask what I did? Why did you come to catch me?" Nagato said bluntly, "I didn't steal, I didn't grab, and I didn't do anything illegal, why did you catch me? ? "

Nagato is not afraid of them. More directly, Nagato is not afraid of anyone.

At least he knew himself, and his body would not be hurt until he knew his identity, and he did n’t seem to know the meaning and feeling of fear.

Therefore, since these people are here, there must be a reason, so until these reasons are understood, Nagato will not do anything at will.

At least for now, there is also a certain concept in his concept that if someone else does not really hurt her, then he may not hurt others, but if someone has any behavior or idea that wants to hurt her, then long doors It must be paid back in multiples.

So after these people suddenly came out, Nagato realized that these people did seem to want to take away his meaning, but he didn't want to leave so easily, so he asked.

"What's the matter? Are you kind of asking us what's the matter?" The leading man smiled,

"Today you had entered the city with a caravan. Just half an hour ago, someone went to my side to report that the caravan's goods were stolen, and that the stolen person was someone in their caravan who was inside and outside, you Should it be one of those people? "

At this moment, Nagato finally understood.

It turned out that they would come over because the caravan was lost, which means that the woman would only invite him to dinner if he wanted to bring misfortune to him!

Even Nagato did not expect that things would suddenly become like this.

But he was not afraid and did not want to assume this responsibility, because he did not steal anything, he just ate a meal from that woman.

And he could feel that the woman had put some medicine and that medicine in the wine. It was not a poison. It was just a medicine that made people sleep.

It ’s just that Nagato was originally a realm of human immortals, and the body is already immortal, so those poisons are basically immune to him, so after drinking those wines and eating those dishes, Nagato will be nothing. Nothing happened.

"I didn't understand it. Why are you so sure? I've seen them all at all! I don't know why you said that ..." Nagato said seriously.

While on the road, Nagato did not intend to admit this kind of thing itself, nor did he do anything.

To put it simply, he was used by the woman as a scapegoat, but if he wanted him to become a scapegoat so easily, it would certainly be impossible.

If you want to know this kind of thing, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. At least, Nagato does n’t have anything that they want to take from them. Even if it is possible, he does n’t know it now.

The leading man didn't seem to want to talk too much nonsense, he said impatiently, "Don't talk nonsense, take him back to me, since everyone is here, you can't run away!"

At this time, the leading man was also a bit lazy. After all, he was not willing to come out to do things in the middle of the night. Since everyone has caught it, then the rest of the matter will not belong to him. ..


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