My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 143: Do not admit death

Nagato was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't expect Zhao Yuanwai to be so stubborn. He even threw the ball to him, which made him a bit dilemma.

When so many people looked at him, it was a little embarrassing now. After all, it suddenly became the focus of everyone. This is indeed a little embarrassing.

Nagato is also a very daring person, so he will not be a little ashamed by such sudden things.

He directly lost the hydrangea in his hand and said, "I don't want to marry a daughter, thank you!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar among the people around.

They did not expect that this young guy would dare to reject the hydrangea outside the members so directly, this is a blatant rejection.

This makes many people totally unimaginable, and even dare not want to know that Chen Yuanwai's head and face in Phoenix can enter his home, which is a blessing.

What's more, many people are already dreaming of being the son-in-law of Chen Yuanwai, and then living freely.

In front of this young guy, so simple rejection of Chen Yuwai's hydrangea is still carried out in this way, this is something that no one thought of.

While the member came over at this guy's hydrangea, he took the ball in his hand and his face became a little ugly. He did not expect that this guy would even reject him so directly.

You know, although he wanted to eagerly recruit a master of martial arts as a son-in-law, but this guy even refused him so directly, his face could not be hung.

He is a man with a head and a face in Phoenix, although it is said that there are not many real masters in Fuchu. But it's not bad, at least compared to many people, he is still a relatively good person, and, because of the family property, so now urgently want to marry his daughter.

Because if you do n’t continue to marry your daughter, then in the future, you may be taken away by others, unwilling to see things.

"This little brother, why didn't I give Chen some face?" Chen Yuanwai said with a pale face. "This hydrangea is thrown out of the water, how can it be easily recovered?"

Nagato shook his head and said, "I'm just passing by. I have no intention of going there, the idea of ​​marrying!"

What Nagato said was indeed true. He did pass by when he came to Phoenix, and wanted to retrieve his memory. Now that he encounters such a thing, he does n’t want to explain more. After all, there are some things that are still rotten. Good inside.

Now raising so many people watching him, although he is a little embarrassed, but it will not affect his original intention.

It ’s as if Nagato ’s blow is strong enough, but you ’re going to throw you a tow oil bottle, do you want it?

At this moment, Chen Yuanwai was even more embarrassed and felt hot on his face.

You know, so many people are watching, this matter is so yellow, then his daughter still married?

It was the woman who wore the mask, but suddenly, she pulled off the mask and said, "You are so bold, why do you pretend to be passing by when you are here? Do I still deserve you? "

At this time, Chen Yuanwai was even more shocked. He didn't think that his daughter's hot temper was still out of control, and now she would suddenly pull off her mask to scold this guy. But now that things have happened, even if he wants to say something, he can only wait and see. After all, although he has a big career now, some things can't be tolerated.

Nagato still shook his head and said indifferently, "This lady, this is not a question of whether you deserve it. I haven't participated in this matter at all. I just passed by here. If you really want to say that, then Please be fine! "

Nagato is good-tempered, but not bad-tempered. It's not very good to be dumped suddenly.

The woman was looking a little ugly at this time, and he did not expect that this guy would dare to back him in front of so many people, which seemed to surprise him.

But so many people are looking at them now. If things don't get you right, they will lose their faces if they lose face.

"Dad, look at this man, is this still a man's words?" The woman said with a cute face, although she was very beautiful, but at this moment, she was humiliated besides feeling humiliated.

You know, anyway, he is a man with a face and face in this Phoenix city. Now he is so insulted by this red-haired young man who came out of nowhere. How should he be a man in this city in the future?

Not to mention everyone ’s boudoirs like him, who carry something higher than others in their bones, so now, in this case, he wants to punish this guy more than he wants to punish this matter first. deal with.

But this situation is now in a dilemma. After all, this hydrangea is lost by him, and this guy doesn't care about his status in Phoenix at all, which seems to make him completely unprepared.

"Okay, okay, let me say a few words!" Chen Yuanwai said helplessly.

"This little brother, you also know that this hydrangea is a hydrangea that is not thrown out, such as the splashed water. I don't know if you can count on my daughter, but there are some things I hope you can understand!"

"No one in this Phoenix city has dared to humiliate someone like me, so if you insist on not acknowledging this family matter, I don't mind letting you know that someone like me is not to be provoked!"

Has developed to this point, although Chen Yuanwai said that his status is in, Phoenix is ​​relatively special, and has a deep network.

But now that so many people are watching, if this kind of thing is not a perfect solution, the reputation of his family will be almost lost to his face.

How should he be a man in Phoenix after that?

This is indeed a very, endless cycle of things.

So much so that Chen Yuanwai would say so, also to protect his reputation and his own face and his daughter's reputation.

After all this, if Nagato really doesn't give face, he doesn't mind letting this guy know what is the real means and cruelty.

After all, things like throwing hydrangeas are indeed a matter of looking at the sky and arranging things.

Now this guy wants to completely wipe out this matter, which means that he not only looks down on the Chen family, but also looks down on everyone present.

So much so that when Chen Yuanwai said this, everyone on the stage was glaring at Nagato. Perhaps in their eyes, this guy was really too ignorant. After all, this was Chen Yuanwai ’s daughter, she Not only does he look good, but also his family is very superior.

Why should this person be so ignorant and want to refuse this family matter? ..


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