My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 144: One-shot defeat

No one thought that this young red-haired young man who looked so young would so firmly refuse Chen Yuanwai's request to invite him to be his son-in-law.

And this kind of thing really has to be put on anyone, and no one may refuse.

After all, Chen Yuanwai is not as good as the family of this Phoenix city, but it is also considered to be the top one last time.

But this kind of thing happened in front of everyone's eyes, which made people have to believe that there are people like this in the world. This kind of feeling, people who are not subservient to money.

"So ... how do you want to solve this matter?" Nagato said lightly, in his eyes this matter was useless or weightless.

The more Chen Yuanwai looked at the indifferent appearance of Changmen, the more angry he felt.

Or else! I'm not embarrassed for you. You are here to compare with the first master in my house. If you can win him, then I will let you go. If you lose, how about being my son-in-law willingly?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked, and Chen Yuanwai Fuzhong was also a master. Although these masters say yes, they are not as close to the master as they are in several big families.

But in fact, there are really many masters in his house, not to mention the first master Chen Yuanwai said, that kind of degree is at least more than Master Wu Dao, this kind of masters are not many in the entire Phoenix.

What's more, there are now some conflicts between such son-in-law.

This has led to people also wanting to deal with this matter. Now they suddenly say that they want to take a written test, which makes everyone on the scene want to try and have the urge to watch them compare.

Then Nagato itself came to this ride to get closer to more powerful people and want to go further to find his memory, so he said, Nagato was sneering in his heart, this guy was a little distracted.

You know, it's true that he doesn't care if these people look at him like this.

However, Chen Chenwai said that he also wanted him and each other to have a good level, but if Nagato didn't agree, it would be wrong for him to say anything.

But Nagato hoped that this kind of thing would happen. He had gone through this journey, and he never stopped thinking about his thoughts.

In this world, there is already a complete cultivation system and various cultivation techniques, so that more people in this world, as well as strong people of all levels, also have a lot of strong people.

As for all kinds of strong people, the main reason why he would open a school is not because they found their own cultivation methods and methods, which only made them really go to the strong people,

As in this world, He Nagato wants to find the memory he has lost. It is indeed necessary to undergo continuous training and growth before he can have this possibility.

At the same time someone is going to challenge him now, of course he does not want to refuse this challenge.

"Okay, then, please come to the strongest person in your house, let alone bully me!" Nagato said lightly.

In fact, at this time, he does have the qualification to say this.

Although Nagato is said to be in martial arts, it is only in the initial stage of this world, but his body is comparable to the martial arts master of this world, and even stronger.

Facing their so-called masters, Nagato is not worried or worried.

After all, after all, he now has enough proud capital. After all, there are not many martial art masters in this world.

Afterwards, there was no unexpected order from outside Chen. A tall, sturdy and sturdy figure came directly to battle.

"Boy, how dare you, dare to take the hydrangea of ​​our hometown, and dare not to do anything happened, the courage is really not small!" This brave man came up with an imposing manner without giving face .

Nagato shook his head and said, "You may have made a mistake. Although I am not saying that your ladies are not good-looking, I really do not have the idea of ​​getting married."

"If you still want to hold on to this matter, I have no spare time to talk to you about it!"

The strong man listened to Xiaolong's big aunt's words, and there was a anger in his heart. The boy was so lazy. Hey, you are the first person to talk to me like this. I won't fight you today. , Your mother doesn't know, it's useless,

Nagato didn't give him face at all, and he tickled his fingers lightly.

The strong man was also irritated, and he rushed towards the long door in an instant, as if to give him a dismount.

Nagato didn't hide directly, facing his head, and punched in the past.

With a bang, the strong man flew out like a sack.

The speed was so fast that even the people didn't see what was going on, and they saw the strong man fly away.

At this moment, all the people watching around were stunned.

No one thought that this guy used only one punch to get Chen Fei's first master in the government to go out. What kind of cultivation and strength can this achieve?

Even Chen Yuanwai's pupils shrank, which made him feel a breath of danger.

You know, this Chen Biao is also one of the best in his house.

And he was also the first cultivation practice of the martial arts master, so he was blown out of the fight with a punch. What kind of thing can this cultivation practice do?

What's more, Chen Yuanwai doesn't even have the confidence to beat Chen Biao. Although he is also a character of Dianfeng, he really does not have this strength.

He is also confident that he will end the fight within ten strokes.

But within these ten moves, it is definitely not a single move. After all, this one move to solve the battle is indeed too direct.

Besides, apart from Chen, some of the so-called show-loving people present were already dumbfounded.

You should know that Member Chen is a person with a head and a face in Phoenix. Although he is not the only person in this place, the strongest or the richest, he can at least be ranked in the top five in Phoenix.

But this is such a powerful figure in Phoenix, the first master in his house was even blown out by this guy, what kind of thing can he do with cultivation and strength?

Many people even secretly thought that this guy would be so forced, is it really the legendary martial arts master who can't succeed?

Otherwise, how should all this be explained?

Many people can't understand this point, let alone Chen Yuanwai. He never imagined that the chances of changing things came so fast, which is simply unimaginable.

What's more, Chen Biao lost so fast, it was something he didn't expect at all. ..


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