My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 145: Member Chen went out

"Boy, what the **** are you doing? Why are you here?" Chen Yuanwai was just a little flustered.

After all, this guy did not play cards according to the routine, and raised his hand to defeat the first master in his house. It is completely impossible to describe things in simple words.

To say that in Phoenix, just finding a master can defeat Chen Yuanwai's first master, it must be a joke.

After all, Chen Biao, as the first master in Chen Yuanwai's home, is where his real strength lies.

Otherwise, he could not be so recognized by Chen Yuanwai, so if this is calculated, the reason why Chen Yuanwai would be shocked is because this guy is indeed, in all respects, beyond his expectations.

"I'm not important here. The important thing is why do you want to keep me?" Nagato smiled. "I actually just passed by here, and it didn't mean to marry your daughter."

In fact, Nagato was telling the truth, he just passed by to see what they meant by their solicitations and son-in-law, and he came to this world and had no memory of anything that happened before.

This also led to the reason why Nagato said this is completely in line with his current mood and thought.

However, Chen Yuanwai's face is still not very good. After all, the first master in his house was so defeated by this guy, and he still managed to do so indifferently, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Here is his site, but not everyone can hit his face casually!

"Since this younger brother is so powerful, the old man will have to compare it. I wonder if it will be late?" Chen Yuanwai said with a sullen face, as if he planned to come with Nagato.

Although it is said that Chen Biao is the first master in his office, he said so.

However, instead of saying that he is the first master, it is better to say that he is the second master. Because in addition to Chen Biao, Chen Yuanwai is the one who is more powerful than Chen Biao.

So now that Chen Biao is defeated, it means that his men are defeated by this young man. If this makes him easily go, how can he continue to live in Phoenix?

When Nagato saw that this guy was still unwilling, he nodded and said, "Since you have this plan, let's do it!"

For Nagato, the reason why he came here and stayed in Phoenix also meant that he wanted to teach the martial arts of people wherever he went.

After all, everyone ’s understanding of martial arts is different, so it ’s the same reason for him to practice and read a lot.

So in this case, Nagato also knows that it is only possible to constantly compare and compare with others, to explore higher martial arts, so that although he is only just starting now, he is not lacking in this dance. Most people.

No one is as high as his few points, and his body has reached the level of immortality.

So in terms of martial arts, Nagato started preparing to re-cultivate the cultivation system of this world, which means that he is not the same as most people. He is comprehending his own way.

The fact that Nagato is indeed so much beyond ordinary people that he needs to enter a higher way, he must continue to explore and study, and constantly to learn from others.

All of this will take a long time and mind, and my hard work will eventually achieve the height expected by Nagato. But now that I want to leave Nagato outside Chen, it is destined for the two to have a fight.

At this moment, everyone on the scene, looking at Chen Yuanwai so wanting to come forward, or want to save his face, everyone has already rubbed their hands, waiting for their discussion.

You know, Chen Yuanwai ca n’t help but be known because of his family background, but more importantly because he is a character of the late martial arts. Even if this kind of person is one of the few in the entire Phoenix city.

In this case, if it is Chen Yuanwai who hasn't shot yet, it means that his face will be beaten by this young man.

So now, if he does n’t want to save his face, he is destined to be embarrassed!

After Nagato finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yuanwai in front of him in a breeze.

After all, this guy's breath is different from that of many people around him. Judging from his strong breath, he is far more than many people around him.

Even in addition to the long goal on the scene, he completely felt that this Chen member could indeed be treated as a side owl. After all, the strong breath of his body was not comparable to ordinary people.

"Concession!" Chen Yuan's foreign words could not help but say, raising his hand is a sentence that should be attacked toward the long door, and the speed is extremely fast.

Nagato raised his hand with a punch, the two collided with each other, and then entangled for a moment, then pulled away again.

Although it is said that Chen Biao is the first master of Cheng Yuanwai's family, he had the early cultivation practice of the martial arts division.

However, there are still some things that are not enough to look at besides Chen. Besides this, besides him, besides being outstanding in all aspects, he is also a family business built from bit by bit.

So in the end, his second eye in Phoenix is ​​beyond ordinary people or even a lot of idlers.

Because Chen Yuanwai is not only his own strength, but also a person who can speak good manners, so he is so prosperous now, it is also related to his personality,

In a moment of confrontation, I knew that the means outside Chen was much higher than that of Chen Biao, who had just been punched by her. At least in his eyes, a guy said that he came to Phoenix to meet him very much, and came out to meet for so long. The first master.

Even the former Zhu Wushuang could not compare with him!

Of course, Zhu Wushuang is a master of the younger generation. Chen Yuanwai is older and his daughters are all in their 20s, so that he is now a figure of the older generation.

Moreover, this older generation of characters is still in Phoenix, and can be regarded as the kind of people with a head and a face that can be ranked.

During this moment of attack by Nagato, the two men fixed up again for a moment, and then they clashed again, violently, very fiercely.

Now everyone is watching the battle between them, knowing that this kind of battle is not what they can usually see.

Because the master moves, either injury, or it is usually difficult to see a move between real masters

So this time, the battle between Chen Yuanwai and this red-haired young man not only attracted people, but some people who would make money would have secretly gambling this duel in order to earn higher profits. ..


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