My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 154: Something is here

When Chen Qing could say these words in such a straightforward manner, the whole person could not be angry.

Because she is very clear, the main purpose of this city host dinner is because of him.

You know, although the city's main palace is in the eyes of many ordinary people, or in the eyes of many vendors, it is a very detached existence.

Not only is the city master strong, but the city master is also master.

In addition, the sister of the city owner is the queen of the dynasty, which has led to Chengdu's detached position in the entire Phoenix City. No one can match it. Even the heavy families can only look up to them.

The problem now lies with Chen Yuanwai, because Chen Yuanwai is a grassroots strongman, so although he established his family after growing up, he said it again.

He is a grass root and can be strong enough to rank in the top five of Phoenix, then it is enough to show his talent and his strength.

Try to imagine that if Chen Yuan was completely defeated as stated in the rumors, then it means that his strength can definitely be much stronger than Chen Yuanwai.

There are very few strong men like this in Phoenix, only a few people, not to mention now, more people are staring at this red-haired young man named Nagato.

The main purpose of this dinner was also because the people in the city had discussed with Chen Zhu and others, and they wanted to invite the long gate to come to discuss or break up these rumours.

After all, apart from Member Chen, there are big figures with heads and faces in the entire Phoenix City. A strong man like him can only be looked up to and respected.

What's more, such a red-haired young man appeared suddenly. He not only defeated Chen Yuanwai, but also caused the people in Phoenix to be panic-stricken.

Although this matter is not particularly large, it is not too small.

After all, as the peerless powerhouse in Phoenix, they all represent the face of Phoenix. Now, the powerhouse in Phoenix will be defeated by a young man who does n’t know where, such as from the gate. The side of the face hit Phoenix.

It's just this level that makes people uncomfortable, not to mention that the reason why people now say this thing is mainly because the long door is too young.

He is not only young, but also easy to recognize!

So when he didn't leave Phoenix, the strong men in these Phoenix also discussed wanting to invite him to attend this dinner.

It's a mule, it's a horse. Pull it out and walk, and it will be clear!

So the main reason why there will be such a dinner now is also because there are more people who want to break the lies of the long door, and break the rumors in this layer.

Nagato didn't care about this. He saw Chen Qing still wanted to say something, just responded lightly, "Don't worry about me, if you have time to worry about me, you might as well worry about yourself!"

Although Nagato said it was not clear, Chen Yuanwai was so anxious to find the reason for his son-in-law. But if you think about it carefully, you can imagine that he should have encountered something urgent, otherwise it will not be so, and find his daughter-in-law.

You know, although Chen Yuanwai can't reach the peak of his youth, it is not a weak period anymore, because the real warriors are in their decline when they are old.

At this time, no matter whether it is the spirit and the spirit, it is not as good as the young people, and it will gradually decline or lose to others.

But now Chen Yuanwai also said that he can't be in the heyday, but he can at least exert his strength in the heyday.

Therefore, he would find his son-in-law so anxiously, and it must have been something very important.

And Chen Qing's face became a little ugly after he heard the words from Nagato.

Because Nagato was right, their family did encounter a crisis, not to mention that it was not because his father wanted to find a good son-in-law.

Now that Nagato sees it this way, it means that she actually knows these things, but maybe he didn't say it.

"Now that you know this, why did you choose to pick up the hydrangea? Wouldn't it be better if you didn't?" Chen Qing said that although he was a little angry, Nagato was so bold.

But now that this guy has come, then it means that he can't live without this city's main palace.

This also caused Chen Qing to hate the arrogant behavior of Nagato, but he did n’t want to let Nagato be here because of his own family.

After all, this guy can beat his own dad, Ken has a very strong strength.

But now that he is here, then it will be regarded as a Longtan Tiger Den, but not everyone can break in.

Here is the gathering, all the young talents and strongmen in the entire Phoenix.

Because this time the incident was not big, but it was because of this incident that the other powerful men in Phoenix had already negotiated and invited the Nagato.

"If I were you, I would leave now, but you have come, and now things are a little difficult ..." Xiaohong said helplessly.

Seeing Chen Qing at the gate, he also had some concerns about his own safety.

This also made him a little more interested in this woman. Although he said that he had some capsules and hate, he could care about himself, which means that he is actually not bad.

As soon as Nagato wanted to comfort Chen Qing, he saw a group of young people coming here, and among these young people, Nagato even saw the man who invited him today during the day.

"Yo, isn't this the hot red-haired strongman who has been on fire these days?" The lead man is a man who looks like a gentleman, but he is wearing a white coat, but it has a slightly ethereal meaning. .

Nagato frowned and looked at the guy, and at the same time glanced at the grinning people behind him, "Do I know you?"

The leading man smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know! Since you dare to come, it must be because you have the confidence to come here, right?"

Nagato frowned slightly, and he didn't like this guy's tone.

Because although this guy is wearing a white coat, it seems to be a little fluttering, but in fact his tone of speech has always been the kind of dominance.

So for Nagato, he would not like this kind of person.

"Say what you say, let go if you have farts!" Nagato said very directly without giving him a face. "If there is no fart, he will quickly disappear from my face. You look very disgusting!"

Since coming, Nagato has no fear, so it's better to be stronger. ..


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