My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 155: Gun shot head bird

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

No one thought that this red-haired young man who looked harmless to humans and animals was so strong. This was unexpected by none of them.

You know, they are a group of very precious people in Phoenix, they are above many ordinary people.

So Yamen made this Chengdu dinner party and invited many people to come.

And these people, they also helped to listen to Nagato and Chen Yuanwai. The battles of the past few days also understood the rumours of the past few days, which were indeed caused by the man in front of them.

That is that they are also people who have been in high positions for a long time. They know that some things cannot be completely new. Rumors are not credible.

At this evening banquet held by the city's main palace, many people thought that Nagato would not come.

After all, she was alone and did not know where it came from. If you dare to attend this dinner, it is definitely a very bold and adventurous act!

You know, the people inside are some arrogant people, or they will not be the envy of others, so if he will come, it is destined that these people will definitely fight against him, this is Doomed and inevitable.

It ’s just that this matter itself, for many people, it will be completely afraid and afraid. After all, if a person has to face the entire Phoenix, masters and some young talents, then it is indeed too much pressure. .

Not only did Nagato come, but he directly cried this white man. It ’s not easy to know his family background, otherwise it wo n’t appear here.

Although this guy is not as good as those who are really top-notch young talents, it is still very close to the group of young people. It ’s just that he ’s suddenly taken down now, which makes him look very ugly, and he stares at the long Said the door.

"You wouldn't ... really treat chicken feathers as arrows?" The man in white said with a smile. "If you really are like that, it's really stupid!"

In his eyes, Nagato is a strong man, but looking at this guy is so young, and he can't see the other's cultivation behavior, which makes it lead to an illusion.

It is very likely that this long-door family member Chen Yuanwai's defeat was really a rumor circulated by Chen Yuanwai.

Otherwise, why can such a young man have such strong cultivation ability to defeat Chen Yuanwai?

What's more, Chen Yuanwai has been famous for a long time, and his status in Phoenix is ​​also a detached existence.

So now looking at this guy in front of him, standing here so arrogantly and arrogantly, it seems that he is still acting like a boring person.

This is indeed something that these young talents are not, and they can never accept!

Nagato glanced at this guy and ignored him at the same time, but said to Chen Qing, "If you are still here, there might be some gossip and rumors. Of course, if you want to leave, I do n’t mind. ! "

Indeed, Nagato didn't want to really have a leg with Chen Qing.

After all, he didn't have that thought in himself, and now Chen Qing actually helped him, so for him, although the two said they were completely unknowable and unfamiliar.

From the kindness of the girl, the girl is not bad, just a little arrogant.

The man in white asked Nagato to ignore him, and he immediately became angry. This guy was not only arrogant, but also completely ignoring people, which made his arrogant heart unbearable.

"Boy, I think you're so arrogant, but how dare you dare to do it?" The man in white said angrily.

Nagato thought, waiting for you to say so!

Then he glanced at these people at random, and at the same time saw the guy like a talented man who gave him an invitation today, who was hiding behind the people and snickered.

He knew in his heart that this guy gave her an invitation this year, and he still wanted to lead him in. If he didn't come, there would definitely be someone to find him. This is inevitable.

Because this kind of dinner in the city's main palace is not particularly important to him, but since these people want to see him ugly, they want to break through these rumors, and want to make him lose face in front of these secrets.

Then, Nagato felt that he wanted to do something so that he could be worthy of being so worthy of them!

Otherwise, if he was shown to these people for no reason, it would be too bad.

"Since you have said so, then I think if I don't fight you, I'm sorry for you!" Nagato said lightly. "Then I will try to control myself and not kill you!"

Upon hearing this, the man in white was even more angry. "Well, I hope you can do it. Otherwise, I don't mind letting you know that there is a group of people in this world that you can't afford!"

Nagato did not have any anger at his words, he just smiled and said, "Since that is the case, then you find a place, there are too many people here, it is not easy to do it!"

"Come with me!" The white man beckoned and walked ahead.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone around them looked at them.

At the same time, the eyes of the Nagato and the man in white are shown in many people's eyes.

Some people are still standing not far away, smiling and pointing, seeming to be saying that good drama has just begun.

But Nagato didn't care about these things. What he cared about was that since this guy came so early in the morning to die, it would be good to start with him first.

After all, the main reason for Nagato's coming this time is that he not only has to hit his face, but also to let these people know the gap between them!

Although these ideas are a bit overbearing, this overbearing is enough to support his ambitions!

And because of the main reason he traversed from another world, he still has to constantly find powerful methods and his own way.

So that is to say, as long as there is a battle, it is a very good thing for him.

The current Nagato is indistinguishable from many people in this world. While practicing martial arts, he is also integrating into this world.

What's more, as long as every battle and every person's fight is, it can allow him to absorb a lot of experience, because only in this way can he lead to a higher path.

And this guy actually died like this, wanting to be the first one, so the long door does not mind letting him know that the gap between them, this is what he thinks now!

To make people feel hopeless and frightened, we must first start with a person who does not seem to be weak, because only this step by step into their self-esteem and dignity.

Only in this way can they make them feel scared, perhaps make them feel panic!

Only in this way can the goal of Nagato come here be achieved, and only in this way can people stop talking about things and some small things. ..


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