My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 156: One-shot defeat

In itself, Nagato thought they would cover up a bit, but did not expect them to be so direct.

You know, the temper of Nagato itself is pretty good.

At least he wouldn't easily bully anyone. It was only those people who didn't have long eyes that were too arrogant to provoke him, which would make him shot.

The man in white seemed to be from head to toe, and he would be insulted without saying a word at all. This was indeed too uncomfortable for the long door.

Since all come here, there must be something waiting for him, nothing wrong!

After all, in such a place, the reason why people are afraid of the strong is because they can take the lives of others casually.

And the reason why Nagato can stand here now, confronting them so much, is also because he has his own strength.

But now this guy has provoked him so directly, so that the temper of Nagato no matter how good he is, he can't bear it.

So this man in white provoked his behavior, for Nagato, it was tantamount to a good opportunity to kill chickens and monkeys.

The man in white came to a wide place with a long gate. This place looked like a competition field. At the same time, the man in white said, "Please, this is the place!"

Nagato shook his head and showed helplessness. In fact, for him, this guy was looking for death.

No matter how talented this guy is, he can't be better than Chen Yuanwai. So this man in white is completely a man for Nagato, a brainless person far above the top.

After Nagato came to power, the man in white said to Nagato, "Since you are so bold, then let's get started. I'd like to teach you some tips to see if it is so powerful in legend!"

Nagato nodded, "Okay! Then I will try my best to control my own moves. If you are killed, I don't think everyone wants to see this happen."

At this moment, the man in white was instantly angry. Anyway, he was a figure with a face in Phoenix, but he was now insulted by Nagato, which was totally unacceptable to him.

So at this moment, the man in white immediately rushed towards the long door, for him, preemptive is more appropriate.

Long door shook his head, this guy is indeed not suitable for becoming a real strong, the real strong is not to be disturbed by outside things.

So I want to understand that although this guy may be a bit powerful, it is far from being a real genius.

Because only true geniuses, they will not be distracted by the outside world, and only such talents can be regarded as opponents.

"Get off!" Nagato raised his hand with a punch and flew the guy out to Gangan.

This punch was very powerful, flying the white man directly out of the broken sack.

In this lap, the speed was very fast, and even the people around didn't see what was happening, so they flew out.

"This ... what's going on? How could this be!"

"Who is this guy? Why is it so powerful !!"

"The original legend is true, he may really defeat Chen Yuanwai!"


For a time, all the young talents were stunned. Because they know the white man after all, this guy is named Wang Tianba, and he is a very talented person among the three big families.

Although it is not the top figure in these three families, he can also be regarded as the number one in the three major family suits.

But it was such a genius that was so easily defeated by Nagato.

And the long door looks so young, and the red hair is so eye-catching, so that people can recognize it and remember it at a glance.

But no one thought that this guy would lose so fast. After all, this guy is considered to be a famous powerhouse in Phoenix. At least here, it is more famous among young talents.

So while this guy is provoking long doors, many people actually want to see these things happen, because the guns shoot out the head birds, and the feet kick out the head people. This is something that many people understand.

Now that Wang Tianba is in his early days, people are naturally willing to see this happen, so this situation is also caused. People are shocked, but more dumb.

Because, many people did not think that this guy is really so powerful, in itself, legends and rumors are somewhat unbelievable.

What's more, there are many legends in Yaowen in the entire Phoenix City, which has led to these people being very doubtful about the true strength of Nagato.

This is what is happening now. They invited him to come over, and then try the means and the cultivation of things.

But now this has happened, which means that each of them, or those who hold the long-term star, has been beaten silently, and it is still the kind of crackling.

At this moment, Chen Qing was also a little shocked. He knew Wang Tianba and was very familiar with it. Otherwise, there would be no conflict just now.

Wang Tianba is indeed a genius in Phoenix, not to mention the genius in the family of the three great worlds.

So the reason why he can become a genius if he thinks so is because he does have an understanding beyond the ordinary people in practicing martial arts.

But it was such a genius who, even with such a blow, was defeated by the men of the long door.

At the same time that many people did not understand, Chen Qing also understood.

This man, he is really strong!

And his father's defeat under his hands is completely normal, not to mention that he only defeated Wang Tianba with only one trick.

The main reason why Chen Qing was so shocked was that his father once mentioned an incident.

It's about Wang Tianba. At the same time, her father's future generation is good, but her father may not be able to defeat Wang Tianba in one blow!

You know, although it is said that his father was a character in the later period of the great martial artist, but Wang Tianba was also a character in the early period of the great martial artist.

Although this gap is still very large, it is not always possible for Chen Yuanwai to defeat him with one blow.

So this caused people to be more shocked and at the same time dumb, even Chen Qing was among them.

But now that Nagato is here, it means that he is already, destined to have a trick with these people. This is like knowing that it is a great feast, but it is a reason that he still comes.

And Nagato saw these people staring at him so eagerly, without any movement, he shouted impatiently, "Who else? If anyone is dissatisfied, just go for a fight!"

At this moment, all the young talents did not act rashly.

Because they understand that this guy can defeat Wang Tianba in one blow, then it is enough to show his strength. ..


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