My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 182: Just what I want!

The stronger the Nagato, the more rare it is. The powerful person itself means that many people have been detached now.

Because in Phoenix, a strong man like the Long Gate is one of the few in itself, not to mention that suddenly, being able to suspend him like this, it really makes him feel lonely in this underground palace for a long time. stand up.

"Boy, you are as strong as you like!" The leading man was angered, and his whole body exploded.

But no one can really overwhelm him, despite saying that Nagato is very strong.

But his own realm was vague, not to mention that he couldn't see what kind of cultivation practice Nagato was in before he could easily abuse him.

But at this time, his momentum is unprecedentedly huge. Of course, the reason for this huge momentum may be that the Nagato is too strong, and he will only let him be like this when he hangs the hammer.

So at this moment, although he was angry, he was more of a fighting spirit. He wanted to defeat the red-haired youth who looked so young in front of him.

So if he can't go well, then this will become the devil of his life!

But he didn't want to let this matter become his heart demon, so Nagato must die.

Nagato looked at this guy's momentum and attacking tactics, and gradually changed. He also understood that this guy had begun to use 100% of his efforts, even beyond his original cultivation behavior.

So at this time, the battle of Nagato became stronger and stronger, because this time the battle had just begun.

Therefore, Nagato also abandoned the previous contempt, which is much faster than before, even the speed and attack tricks, and the above is replaced by a stronger one.

At this time, Nagato could feel the way they could fight, while changing, the battle was fierce and the city became stronger.

So if this guy is not irritated, maybe his strength can not be exerted, it should be the level it should have been, not to mention now, since he has been abused to make him stronger, this is exactly the same. Long door industry

The two are fighting more and more fiercely, and the man and the woman next to them are looking up. Although they say that the three of them are also between Bozhong and Zhong, they really have to make a difference.

It ’s just that now that they have the opportunity to look at Nagato and this man ’s means, they still hope to see this happen. Now that they have this strength and this practice, they are destined to fight well. Fan.

So at this time, if there is any difference in strength, then they are doomed to have no way to truly achieve self-improvement.

At this time, while they will watch the battle, they are also beginning to estimate the true strength of Nagato because they have no way to go, and they are qualified to say that they really defeat Nagato.

Because this guy is really too strong, plus these people now, they have reached a point where there is no way to really move on.

If a person like him really wants to be stronger, it will undoubtedly become very difficult!

So now if there is an opportunity to make them stronger, then it is really necessary to really think about it, and the progress can really surpass or become stronger.

But now the three of them have been guarding here for many years, and their strength has stayed in a certain state. If they want to go further, obviously it becomes more difficult.

What's more, now that Nagato is coming, they can't feel it anymore. The strength of this guy's cultivation is, how powerful, and even the realm is completely invisible. This is undoubtedly making them think, many possibilities.

But one thing they know very well is that this guy should not have an accident, not a grandmaster, because although the master of martial arts is said to be the top group of people in the world, but they are very few.

In addition, although they said that only the master was in the middle period, even the master was almost approaching the peak.

However, in the face of the martial arts master, this situation will not be formed, and they will not feel the other ’s cultivation behavior, and they will certainly be able to perceive it somewhat.

So now the emergence of Nagato is undoubtedly giving them more and better space for thinking, because at this time, what they can really do is only be able to observe Nagato first, and then shoot if necessary.

Coupled with now, all they can do well is to be a front part who can do well as a bystander.

Because at this time, what they can really do is not able to participate in this battle, there is a very clear agreement with them, that is, when the other party does not need it, it will definitely not, just go in the other party's battle.

In addition, now Nagato and him are fighting, and this man also has a very nice name, that is Mingjiao, Huang Laozu, he is one of the founders of the three major families in Phoenix.

The reason why he would stay here in Phoenix, the main palace of the palace and the other two is actually because the place is the lifeblood of their current Phoenix.

This lifeblood is the most important place in Phoenix. At first, they will choose to guard here.

But now if they do n’t do anything, or if they do n’t keep guarding this place, this place may even be discovered

Even the single slot, the queen ’s brother was killed, they did n’t go out, ride, because this place is more important than other people, so this is the case,

But now, when Nagato comes here, in fact, if he does n’t show up, then relative to the importance of their three guarding here, it ’s more important for Nagato to get rid of them and those of them to become more important.

If Nagato really left, maybe they would n’t, and they really hunted him down. Even if they were to be hunted down, it might be years or even further away.

The presence of Nagato here undoubtedly irritated the three of them, although they said that the three of them had to do their jobs and could not leave the underground palace at will

But now Nagato actually appeared here, which means that he is now ready to shoot at the three of them. If the three of them do not kill Nagato, maybe they will also die in the hands of Nagato.

It ’s just that the three of them do n’t allow this kind of thing to happen, not to mention the presence of Nagato here, anyway, it is a kind of provocation, or even insults them completely,

Now that Nagato is starting a war with Huang Laozu, it means that when they do not have a defeated side, they will have no way to go and really intervene in this battle.

But now that they have reached this point, they have to wait patiently, and things really become uncontrollable, depending on the situation. ..


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