My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 183: Huang Laozu defeated

Now that things have developed to this point, the two of them can only watch it quietly first, and what will the final result become before they can finally achieve what they want to accomplish.

And now, Nagato is actually getting more and more courageous. For him, he knows his purpose of coming here, not to mention that he does n’t care what the other person is. As long as he can fight him, he will do everything It can be regarded as an indifferent thing.

In addition, this Huang Zuzu seems to be very powerful, but now that Nagato has this opportunity, he not only has to defeat the other party, but also like to give the other party a thorough, and he feels the gap between the two sides.

So now that Nagato and Huang Laozu have such a chance to fight, it is a very good thing for both of them.

At least Nagato and Huang Laozu also deeply understand that this kind of battle is not easy, and this rare battle is also very difficult for them,

What's more, like Nagato, who has now fully realized his realm, at least slightly stronger than the master of martial arts. As for these masters, he has no effort to deal with,

At least Nagato can feel that the two of them are in this matter, and that the two of them have their own desires in battle, so they have certain similarities in battle. Can't wait for what you want

Now this kind of battle on the level and making both of them stand stronger and more courageous is completely inseparable.

At least, they can feel that both sides have a strong competitive heart, and this competitive heart also makes their fighting power more powerful.

This is why although Nagato was able to abuse Huang Laozu from the beginning, he still did not defeat him completely, but wanted to play with him, because both of them had very strong self-confidence.

This kind of self-confidence gives them two fighting abilities, even though they are different, it is still more and more courageous. This is a very rare thing.

"Looking at the way you fight like this, it seems that some of them are the same as those I killed." Nagato said with a smile. "If there is no accident, should you have something to do with those people?"

Nagato could feel that both sides had very same tricks, so he would say so.

At least yes, from their attacks, you can feel that while the two are fighting, he seems to have had such a fight with each other before, because the tricks are also very similar.

That's why Nagato asked, at least for him, this guy should definitely be related to some of the people he killed.

"Don't you just laugh at the words and words of those apprentices and grandchildren who you killed me?" Huang Laozu said suddenly, and his face turned green.

As soon as this remark came out, Nagato understood that no accident should be the character of the ancestors of the big family. Otherwise, their tricks and attack scores will not be the same.

Now that they can, in this battle, have the same tricks, then it certainly means that he is very similar to those who killed before the long door.

In this case, you should go with them, and the long door said lightly. Then, fucking, it was the moment when the two were fighting. Raising their hands was a punch on the guy's stomach.

His speed was too fast. Seeing that neither of them had responded, Huang Laozu was directly shot and flew out. This time it was not only a few meters, but a few tens of meters.

Fortunately, the underground palace is relatively large, but there is no impact in the battle here. On the contrary, the punch is directly called Xiao Qiao, and he did not earn a fly back easily. What kind of horror power is this powerful trick!

At least at this moment, the mentality of the man and the woman watching the play before has completely become a little surprised, even shocked!

For themselves, the three of them are together because they are the strongest and the most powerful businessman in the Phoenix city, otherwise they will not appear here, or even be directed by experts to close here. .

It is precisely because of this that they will appear here, just because they are exploring, they have encountered something that needs to be guarded for life.

But if they don't see the delicious food, then their cultivation behavior in this life, even if it is really gone, may also touch the brow of the adult.

Now that things have developed to this point, neither of them can easily let things go.

"It seems that the old fellow Huang, even if he is not dead, should be seriously injured!" The woman said lightly. "Liu Qingyun, don't you want to shoot?"

The man named Liu Qingyun chatted and shook his head and said, "This guy is really a bit tricky, just that punch, not to mention Huang Laozu, I used to be unable to bear ..."

Although the three of them are similar in strength, there are also some gaps, at least Huang Laozu is the weakest of the three of them.

However, despite this, Nagato can easily defeat him, even causing serious injuries, which fully shows that his strength is not inferior to the three of them.

So the power of the punch just now, after reading the two of them, even in their hearts, they felt that the power is really too big, but it can't be played by ordinary strong people.

So after Huang Laozu was defeated, Liu Qingyun and Feng Qiuhuang also couldn't sit still.

Although the three of them didn't wait for a while, but at this time, they had no choice but to just sit back and die.

After all, at this time, if they have no way to do everything they should do, it is likely that this matter will become more complicated.

This is very difficult, or the crisis they are facing now is more appropriate.

So now although they have their own thoughts and ideas with each other, they do n’t, do they have to do everything they should do,


I do n’t want to deal with this broken thing, but I have to do it. No one can go and destroy the things here.

At least three of them have been training immortals here for so long. Although they only absorbed a little of his aura, they are enough to advance them.

Now that Nagato has come and defeated Huang Laozu, then it means that he is now the common enemy of the three of them. Even if the two of them want to stay away, it is too late.

Because Huang Laozu was already defeated, the defeat was very thorough, which made both of them have to pay attention. The red-haired young man who seemed harmless to humans and animals in front of him. ..


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