My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 194: Strong mindset

Nagato marched westward all the way to the interior of the Yanhuang Empire. For him, he actually came to this world, or since he didn't remember everything.

Then it is necessary to follow some rules of this world, and this rule is just to see how long gates obey, how to recycle everything they know.

Because in itself, Nagato didn't understand the world, but after eating too much water, everything changed.

So this change is still very much needed for the younger sister. At least for him, what he needs now is to find more memories and at the same time, more powerful people to discuss.

Only in this way can Nagato continue to become stronger, and after becoming stronger, it is possible to retrieve his memory and everything.

Because in itself, Nagato has become strong enough during these times, and only then can it be true and live more like him.

This is also what Nagato knows about all aspects of himself, not to mention here, many laws in this world are not universal, and the more general is in some, in the face of real decisive strength, all the rules are Totally useless.

In fact, Nagato has always understood this, but at this time he is more expecting and entrusting himself to noble cultivation, rather than saying that he is entrusted to some rules of this world.

As the people who make some rules do not obey these rules themselves, why should others obey them?

So at this time, Nagato has learned a lot from it, but also learned a lot from these battles and the people and things he encountered. These truths are also very important to him.

In fact, in this regard, Nagato already knows that, in many cases, what he can do is indeed follow the path of the person he wants to become and the way he wants to accomplish.

This is certainly difficult for many people, but from the beginning, Nagato chose to cross, and another new world has come and developed to develop his own Tao. This is a kind of courage in itself, and it is very needed. Things that can be done with a state of mind.

So this also made Nagato understand, um, now that he has arrived, the central area of ​​the Yanhuang Empire, so all he has to do is to constantly look for masters and fight at the same time.

It is also necessary to really understand some of the rules of this world, to create your own rules, and to find your own unique path.

It is very difficult, because it has reached the level of the guru in itself, and there are only a handful in the entire Yanhuang Empire. So, in this case, why people at this level are called guru, because they all have Has the ability to open the school.

But now in this case, even though they may be established, they can also be themselves and have their own understanding of a certain path.

They can't really develop their own way. This is the person in the realm, most of them are practicing other people's cultivation skills, so as to reach this state, but if they want to develop, the people in this state are often not enough .

Even Nagato felt that the master of the martial arts in this world even needed a higher level to be able to get it to another level of development.

Because if you want to study the martial arts you practiced, or martial arts imitated, it is indeed very simple.

Some people and things in this world have already formed a certain scale, which is also the contribution made by many predecessors.

What's more, even if the inborn flesh is immortal, he can't say that he's really simple to develop his own arrival.

Although he is now incompatible with the people of this world and the martial arts of this world, he has not yet reached the point of truly developing his own path.

So in this case, he already knew how to study so hard.

Some of the combat experience in this world, and the future that people can know, are actually real in their own sense and are progressing.

Perhaps this progress is not visible to the naked eye, and the reason why they do this is completely considering how to do what everyone should do.

Now Nagato has come to the central area of ​​the Yanhuang Empire, and this central area is also the imperial city of the Yanhuang Empire, because in the imperial city there are no other divisions like the remaining cities.

There is only one imperial city here, because the people and things that surround the city, as well as the surrounding buildings and people are very broad.

Huang Cheng sits in the most central area of ​​the Yanhuang Empire, and in all aspects is in the central area of ​​the Yanhuang Empire. He does not know the prosperity level, or the population is very large.

And Nagato had such a story in the memory of Tai Sui, who was once there. There was once a character of the martial arts master. He flew for three days and three nights with his own imperial flight. all over.

That's the character of the martial arts master level. Even the strong man who can fly in the air and can use powerful martial arts moves takes three days to go around this royal capital.

And this legend is also within the Yanhuang Empire, many people know this legend.

This legend seems to be nothing, but what is really enough to remember is the size of this imperial capital.

Therefore, at this time, the imperial capital not only existed as ordinary people, but also had some dignitaries who were expensive, and there were also some middle-class people.

This is also something that cannot be done. After all, there are countless warriors in the three major countries of the Yanhuang Empire, which is also a very common thing in the Budo mainland

This has caused these denominations, as well as these sects or large families, to live together here.

But strictly speaking, the emperor is in charge of the emperor of the Yanhuang Empire. Although it is said that way, it really needs to be said that in fact, those who martial arts can achieve a certain level and can override the emperor.

It is just this kind of overriding, not the kind of overriding that people really know, but among these people, those who can really know all this can know.

Because in itself, the emperor as the largest existence of ordinary people is also the highest existence, in the eyes of these ordinary people, of course, there is no way to surpass.

Although many people know this, but their realm or they have not reached a certain level, they do not know, in fact, the real martial arts power is really above the emperor.

As the so-called one-man guard, Wanfu Mo opened!

In fact, it is to describe that the martial arts strongman who has reached a certain level is higher than the emperor who is the highest leader in this country. ..


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