My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 195: Imperial City

Many people are not sure about these things, but compared to these people, Xiaoming has reached a certain level, although this level may not be able to speak for himself, but at least not stronger than the master of martial arts.

Because the guru-level person has no power to fight back under him, at least Nagato feels that he may be similar to or above the martial arts guru. All are strong at the guru level.

Well, under the establishment of such a strong man, in fact, Nagato also knows that all he knows now is the memory brought to him by Tai Sui, but this memory does not really belong to him.

So many things, Tai Sui was born and happened once every thousand years, so there are actually many places for him to appear, although it is completely correct, but there are also many differences, because the times are changing and people are making progress.

So Tai Sui ’s memory is not really complete, which is correct for the current Martial Continent, because it has been 1,000 years since her last appearance. This appearance may say that only knowing that this is just his accident Memories of time.

Now that he has arrived, he is not on the mainland now. After learning some memories, Nagato has also met many people on this road, and many things have happened.

So what he can do at this time is to constantly strengthen himself through his own efforts instead of simply relying on whom, or simply looking for memory.

Because these long time doors have figured out a lot of things, since she has lost memory, she can't even find the previous memory, but he knows clearly.

Since this memory will not be recovered for a while and a half, all he can do is to become stronger while he can find it. Now, after coming to the central area of ​​the Yanhuang Empire, there are countless strong breaths in the imperial capital , Let the long door become hot.

He knew that this place was where she should stay. The people on the edge of the center and the border of the Yanhuang Empire were all Rockies, at least for him it was completely weak.

Such words and such thoughts, if let others know, will definitely laugh away, but for Nagato, this is indeed the truth.

Because the tallest person he met along the way was the female Feng Fenghuang.

The rest of the people are no better than him, so in this case, since Nagato can come to the place where this strong man gathers, he is of course very excited.

Because after he came to the Imperial City, he discovered countless powerful atmospheres. These powerful information are comparable to each other. Those, the top power politics in Phoenix are better than others, they are stronger.

There are some even the long gate, who can't detect his realm at all. Such a powerful place is precisely because this is the central area of ​​this empire, so there are so hard to think about, the strong gather together.

Nagato is also very much looking forward to coming to the imperial capital of the Yanhuang Empire, because for him, he can appear in this world, and everything becomes unaware.

Without knowing all this, there are some memories of Tai Sui, and what he has seen and heard along the way of fusion, he is looking forward to this journey and adventure.

In this world, people trust martial arts and even admire them completely. They also believe that this is martial arts and their ultimate destination.

And the imperial capital of the Budo continent also represents this place, and the place where the strongest in the world gathers, because among the three empires, the central area has a very special, magnetic field, and completely people Some limitations you can't feel. Maybe this is the legendary high spirit vein, or even some dragon veins will have it.

At least Nagato knew that there was definitely a dragon vein in the imperial capital.

Because if there is no dragon veins, the first impression that Nagato came to the imperial capital will not feel the feeling of the long-distance dragon spirit that day, because this feeling was once seen in the Phoenix spirit vein of Phoenix. Breath feels similar.

Even Nagato feels that there is a very high chance of a dragon vein appearing in this place, while the level of the spirit vein is much higher. At least Nagato feels that he is practicing in this place, one day, or even a month in other places.

This exaggeration is precisely because of this exaggeration, the imperial capital is where people long for and want to stay.

For itself, Huang will become the current scale, and after countless years of development, through the efforts of a generation of emperors, then generations of emperors and generations of emperors and generations of emperors, elaborate layout and careful planning can reach this level.

And coming to the Imperial City, in fact, as ordinary people are daring to imagine things, the road is far away, the cost will be very high.

Because as an imperial country, he is of course not only prosperous, but also very expensive.

This has caused people to want to come to this place, but there is no way to live and survive in this place.

It also reflects from the side that the imperial imperial city as a place where there is no way to let ordinary people stay, really speaking, it is still popular, and people want to stay in this place for a long time.

Not to mention life in this place, wanting to buy a house, or even get a wife or child, is a huge expense.

If many ordinary people come to this place, let alone live here, or eat and drink well, I am afraid that they can survive, it has become a problem.

Because the ultimate rule of the Budo Continent is the weak, who have no rights and obligations to enjoy some of the benefits that the strong should have, and can only be robbed of them, or slaves.

This is something that there is no way to change. It ’s hard to eat. At this time, Nagato certainly knows the difference between this kind of thing and the truth that people ca n’t change it.

So since Nagato will appear here, it is because he is strong enough, he is not here like many ordinary people, just for survival and prosperity.

He wants to become stronger, only staying stronger and stronger and more prosperous.

Because this is the way that Nagato wants to become stronger. If he is just an ordinary person, or if he does not have the present, everything may be like ordinary people, yearning for life in the imperial capital.

But since he came here, he would have to change his current situation and the people and things he had encountered.

So now that there is a chance to become stronger, Nagato certainly wants to come to this place, and at the same time, of course, he also looks forward to what kind of people and what kind of things this adventure will encounter. ..


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