My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 215: Ancient ruins

It should be known that if a person has a good opportunity or good luck, he will be more proud, even some people can see it, whether it is in many aspects or after the existence of others.

But this guy from Nagato didn't show up from the beginning to the end, and he was very proud, because no matter how people say, people will become stronger, or become unbelievable, there must be a reason.

Well, at this time, if Nagato really became too strong after eating too old, then wouldn't it be true that he would become this kind of thing now, and it's related to being too old.

Well, this guy did not show any trace of complacency from beginning to end, which seems a bit excessive, and it is hard to guess. Could it be that he is strong enough to beat Wushuang?

So this is what made Liu Jiaming the most headache and inexplicable place.

Because the personality and personality of this guy from beginning to end are not like an ordinary person, or even a villain does not look like a person.

This is totally people do not know why he is, will beat Zhu Zhishan? Was it really possible to do it through the special abilities and benefits brought to him by Tai Sui as he thought?

Everything and everything can only make him guess in his heart, but it is not necessarily able to really determine how he did it. This is what surprised Liu Jiaming.

Because of a person, there must be a certain reason. At the same time when you need to strengthen your mind and mentality, will it become strong enough? There are also certain reasons.

Because an ordinary person is getting good benefits or opportunities, he will definitely be a little proud, or it will definitely show the personality of ordinary people, and things like that will really be seen through her mind.

But the personality and character displayed by Nagato did not have any trace of it, which made people guess it.

This also caused the current long door, and Liu Jiaming began to really take it seriously.

Because he has a slight illusion now, although I seem to have eaten too much to become so long, but the actual result does not seem to be what he thought!

So if you think about it this way, the person who really needs to be noticed and cared about is indeed worthy of people from the Tian family.

"Actually ... the information I got from the informant really said that this action and their planning are very important, because the old man who wished Zhi Zhishan was very angry after they lost their Taisui last time!"

"So he also made a lot of money from the Everlasting Chamber of Commerce, and I really can't get rid of it. There is nothing in the circle about this matter, only those who really know the insider know it!" Liu Jiaming said.

Now that they have already cooperated, and even intend to use each other, then some things are still frankly open, don't see this kind of things that you know, there is no need to hide.

Nagato nodded and said, "It turns out that after my last Tai Sui was eaten by me, maybe their home is indeed doing some real planning in order to make up for this loss!"

What Nagato said is also true. After all, as one of the giants in the Korean era, what he does and what he cares about are not the same as ordinary people.

Well, after losing her is also a rare big thing, now they will gather here to operate, and anything that can change the current situation is definitely understandable. So now Liu Jiaming ’s words have successfully aroused the interest of Nagato, so since then, Nagato really intends to find some time to go and see, or break their plan.

After all, the previous Nagato was very fruitful. If you come again, you think your practical problems can be improved!

Since you are here, you must know when to do it, right? Nagato laughed and told me all the information. If you guys want to do it, I will read it when I see it.

Since the other party gave them such important information, no matter what the aspect, Nagato didn't think that the sweet pie would just let this opportunity go so easily.

You know, if they say they will let this opportunity pass, then they wo n’t try to figure it out through investigation.

Therefore, Nagato didn't think that the people of the Tian faction did not miss this opportunity.

After all, if a world of spirits can change a person's or a person's fate, then it is destined to say that such rare things in the world are also very rare!

This is like Tai Sui, who was taken by Nagato. In this world, he was born in the first millennium, and he could not even see it at ordinary times.

So in this case, since there is this opportunity, as prime minister but one of the two giants, then it will definitely, regardless of spare effort, want to take these resources.

"Also, the news we got this time is not simple. They are planning what kind of heaven and earth spirits they are getting, but they have discovered an ancient relic, and this ancient relic will open after half a month! "

"So our plan is to find a suitable opportunity after half a month and join this entry into the ancient ruins!"

At this time, Liu Jiaming didn't hide anything. After all, he came here because of this thing, because of the things in the ancient ruins. Sometimes you say that he has more, he may have more, you say less, he will certainly have a lot. .

Therefore, this is a great opportunity and a great source!

Well, Liu Jiaming said that it is a precious thing like Tai Sui, there is really no problem.

Finding such ancient ruins must also be left by the strong or some lost civilizations, then in this case, the president will have some particularly good insights or some very good things, then there must be a big opportunity.

So now that they get the news, they must also want to take a slice of the soup, and they are not sure what they will get from this ancient ruins, which is the most critical.

So if they are not sure, or if they can't grasp everything completely, then of course they are willing to go with the partner of Nagato, and really do what some partner talents can do.

Well, of course, Nagato can certainly feel it. The opening of the ancient ruins must be the result of investigations by people from the faction Zhu Zhishan, or they and the Wine Chamber of Commerce.

After all, there are certain things that can only be known at a certain level, not to mention that if you are not among other factions, maybe someone else goes to the ancient ruins to find things, you may not even know for a lifetime.

When there is a good chance and a good chance, as long as the catch is good, then both parties can really get a great benefit from it, right? ..


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