My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 216: End of negotiation

When they learned that the Zhupai people had discovered such ancient ruins, in fact, there was some little shock in Nagato's heart.

Don't put it in the end, although he hasn't been to Ancient One, but after merging too many memories, he knows very well what position the ancient ruins have in this world.

You know, the reason why ancient ruins will be called ancient ruins is that the main reason is that its existence is sought after by many people, even the existence of all desires.

This kind of existence is something left by people who were really in ancient times or even before, or even some buildings such as residences or cultivation sites, or to say a word.

And this knowledge is also a thing that Nagato knows from this design.

Although he does not know what these ancient ruins are, he is called this kind of thing, which is also inevitable, but there are really many spirits or treasures with rare accidents in this way.

Because there are records in the streets of Longmen Long and Taisui, some people have inherited the ancient gods in ancient memories.

Continent of Budo, and his experience and some protections, finally became the legend of the first emperor. Although this legend may sometimes be excessive, since he will have such a legend, it definitely means that this thing must have happened. .

What's more, in this world, this kind of legend is not a lot of one or two penguins, which also causes why many powerful people will suddenly rise.

That is because they inherited the martial arts strongmen, and even some inherited from ancient ruins, they will become very powerful.

Well, at this time, the ancient ruins will be called Bitai years old, the same treasures and comprehension, which is completely understandable.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Nagato certainly wants to find out what is in the ancient ruins, even if he wants to find out, but the ancient ruins are caused by the people who live in the house.

Then at this time, it is destined to cause. If he wants to go, he must definitely cooperate with the Tianpai people. After all, there is no way to really do something if he does not cooperate, not to mention that he does not know that. Where is the ancient ruins?

What's more, this person must know only the family members and the important figures of their Tian school.

"Then you are talking to me now, just to let us cooperate with you, and then explore what kind of treasures exist in it, is this the case?" Xiao Ming laughed.

"Then this is the case, I promised this cooperation, but the premise is that what I will do, I don't need you to arrange me or you, you need to order me or something!"

"If we are all free, we will be more happy to participate in this treasure hunt of real ancient ruins!"

At this time, Liu Jiaming of course also heard the words of Changmen. He actually explained it both inside and outside the words, and he didn't want to, because he was now arranged by Tian Dashan to live here because it was from the Tian School.

So he was very important, and instead said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about this matter, and the reason why I came here is also given by Mr. Tian. He has also been busy with some things recently."

"So I'm here, and I'm willing to inform you about this matter and hope that we will pass this thing and really make the relationship closer!"

Chang Men knew that what Liu Jiaming said was just a kind of polite words, because he would have said such things before, and he certainly had such thoughts and wishes. What they will do, it will naturally become, and explore some of the thoughts used by both parties.

This is actually something that needs to be seriously considered, so at this time, Nagato will naturally speak first, or put the ugly words first.

Because after all, it should be cooperation. If some of the things he does do violate the cooperation guidelines of both parties, then Nagato can turn his face on the spot.

Although it is said that their cooperation relationship is as thin as a piece of paper, but they really have to do something to turn their heads, and Nagato will not be surprised. Do n’t build it in this martial world. People only care about their own cultivation. Some things for yourself.

Then at this time, naturally, people will only care about their own interests.

In fact, when the two sides formed a cooperation, it was enough to explain them, and there is something they need to use each other.

So in this case, if he really gets the insight like Tai Sui, he ca n’t guarantee whether the other party will turn his face at some point, or when the Tianpai people will deal with him Not allowed.

"So now that you have said everything, when will you leave, will your people notify me? Or will you notify me?" Nagato asked.

Liu Jiaming smiled and said, "Then wait for me, then come over to inform you!"

"Okay, that's it!"


After talking, Liu Jiaming left here. After all, the main reason he came here was to want to tell him about it.

What's more, since he is the smartest person in the Tian School, he certainly needs to experiment with the Nagato. Is it true that powerful cultivation is true? As he thought, he simply became too strong after eating too much.

It is a pity that the results obtained are not as perfect as they thought, because the person, the words and the completely inconceivable mind displayed by the long door from beginning to end do not look like a villain.

So this is enough to show that what they think is indeed too sloppy, but there is also one aspect, probably because the long door is forced to pretend all this.

So now for Liu Jiaming, since his goal has been achieved, then both sides can do it. What kind of cooperation will depend on what they will experience after entering the ancient ruins, or what treasures are there.

In order to be able to see the strength gap between each other or both sides, and those thoughts between them.

So in this case, their short-term cooperation is now the best thing, after all, Nagato can defeat.

Then it suffices to say that Zhu Wushuang takes this person too seriously, so no matter what, as long as he is on the Tian School, he will not say whether he will join the Tian School.

At least he is here, which is good news for the Tian faction. After all, the two factions have been fighting for many years.

And the emergence of geniuses like Nagato is also likely to break this embarrassing situation, or really interfere with this situation! ..


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