My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 225: See you soon

While Nagato waited patiently at this time, the Zhupai people were almost here.

"Don't you people from the Tian School come out yet? When will you wait for the Chinese New Year?" At this time, Zhu Wushuang suddenly shouted at the place where Longmen and others were.

At this time, his words are nothing short of enough, indicating that they have discovered the arrival of this group of people.

In fact, Nagato is not accidental. It is reasonable to say that if the other party cannot find out, it really shows some problems.

However, since the other party shouted like this, the Nagato naturally became clear. Both of them will appear here, and they must also understand that there may be eyeliners in the factions they send out.

So the reason why they all appear here is because this ancient ruin is a very important thing for them, and a very important thing.

So both parties will appear here, and it is certainly deserved.

At this time, Tian Dashan walked out with a smile.

"Hahahahaha! Lord, you have to say that you still have two brushes. You never thought you knew we were here!" At this time Tian Dashan was very calm. Even when he talked with a smile like this, he let No one can feel the slightest change in his psychology.

However, this can also be seen from the side, Tian Dashan is not as simple and simple as the surface, in fact, it is also an unreasonable character,

At this time, Nagato followed them and went out,

But at this time, although Nagato didn't say anything, he was still so outstanding. Her red hair was very striking and at the same time, it was very easy to remember.

Nagato knew this too, so he didn't speak. Although those who said Zhupai were always there, looking at him, Nagato didn't care.

Because he knew that since Zhu Wushuang didn't take him seriously, and he took it as a big fan, it was enough to show that he had already planned

So at this time, he will not go naturally, the other party has any ideas, or any action.

But in the past, Nagato was able to defeat that guy once with a single blow, so now Nagato is several times stronger than before, and he is naturally much stronger than before.

So no matter what others say or rumors, in his view, he is a kind of paper tiger that can be broken anytime, anywhere.

In this case, it doesn't matter what he thinks about him or how others think about him. What matters is how he should take this pleasant trip.

"I said Tian Dashan, you are also an understanding person. This ancient ruin was discovered by our people. Is it appropriate for you to lead people to appear so naked here?" Zhu Wushuang said a little uncomfortably at this time, I said Meaning you should be clear,

In fact, Zhu Wushuang ’s words are also very simple, that is, we are looking for good places, it ’s not appropriate for you to do things,

The main reason is that since this kind of thing has been discovered, it means that it must be their first mover.

Then at this time, Tian Dashan smiled, shook his head and said, you are telling me this way, did you not find an ancient ruin three years ago? Did you forget that thing

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Wushuang's face became a little bit wrong, because he remembered something, and he was not reconciled to the past , indeed, ancient ruins are very rare, very rare in the entire Budo continent, because the chance of these things happening is very small, and the chance of being discovered is also very small.

, Because inside these ruins are other people ’s Dongfu cultivation sites, those murderous arrays and some naturally formed treasures

There are very few such places in the world itself, so when found in this situation, it is even smaller.

What's more, these five continents are very wide places, not everyone can find them in this, enviable, ancient ruins,

Under such circumstances, it is now very important for them to discover an ancient ruin for both of their factions, or for their Yanhuang Empire,

And indeed, an ancient ruin was discovered three years ago. It was only the ancient one and seven. Although it was said to be rare, it was a big battle.

To put it simply, there is nothing good in the ancient ruins, just a kill formation, a formation method used to kill people for killing.

The power of this formation is very strong, and at the beginning they exhausted all their strength and their hole cards before escaping from it and avoiding that robbery.

However, that large array was also discovered by the Tian faction. Both of them suffered heavy losses. They said that after that incident, they all knew that although ancient ruins are rare, although rare,

However, in the face of a real natural killing team, or a killing game set by others, they cannot find it out. This is a very real thing.

In the face of ancient ruins, they more want to test whether a person's heart and a person can truly detach from this world.

Because not everyone can enter the ancient ruins, looking for real chances and great chances, because it takes a lot of risks and some real life danger to do.

It is precisely because of this that a group of people on the top of this continent are well aware of this, so no matter what happens or wherever they are.

Whether something in the sentence is really beneficial to them, in fact no one is sure, so look for such a place.

It is indeed very important for them, because one thought to one life and one thought to death, whether it is life or death.

As long as the ancient ruins can be found, it is interesting and a chance to escape.

So in this case, people will naturally be willing to give everything for this opportunity, even if life is to explore, they will not hesitate.

"Since you are all here, you definitely want to go in, right?"

At this time, Zhu Wushuang said lightly, "That's okay! But you have to think about it before you enter. This place was discovered by us after all. If you enter it and find some valuable elixir or good things , Should n’t you share with us? "

"Yeah, you people from the Tian School do not look at it. This place was originally discovered by our residence school. Since you are all here, are you not going to go in and make something early for me?"

"Yeah yeah, that's it!"

At this time, all of the Zhupai people started, and before I went in, I wanted to make some rules.

There is a difference between pre-emption and back-tracking, and there is still a difference from back-tracking, so at this time, they must also want to compete for the high and the low. , ..


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