My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 226: Enter the ruins

If Nagato is an ordinary person, perhaps this situation will not change much.

The places that are different from others may also be a bit timid. After all, they are about to enter the ancient ruins, but they are an unknown place.

Therefore, at this time, the role of Nagato in this is a very outstanding person.

Because the eyes of these people all gathered on her, although Nagato did not like this kind of eyes, but the rumors had already gone out, and he had no way to stop them.

To the people outside Zhu Wushuang, in fact, for him, he doesn't have much affection for him, so in the face of these people, he is at ease, without any strangeness.

But this time Tian Dashan was not happy, after all, he was the leader of these people anyway, so he smiled and said, "You talk to me about this, don't you think it's superfluous?"

"It is in this ancient ruins, I think you should not know much, right?

"Then you don't know much, what good things are in this ancient ruins? Or what good things exist, I think you shouldn't know?"

"So don't talk about this kind of thing again, it's a waste of tongue, don't you think?"

At this time, Tian Dashan's words showed a lot of self-confidence, because if they were full of gunpowder when they met on both sides, it was indeed a normal phenomenon.

But today, there is no such contradiction between them.

And from their relaxed look, it can be seen that they don't seem to care whether the sweet pie will actually enter the ancient ruins.

So from here, we can see that their mastery of ancient ruins and their knowledge of information are simply not enough.

Then in this case, they will naturally say such things, and they certainly want to get some benefits from it. At the same time, they also don't want how comfortable the sweet pie people have been.

So they will accept the arrival of these people so frankly, this may be the state and attitude they should have.

So Nagato sees this, and Tian Dashan should also see this before saying so.

However, Zhu Zhishan also understood that some of his small tricks at this time were completely useless in this.

So he laughed, "Although the words are said like this, but somehow they are ancient ruins discovered by our people. If you go in so easily, there is nothing?"

"Then, how can I be worthy of my exploration of information, and how can I be worthy of my men?"

"But that's your business!" At this time, Tian Dashan said with a smile, "Of course, if you have to do it with me, then don't let us all go in!"

Tian Dashan is very clear to wish this person, because this guy is not only excellent, but also his mind is very good, and in some cases will also understand some decent grasp.

But if this guy really wants to borrow this way, the people on both sides are quite perfunctory. If they don't go in this ancient ruin, they can't go in.

After all, if you really want to go to war, these people are not just going to fight in this society.

And in order to capture some treasures for ancient ruins and progress, they all know that those things that really need to spend, energy, and really need to be desperately seized must be not so simple to obtain.

In such a stalemate, Zhu Wushuang turned his attention to the long door.

Because from the beginning he discovered that Nagato was standing on the side of Tian Dashan, which also made him have some doubts at the same time, some timid, or some bad hunch.

Because this guy is too strong, at first, he could be beaten by this guy, so he even felt that this guy still had a hand when he beat him.

So this is what he is worried about now, and he is not particularly worried about the rest.

"Well, since you are so persistent, let's go in together!"

"I'll tell you the ugliness before you. If you can all meet our people, if you dare to do anything wrong, don't blame us!"

At this time, Zhu Wushuang was very principled about his own thoughts and what he would do.

Not to mention among these people, as the leader of these people, he is also very clear about what he should do as a leader.

If he is the leader of these people, even if he can't even do some basic operations and things to do, then he may lose the information of these people.

Then at this time, he will naturally come to be a leader.

There will definitely be his own decisions and decisions. If he does not make good use of these decisions and decisions, then it is definitely not just his personal interests and the loss of everyone's interests. This is the most terrible thing.

Tian Dashan nodded and said, "As long as you don't cross the line, our people will naturally not cross the line, but then again, I know that you are humans, so don't, use this casual guise, Say something like this in front of me, okay? "

"If you want to go in, hurry in, don't talk so much, you and I are all acquaintances, why do you want to do so many messes?"

Before this kind of thing, Tian Dashan also showed his sophistication.

While they really know each other very well, they also understand each other's temper and actions.

Well, at this time, what they will do is definitely out of their understanding of the other party, and his words will not do something that the werewolf can hardly imagine.

In this case, Zhu Wushuang nodded and said with a smile, "Since this is the case, we are the one who discovered this ancient ruin, then we definitely have the right to go advanced, right?"

At this time, Tian Dashan did not say anything.

After all, in the end, they will come here, also for the purpose of finding some opportunities in the ancient ruins. For them, they are very important for their individuals.

So in this case, Zhu Wushuang and others are also the people who discovered this ancient ruin, and naturally have the right to be interested. This is also the result of their unspoken words!

However, at this time, Nagato didn't say much, because he knew that since he came to this place, he had to come to this step, he needed to think about the people he is facing now and what will happen after entering.

So since Tian Dashan has already let them go advanced, Nagato naturally has no reason and reason to say more nonsense.

At least he knew that he didn't come here to kill or defeat anyone. He came here to see what was in the ancient ruins. ..


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