My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 227: small world

Then they entered the ancient ruins together when the two groups were safe.

Under the water pool, after the water pool swims down, there will be something like a formation, which will be transported into it.

In the beginning, Nagato really felt very miraculous in seeing this. The lonely way was the first time he met. At the same time, he did not expect that such ancient ruins would exist under the water.

And this formation is very old, and they went in smoothly after they took out the spar.

So it means that the entrance of this ancient ruin is at the bottom of the water, or it was built here deliberately, or it was someone, real, leaving things inside.

So these two possibilities are very large. It is indeed too weird to see that an intersection can be at the bottom of a pond.

What's more, Xiaomi hasn't really entered the ancient ruins yet, for the first time, so he doesn't know what will exist in the bottom of the water, or what will be hidden here?

This is all a matter of serious thinking and contemplation.

When Nagato came here, he didn't have to think about it when necessary, because he had entered the ancient ruins.

When he teleported from the waterhole, everything around him refreshed him,

Because of all the surroundings, the blue sky and white clouds do not seem to be in the original world, but seem to be in another small space.

Tian Dashan standing next to him said, "Brother, do n’t be too accidental. This ancient ruin, if there is no accident, it should be a small world opened by a gate, so it ’s not the same here and outside, it ’s normal. ! "

Nagato nodded, his mind clear.

It turns out that this ancient ruin is not pure, some ruins and the like, but a small world that can be opened up with great power.

Can a person really be strong enough to open up a small world? Is that too strong?

For Nagato, people who can open up a world are beyond Nagato's cognition.

Not to mention that he is too old, but all his information does not really know everything about this martial art continent.

At least he didn't know how strong the people who could open up a world, so now Nagato suddenly felt that he was doing something like this, although he said he could keep everyone under pressure.

But in the face of this, can such a person who can open up a small world be able to withstand the enemy?

At this time, Nagato couldn't help but doubt, even sigh.

Tian Dashan seemed to see the sigh and sorrow of Nagato, so he smiled and said,

"We are going to separate now. There must be a lot of good things in the pure land inside, so if you need it, you can tell me through this teleporter, I will know immediately !:

With that said, Tian Dashan threw a spell on Xiaomin. This picture looks unremarkable, but if nothing happens, as long as something happens, it will be burned or crushed in Fuzhou, so that the other party can know.

And after saying this, Tian Dashan left directly with the two people around him, he did n’t care about the rest, really did n’t even want to control Because when he comes to this small world at this time, he knows that there must be treasures in it, because it is possible to keep this junction in this pool of water, which is indeed a difficult Imagined things.

What's more, in the face of people who can truly build a small world in this place, after all, they are a powerful person.

What's more, there is plenty of Reiki in this place, so some good things may naturally grow here.

In addition, although there are also factions among them, as long as they enter the world, they all default to finding them separately.

This is a very realistic thing, because although they all do their own thing, you have your own.

But they all know that when they meet this need to fight for opportunities, they will not go together deliberately to search for opportunities.

Because in itself, chance is a minority, and if they are together, the chance of finding resources is much smaller.

What's more, if one chance is not enough, many of them are not enough together.

In that case, some people are likely to be produced, but this is a very difficult thing to accept.

So at this time they all understand that if they want to, and really have the opportunity to find opportunities, they must think about all the dilemmas they face now and all the things they need to do well.

Seeing them separated, Nagato was not with them anymore, because he could feel the feeling that Tian Dashan and others wanted to urgently find good things,

So after talking with them for a few words, Nagato also started to withdraw, because although they said that this place felt different, but as Tian Dashan said, there should be no accidents in this place, it was a small incident.

If the place they are in is a small world, then the aura of it is already thicker than the outside world by several cups, and there will certainly be more good things grown in this environment.

Of course you can feel it at Nagato, this place is not simple.

So he just went to find them separately as they did. After all, chance and true luck are not something that can be said in a few words.

So what they need to really think about and really look for at this time is the purpose of their coming here.

If you can find something good, then it is naturally a very good thing. If you ca n’t find it, then they do n’t have to worry about other things happening.

Just come to this ancient time, everything proves that they have this luck

So come here, for them, come now, this ancient ruins is their luck, then how many levels can be won, it depends on their strength and some talents.

This really needs to test people. Why is it that starting again, after they come in, it is a way of no return for them, because many people may fall in this, because this is nothing wrong.

It is precisely because of this that many people are dying every day in Wuda Road, and some unchanging facts are being staged every day.

Then it has created the prosperity of this place, and it has also created this place. It will be different from other worlds. 1

The most important thing is that in the face of what many people are afraid of now, it may be death, but more warriors are practicing to a certain extent

They are even more afraid to stop at a realm, because they all know that if they do not advance, they may be more terrible than death! ..


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