My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 232: Go forward together

The reason why He Nagato would be these two people was entirely because of the reason Tian Dashan brought him in.

After all, although they say that it is a cooperative relationship, it is also a cooperative utilization relationship itself, so that both of them can help each other, in order to form such a partnership.

Otherwise, they will not form any relationship of this kind of partner.

Well, at this time, Nagato will help people who help him, mainly because he wants to give back the favor he just came in.

Of course, this kind of affection is not considered to be the emperor's long door, but he is as much as possible, which is his friend and ally.

If he really encounters this kind of thing that needs help and does not do it, maybe he is not a qualified ally.

At least Nagato feels that what he has done is almost the same. After all, there are some things that need to be changed and need to be done.

Sun Yang actually actually admired Nagato at this time, because from the beginning he was like others, unwilling to believe that Nagato had such a strong strength that he could easily defeat Wushuang.

But in the face of his punch and being able to abolish the guy, it is enough to show that his strength is not weak.

What's more, for him, Nagato is now a strong and very mysterious strong man.

After all, what happened to Nagato was too unexpected. He would appear in the Imperial City. It was too unexpected, even attracting attention, and what he did was totally unclear where he came from and where he was going. Go around.

If Nagato did not really want to be a part-time official in this imperial capital, some ministers of the entire court would invite him to go to their family or career.

After all, sometimes, a strong man needs a genius to really make it, so that these big forces and big families can prosper.

The guy at Nagato is completely invisible, and is still so young, so this is also in great demand for the officials in their Yanhuang Empire.

So at this time, Nagato will do so much, in order to be able to achieve the first step he needs to complete now.

What's more, when faced with this now, when he needs to do something, he will still be willing to do it.

"How is it that seniors are not as good as ours?" Sun Yang suddenly said respectfully.

After all, people who can beat them at this time are really rare.

What's more, this guy is far more powerful than others, so at this time, Nagato will naturally become the target of recruitment.

What's more, in the face of this peerless powerhouse who has no idea where to run from, none of them can easily ignore him. .

Because in itself, the strength of the Nagato, if they will make a difference in the beginning, but I have experienced the things just now, except for him, no one will go to demolish a Nagato, is it really as strong as the rumor

Because why humans believe that they are willing to see what they see, because they believe more in what their eyes see, that is not the kind, the words and the bragging things that others say.

In this case, what kind of decision Nagato will make, or to what extent, will surely let them understand that the girl's strength must be stronger than them.

If the Nagato is not strong enough, they cannot be rescued, and they ca n’t get rid of it with a punch, and it ’s a very real thing.

And Nagato does n’t know where to go now, plus this comes to this small world, although it is very novel, and has found a lot of elixir, but these banks are not enough to support what he is now looking for. World chance.

And the reason why those really good things are called the opportunity of the world is because they are scarce and can bring huge benefits to people.

Then, at this time, when Nagato didn't get the chance of heaven and earth, he naturally needed to really consider this issue.

And since he has no place to go, he nodded and said, okay, since I have no place to go, then go with you.

At this time, Nagato also wanted to go together, even though he was very free to go alone, it was not a problem to go to a place so purposelessly, or go to play somewhere.

Knowing that at this time, if there is no guide, or someone who can achieve 4000, then it is indeed not particularly good.

And after listening to the words of Nagato, they have already understood that you intend to go with them?

"Senior, I just heard a voice from my friend, saying that they found a formation, and this formation cannot be easily solved. My friend and I are planning to go there. Would you like to pass together?"

There is much more respect and admiration in Sun Yang's words.

Because this is the rule of this world. If you are strong enough, you may be young, or you may be young, but others will respect you and treat you as your older generation.

There is a saying that is not good, it is the master who comes first!

No matter if you are young or old, as long as you can reach the point where others cannot, then you are the money of others, and others should respect you. These are some of my rules for going to the mainland.

And another young man is also respectful to Nagato, at least as young as Nagato in his eyes.

You will be able to surpass all the cultivation practices of these people, and you can carry it out, and you can defeat people who are stronger than them in one fell swoop, and naturally they will be respected by them.

Well, at this time, in the face of their respect, in fact, at first, Nagato may be like many people, and there are operations that cannot be understood or cannot be imagined.

In the face of the respect of these people, he was a little indifferent, because he knew this was what he deserved, respect and a kind of respect she deserved.

"Well, since you all have a destination, then I will go together!" When Nagato said this, he was actually thinking about another thing.

He also has something to transmit, why didn't anyone send him the voice, or is it that the group of big people forgot him or argued for this intentionally?

So Nagato now suddenly has a destination, and he still has some expectations in his heart.

After all, in this small world, it is very magical in itself, and this place can be formed, it is also a place that makes him unbelievable.

If I have the protection of the formation at this time, maybe something good will happen. ..


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