My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 233: World secret

If Nagato can benefit from it, of course, he will spare no effort to do everything he should, and is facing all the elixir he has now.

In fact, Nagato didn't feel any satisfaction, because he didn't have enough chance to let him master it. In that case, his commission would not be as big as he thought.

This was the ultimate goal of Nagato to come to this ancient ruin. He just wanted to find out what would exist in it, or what day's chance.

Well, since the three of them plan to go forward together, Nagato is naturally looking forward to it, so although their words are not many along the way, they are still harmonious.

After all, Nagato solved them from the first shot, and prevented them from being robbed by other guys. This is a very important thing.

At this time they have established a trust or a respectful relationship with each other!

At this time, Nagato didn't dare to do anything, they would scramble to do it, and even asked him what he should do, which is a good behavior.

Because Nagato is not only young, but also very strong, even they can't see the cultivation of Nagato, this is the most terrifying place.

After all, in the Budo continent, if people have a certain state, it is because although they sometimes cannot guess the money of others, it must be how much, and they can feel the difference in his breath.

However, from beginning to end, Nagato could not see the level of Nagato, and what kind of cultivation would be the most terrifying.

If Nagato was able to let them see their cultivation behavior from the beginning, perhaps they would not be as respectful as they are now. It was Nagato who had saved them once, or helped them once.

Coupled with the fact that they can't see the cultivation behavior of the long gate now, it is even more obvious that they look mysterious in their eyes.

So at this time, Nagato became the object they admired no matter when and where they were, because they thought they could not beat the guy who worked before Nagato.

What's more, it's just abolished like a long door. The guy is really too simple and rude. If they don't see it with their own eyes, they can't even believe that Xiaomi can do it.

Of course, this was deliberately done by Nagato, mainly because he would do it now because he understands that some people are in danger.

That's because he doesn't know how strong you are, or how much you are, but if some things you do let them know, they are afraid of you or will be afraid.

This is the rule of the martial arts continent. The reason why people will become stronger or operate out is because they do not want to be taken away by these powerful people, or by the recovery of this world, and really give their motivation to move forward.

But really speaking, they can want to become stronger, just because they don't want to, become fish meat, and let anyone slaughter.

If they are entertaining, maybe they will really be like ordinary people, really ordinary life.

So why do some people put their lives together and want to seize some world opportunities.

Because they all know that in a certain state or in a certain city, if you do not progress, you are no different from fish.

The reason why the samurai, or the master-level person, is still a master on this continent, because they can surpass many people and even determine the names of many people, so they are only called masters. .

Although there are more advanced animals on top of this, this scarcity becomes even less.

Just like the Yu Yue Dragon Gate, some people can jump past, and some people will never get stuck at a certain point in their lifetime.

So what kind of person will be accomplished in the end, or what kind of things will be caused, depends on the luck of this person.

Of course, if Nagato is not able to get Tai Sui's memory, perhaps he does not have such a deep understanding of Budo Continent.

But after having too deep memories, she is very clear that some of the current rules are still in all aspects of this world.

In fact, this martial arts continent is still different. After all, the time has passed for thousands of years. Some things have changed. Not to mention some peerless powerhouses. I just go out anyway.

The middle class of the world martial arts master is not common on the road here, not to mention that the sergeant's rampage is now a kind of contrast in this era.

At least in the memory of Tai Sui, Nagato can get a very important message.

Thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago, in fact, I really want to say that the master of martial arts is a small master, and there are martial arts, and even people of the level of martial arts are even rarer.

And there are just as many people as masters in the guru level.

So at that time, we really have to talk about it. In this world, people are a creature that really needs to compete and really need some change.

If it wasn't because of some huge changes in the world, it wouldn't be as rare as the masters now. Of course, some of the world has changed, and it is not clear in Tai Sui's memory. He pointed out that something happened.

Therefore, Nagato also knows that sometimes although he cannot detect the secrets of heaven and earth, in this world, since he acts as this, the world, or as a more powerful person in the present world.

When you go one step further, he will get a clear idea that the closer to the apex, the more problems and secrets they need to face will become more.

This is like why ordinary people are desperately climbing up, but after climbing the bed, maybe they are not the happiness they get, but the emptiness or loneliness, or they want to explore higher frequencies.

This degree and change of human reproduction and evolution!

But when he came to this small world, Nagato really felt how powerful the people were.

A person can be strong enough to open up a world, which is really people can not imagine how it can practice against the sky.

After all, I really want to talk about a person. He is not the word of God. He cannot do it to this degree.

This is like this small world. In the memory of Nagato, there is no real record of this kind of thing.

Because this kind of person who can open up a small world, whether it is cultivation or his ability, is extremely powerful.

Well, at this time, when Nagato came here, it was considered to have seen more completely before. I never thought of even something that was not recorded in the memory.

This is also thanks to being able to win Taisui before he took it, and eat it. ..


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