My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 241: Colorful lotus

And with the concerted efforts of everyone, the large formation was finally broken by them together.

The sturdiness of this large formation can not be overcome in three words, he spent all the efforts of all of them, but also spent all of their strength.

You should know that at this time, although they are very clear, some things are to be done together, but if they are not done together, there is no way, it is too slow.

In this case, it would be helpless for them to break the battle together, but there is nothing to do, or something that they can pursue together.

After the break, each of them rushed in as quickly as possible, wanting to seize what was contained in it.

This large array really made all of them understand very well that the stuff inside was very good.

At this time, each of them will work hard to be the one who will give everything to pass the exam.

And at this time, after they wear it in, all kinds of elixir are everywhere, and it is not the amount that can be counted in three words.

At this time, Nagato also discovered this, so he did not stop, and really robbed those ordinary elixir with those people, but rushed directly into this big array that really needs to think.

Although there are no major earthquakes now, it must be no accident that this formation will appear in this valley.

Under these circumstances, so many good elixir can be found, which is higher than the outside years, and can be used for thousands of years.

This is indeed worthy of deep thought, and Nagato is also very aware of this, so he immediately became strong, the central area of ​​the big town, because he knew that kind of place was enough to have better things.

Unsurprisingly, this large formation, the valley in it, grows a lot, a variety of elixir and the best spirit root.

This kind of thing has also become the object they fight for among these two factions.

On its own, elixir has something that can really get a certain year than it is really rare.

Because they all clearly know that it really needs to be cultivated by heart, or obtained through hard work, Chen's elixir for hundreds of years requires the effort of one generation or even several generations.

But in the eyes of those who martial arts, their life expectancy is four to five times or even ten times longer than ordinary people, this elixir also requires people to spend all their lives to cultivate.

Therefore, at this time, many thousands of years of elixir, even thousands of years, are very serious and tortuous for everyone.

Because in itself, what people can really do is not only simple, but also efforts for something that should be paid.

It's time for them to really think about it, or this aspect, or the effort they made for a certain need, is the kind of effort that none of them can.

Because no one can go for the simple and simple, to ignore this convenient elixir.

To know that they really need to think seriously, they need everyone to take it seriously, that is, they can do everything, not just two or three sentences, so-called cognitive things.

Well, at this time, nature has become what they are now pursuing. Now facing the strong among them, many of them clearly know that all of this may be, indeed, imaginable. But they have no way to really go with Nagato and Zhu Wushuang, the two of them fight for these things.

Because everyone knows that the three of them are the strongest among them. Of course, at this time, some of these people are hidden from others.

As Longmen said now, he knows clearly that if people can come in this place, it will definitely cause controversy.

And now in this case, it really caused a fight.

Well, at this moment, in the face of this kind of battle that there is no way to ignore it, as long as people with real strength can profit from it, there is no way to avoid it.

So in this case, Nagato came to this, the center of the large array, which is now the center of the valley, here also has the same very strange water hole

This pond is very large, much larger than the one at their intersection, and has a lot of lotus leaves and lotus flowers. It seems that people feel that this place is a bit strange.

, Because what appears in this place, or that this place will exist in the central part of this large array, is indeed very difficult to think about, why it is so.

If you really want to talk about it, now faced with this kind of water hole, all of them who come here feel as if they are really incredible, because what they can do is not really to **** these good items.

It ’s because of the benefits they can get after bankruptcy, but no one can get in the face of the lotus growing in the pond

It will surely look colorful and shining in the lotus, which is very difficult to think about, colorful aura

"This is a colorful lotus!" Zhu Wushuang exclaimed suddenly. "The colorful lotus is a very rare treasure. No one on the entire continent has geometry. How come there are so many colorful lotus here?"

At this time, what Zhu Wushuang said was also very true, because the preciousness of colorful lotus is very important in the whole martial arts road

So in this case, he made this explanation without objection, so that everyone in this scene understood that the colorful lotus in front of him was indeed too strange and magical.

After combining the memory of Tai Sui, Nagato remembers that the colorful lotus is indeed a very precious elixir. The effect of this elixir is not only because it is beautiful, but because this lotus is very quiet Really go to realize the role of Tao.

However, in the memory sent, it is recorded that Wu Cailian is here, the entire dance is rare on the road, and very rare.

But in this pool, there are countless colorful lotus flowers, which is why.

At this moment, Zhu Wushuang suddenly exclaimed,

"If I am right, Wu Cailian will evolve. If he can be purified and long enough, he can evolve colorful, even legendary nine-color lotus!"

"That's the treasure of heaven and earth. If it reaches that level, it can literally turn into a bone!"

At this time, everyone's face changed greatly, and even felt their scalp numb.

You have to know that between heaven and earth, the title of heaven and earth treasure is very rare.

What's more, this kind of elixir capable of human flesh and bones, its preciousness is not a function that can be clearly explained in a few words. ..


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