My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 242: Water Pool Giant Shadow

Faced with so many colorful lotus, no one can calm down, not even everyone present.

You know, really speaking, the colorful lotus is in many medical records, and Green wants to record a very strange and strange thing that has appeared in the records.

When so many colorful lotus are recorded in the face, no one can say that they really ignore or really own it.

You must know that the colorful lotus itself is very precious, and it is a legendary thing, and its role is not known to anyone. It is only known that he can quietly realize the Tao, and people can be greatly improved.

Why this kind of comprehension that is completely in the legend appears in front of the world, this is what they need to really think about and really want to snatch.

Because they do n’t know, the position they can be in, or the protection they get, is what they lock in.

There are indeed a lot of good things in this small world, so at this time, in fact, each of them is trying their best. All of them want to get some violence and some things from it.

Because no one wants to fall out of the competition, or to be in another state without any gain.

Because they all know clearly that in the face of this kind of thing that needs to be robbed, in fact, each of them knows no matter who or what situation they are facing.

They all need to be taken seriously, because no matter who they are, they need to be able to get this kind of colorful lotus, or better, especially for themselves, it is a luxury.

Because the colorful lotus is different from other images, its sparse degree is because the environment it requires is very strict, and this strict state is the main reason why he is now scarce.

This continuous growth environment and scarce seeds have caused many people to want to seize them because they actually have a lot of deviations during cultivation and enlightenment.

So in the face of this kind of thing they really need to snatch, everyone is satisfied and wants to fight.

Because no one wants to give up, this kind of thing that can make them realize, and can easily make them to a higher level, this is no one can ignore or say some real abandonment.

Because good things chant, what is good?

That's because it is not only scarce but also very caring, so in this case, so many people have found him in the face of these two factions, and no one wants to give up the fight.

At this time, Zhu Wushuang stood up and said, "Don't worry, I know everyone wants to take this colorful lotus, but everyone needs to understand the truth that the colorful lotus is growing here, it is definitely not simple. , So everyone be careful! "

But when Zhu Wushuang said this, some people couldn't help it. He shouted, "There are so many colorful lotus, no one is enough to divide one plant, why should I wait?"

Speaking of people, he flew directly to the water pool, wanting to capture colorful lotus.

After all, faced with so many treasures at this time, no one can calmly chat, and no one can be truly happy, it is useless to get real feelings.

Because everyone knows, no matter what kind of things they face, or what kind of good things, in front of this multicolored, then it is not a thing at all.

Because the effect of colorful lotus's enlightenment is many, the comprehension or elixir cannot exist.

Because if you really want to talk about it, this kind of medicine is very precious in itself. As long as the year is longer, it will definitely be more precious.

But the importance of this colorful lotus is because it allows people to meditate on the Tao, which is the most important thing, because most of the things on the Tao are very powerful.

But this guy had just touched the lotus leaf, but suddenly found that he couldn't move forward half a point anymore. This feeling seemed to have some virtue to make them unable to move forward.

At this time, Tian Dashan exclaimed loudly, "It's a formation, a shield formation!"

It was only at this time that the reaction came to me. The reason why this guy was able to run over but could not guess the colorful lotus at all was because the colorful lotus was completely isolated by the formation.

But this kind of shielding array is a very wonderful kind of array. It can not only isolate people from the outside, but even prevent them from touching something that they can already see, but cannot actually touch it.

This is the magic of the formation. Not only can they trap people, but they can also see something, and they can also form a protective cover so that you ca n’t touch these things.

At this time, Nagato did not have to sit up, because he knew that no matter when and where, he was now trapped in the valley.

After they finally broke the city, they came to this pool of water and were able to encounter this shielding formation, which was not as simple as they thought.

What's more, Nagato hasn't encountered many formations from the road that took me to the main road. When he came to this small world, he encountered formations one after another.

And the magic of this formation also made Nagato understand, and it was not as simple as imagined.

What's more, after completely coming to this small world, many things are not easily obtained, but a lot of effort and effort are required.

Even the strength of their lives can break a certain formation and take what they want to take from it.

But Nagato discovered unexpectedly that after coming here, many things have been restricted. This restriction completely prevents them from easily obtaining these things. Then they need to think hard about what they can do. What is going on? .

Similarly, Nagato can see some clues from this formation, because there is no popularity, you can get something, while the formation of formation is not between human and demon, there is no powerful life inhabiting here.

But at this time, the man looked at the colorful lotus in front of him, and there was no way to go. When he got an erection, he shouted anxiously, "You are pulling me over, why can't I move?"

At this time, the friend next to him tried to pull him, but he saw that the water in the pond began to bubble continuously. This bubble was more and more dense.

Now, such a thing will suddenly happen in the pool,

But at this time, a shadow of Qingtian Juying emerged directly from the pond.

As soon as Feiying came out, everyone was instantly deterred, because no one thought that there was even a monster in this colorful person. This kind of existence that people had no way to resist.

Because it is so big that it is big enough for them to look up to see their true face. ..


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