My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 243: Demon King Carp

The reason why the monster beast is called a monster beast is because it absorbs a lot of spiritual power and becomes a very powerful existence.

But this monster body is a huge universe, with a length and width of up to 30 to 40 meters, and even him. The moment his head emerged, his huge eyes could be completely compared with an adult. Too.

This is his greatest horror!

This big carp also instantly exhaled the momentum, oppressing all the people so that they could not move, no one can trust it, or even have any action from it.

Because in the face of such a powerful monster, no one can really ignore or say the little things.

"This is a monster monster of the demon king level!" At this time, Zhu Wushuang suddenly exclaimed and shouted inconceivably.

To know why they would recognize this place, it is because the monster monster of the level of the demon king, in fact, strictly speaking, he is completely above the guru, and even the entire battle is more powerful than the guru.

Most of the people present stayed at the top of the Grand Martial Division, or the peak of the Grand Martial Division level, and even the Grand Master did not reach it.

But the huge carp in front of him is above the demon king, that is, above the great martial arts master, and even stronger than the guru.

Of course, while he is stronger than the master, he is weaker than the master of the martial arts. The gap is not clear in a few words.

But in the face of this huge monster, none of them can really ignore it, or completely when he does not exist.

Because of its existence, it is destined to mean the guardian, my colorful lotus, or the lotus in this pool.

"You **** humans, I am afraid I don't want to live anymore. Why should I appear outside my pond!" At this time, this coat was terrible, and the words spoken were also terrifying.

No one thought that this big carp would suddenly speak out.

After all, for them, the things of the demon clan are indeed very rare, because for themselves, why is the mainland of Wudao called Five Avenues, that is, because all the people practice martial arts.

In this case, the monster and silver lock will exist, but its number is not as much as imagined.

Because if you are strong, the number of humans is more and more powerful, so they will send troops to fight against it, which also caused monsters and spirit beasts to take me to take a bath upstairs. At the same time, they are also very strong.

Being able to survive in the hands of humans and in those human armies is enough to prove that they are far superior to other creatures.

At this time, there can be a big carp of the level of a demon king. This is no one can imagine and really ignore the existence.

If this is released, then it is definitely someone who can approach the master of martial arts!

If you know that this kind of big monster can really start crazy, let alone these people, even the martial arts master, may be a headache.

Because it is too powerful, it is too powerful to describe it in his simple words. , let ’s not talk about his strength, but his breath alone is enough to make people unable to move, and even feel completely crushed, even a kind of completely in the west, any bugs. Kind of rolling.

Because the monster is a monster, it is because the spiritual energy that each of them has practiced has reached a terrifying level, and I have formed a huge body shape, or there have been great changes in appearance.

When monsters and spirit beasts reach a certain level, they will also form more powerful tricks, and even more powerful changes.

Because on its own, people who can truly become demon, no matter when and where, will need people to really think.

Well, at this time, why should it be different from people at the same time, because the demon he will change a lot, and even if a certain cultivation behavior is reached, they can become humanoid.

This is the most terrifying place, because you may not know at all times whether the people around you are demon or demon, and at this time, they are really putting too much pressure on the courtyard line.

At this time, Zhu Wushuang stood up and said helplessly, respected lord, we don't know that you are resting here, but are these so many colorful lotus flowers also your masterpieces?

In fact, at this time, Zhu Wushuang knew that there would be such a big carp in the colorful lotus, and it must be related, but letting them let go of these colorful lotus easily, it must be a little unrealistic.

After all, the colorful lotus is so scarce on the outside that even a scarce one will appear every 100 years of the decade, and as long as these are 1,400, they will be robbed by people crazy, even if they spend a lot of money, they will go to the real purchase

Because the importance of colorful lotus is far better than other elixir, because his, Lin Li will also allow many people who really reach a certain level to evolve more.

It should really be said that the importance of multicolored itself is shocking and at the same time it will allow people to truly understand some Tao that cannot be understood by other means.

So when it comes to martial arts, no matter who it is, or for those who practice martial arts, everyone needs to take this realization seriously.

Because this kind of understanding is too scarce and rare, it ca n’t be bought casually. Even if you have money, or you, even if you are in power, you may not be able to get it from many people Get something like this

If there should be only colorful portraits, it means that someone must be concerned about this thing, because after all, he is too important and too much to let people go, and really value such good things.

But Nagato did not say anything at this time, because although he said that the colorful lotus also attracted him, he knew that the number of these colorful is too large and numerous.

But in this case, if there is no accident, someone must be here intentionally, then a big fish will appear.

Surely, if it was just what he had raised, or if he had been kept here, some aspects of it would definitely be worth thinking about.

Well, in this case, what Nagato needs to do now, I do n’t know if it is to do what a normal person should do.

What he needs to do more is that he is facing now. This colorful lotus is still facing these. When they need to really think about it, a good thing.

How should he go out?

What should be done after what they got, some aspects of what they should do is the most clear thing.

Since they are all in love with Wucailian, and Zhu Wushuang has said so, that means what he said, in fact, represents the voice of these people. ..


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