My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 277: No return

If Nagato does not understand these truths, he will not become so strong, or he will try his best to obtain these things.

But now they are not there anymore, so when Nagato came to this desert, he already felt that it was wrong. It should be called the desert, too weird?

Most of the small world itself is fragrant, and there are very few such extremely harsh environments.

What's more, in the face of this sudden desert, in fact, for them, they feel a little too abrupt.

Nagato can also feel that this is indeed a situation that is more difficult to imagine.

Because the world itself will be created, it certainly makes sense, then since Nagato was suddenly discovered at this time, a desert appeared in this place.

This is indeed something that is more convoluted.

You know, the reason why people are willing to believe that these things happen is because they all know that although some things may be beyond their understanding, they may not be beyond the scope of much.

At this time, it can show an amazing ability to understand or tolerate.

Because he knows that many times you may understand some truth, but you may not be able to know how these things happen, or in the end, whether or not, as you think, will form a certain coherent effect.

Because in itself, the location of Nagato is now in the entire small world, and he stands alone in front of the desert.

In this case, if it is not that he will have a stronger mentality, he will switch to another ordinary person or turn around and leave.

Only in the small world is not only the existence of humans, but also some unknown monsters.

Along the way, Nagato has met a lot. Although some of them are relatively docile, there are also others. If they are violent, they will attack people and want to treat humans as food.

Nagato also killed several, and even a lot of those monsters, he would not take the initiative to attack,

But the strong breath on his body is just like telling people not to approach him casually, otherwise he might make some corresponding moves.

Well, now Nagato has discovered this place, and now he suddenly does n’t know where the desert came from, which is enough to show that he too, understand that this place should not be simple.

Because after all, a desert can suddenly appear in a world, it is indeed too unbelievable.

What's more, at many times, they will make some corresponding changes and adjustments to things, certainly because they all know that in the face of many difficulties, they can simply overcome them without a way.

Because in this small world, people will be afraid of something happening, because there are indeed many possibilities in this place.

So in this case, they will have a desert in this place, which is indeed very abrupt.

Then under this abruptness, Nagato will know that there are many dangers hidden in this place.

So under normal circumstances, he may avoid this place like others, or avoid this place, after all, it is not a place that is worth exploring and digging.

But since they have disappeared, now there is suddenly a desert. Although Nagato said that he didn't want to go in, he now knows that there are many reasons why the desert will appear.

But he will be in an hour, that is to confirm the significance and versatility of his appearance, there is no way to go simply, without thinking. But since Nagato is real, there are some things that can be experienced at these times.

To what extent can it be done, it is enough to show that they can completely want to do this kind of thing.

Because on their own, the reason why they think so and think so is definitely the degree to which they are accomplished in many ways.

It must have been understood by some people. Sometimes people are really thinking about some things, but at this time, why do others use some things to interfere with you, or to make some corresponding adjustments.

It must also be that you have not achieved enough degree, or enough degree that people want to achieve, so this special situation will be formed.

Then Nagato thought about it at this time, so he didn't continue to struggle anymore, and was directly afraid of entering the desert.

The weather in this desert is very dry, which is very different from some things on the prairie outside.

Even Nagato has to say that this place will form a desert, which is indeed too much investment.

Because this desert is for the prairie people, the maintenance order of the nearby prairie is not as good as elsewhere, but it is enough to show that there will be three or four pieces here, which is also a bit too strange.

Even Nagato had to say that this matter is indeed too strange. If it is replaced by ordinary words, or ordinary people's words, he will definitely leave this place one step ahead at this time.

Because of itself and Yang, people are willing to believe in some treasures, and there are things that people believe in.

Because they all know that the things that need to be done at this time must be more than other places.

Well, at this time, since he will go now, he wants to explore this place, it must be because his desert is actually strange, it must be because of its special place.

As long as the Nagato thought, if there is something less strange in this place, then Nagato may not go in yet.

Because he knows that many things in this small world are not really thoughtful.

Because normally, when you cannot measure a thing with common sense, it is enough to show that this thing is definitely not a simple thing.

So if that is the case, now that he does n’t have the opportunity to explore this, the desert in the small world, he will definitely not let this opportunity go.

Because everyone needs to progress, if people do not progress at this time, they certainly cannot achieve the answers they want.

Well, at this number, now Nagato has the opportunity to become stronger and the opportunity to explore something they cannot explore.

Then they definitely need to pay some corresponding actions and measures to complete the state they want to complete.

So when facing the desert, Nagato was not really afraid of it.

More directly, they still want to face this dilemma, because no matter who they are, they want to be stronger, and they want to change the intensity that others need.

That is certainly not something that can be clearly explained in three words, then in this case, Nagato has such an opportunity, and he will naturally not want to let go.

What's more, under such an opportunity, I'm afraid not many people can really ignore or challenge.

After all, there are some good things about chance, and they are always reserved for the courageous people, aren't they? ..


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