My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 278: Desert land

When Nagato made many decisions, he first considered whether he was the right choice to do so.

Sometimes, no matter who they are, when they make these choices, they will wait to consider doing so and can afford it.

With the same momentum, this is indeed a good existence.

Because in their own right, they all need to do this. When doing anything, they are based on considering their own priorities.

So if Nagato does n’t do this, then it will certainly be different from other woods, so if it is different from other people, it is not necessarily what he wants.

What's more, while making these changes many times, Nagato also knew that he was doing this, and it must be based on knowing this clearly.

Because according to normal logic and behavioral thinking, when they do these things, in fact a lot of them also know how to do it.

So now facing this desert, it actually appears in this small world.

In fact, many times Nagato also knows that its appearance is not simple, and it will appear here, certainly, there are some special encounters.

According to normal logic, the small world itself is wonderful, and even the Nagato do not know what kind of things they will exist?

Since Nagato has stayed here for so long, and has obtained a certain chance, he has greatly improved his strength. Normally, it is the right choice to think and say so.

Now facing the situation where they all need to change now, no matter who they are, they will surely think about what to do now, which is the right choice for them to deal with.

Because if it is simply taking into account some of these factors, they are definitely a good choice to do so.

And in the face of the fact that they all need to change now, how do they do well, what they think they should do is the more important thing.

Because in terms of whoever it is, how to make a choice for all this.

In fact, most of them are derived from them, and they should know how to become stronger, and some things that need to be experienced in this strengthening.

Because this is also very important, if they do n’t know it, then they will not become stronger for these things, and really realize how they should do it is the right choice.

Normally speaking, if they do not make corresponding adjustments and changes, they will not go to a certain point, will not be tough to a certain point, and will certainly not be able to go anywhere.

So these things are indeed quite important for Nagato.

What's more, he knows that he is facing some unknown things in this small world. In fact, many times he can't be sure what kind of things are hidden in it.

Like the ancient tree, and the nine-color lotus he gave, this kind of thing will indeed exist in this small world, and it is considered to be a relatively special existence.

Because if something like this happens, it will definitely be contested.

So in this case, what is the significance of his appearance in the case of being contested by others, and why is it so contested by this person, it is worth people to think about.

So why are they looking for this idea?

In terms of concept, it will be a long time before even the ancient trees will appear. It must be different from the owner of this small world. It is only because of personal presence or friendship.

So, since they broke into this place, does it mean they angered the people in this place?

This is actually a relatively good thing. After all, it really means that everyone can do some adjustments and changes in these matters.

Now when faced with how they all need to face these things, how to deal with them is also the direction they need to think about now.

Normally speaking, how they need to change these things every time, what they should say.

Normally speaking, how to do it now, in fact, everything that should be done is often a thing they can accomplish now.

Well, in many normal terms, faced with how they all need to change, how to do it at the same time, or how to do it, all they should do is to a degree that they can accomplish now.

So after they all know these things, in fact, more is how to deal with some of their current living conditions, as well as some things above attitudes, it really needs to think.

Because normally speaking, how do you think about them as they are absorbed? Now this question is actually, what is good for them to do, it is actually worth thinking about this question.

According to the normal, now they all need to face the dangers, in fact, more certainly to enhance their own strength.

In the face of some statuses that they all need to complete now, it is actually enough to explain how to complete or how to do it. In fact, it is also a very important thing.

In the face of these things that they all need to change, in fact, more is also what they should do and what they should accomplish.

Because normally speaking, they are facing these dangers, what choices and challenges will you make then? In fact, it is easy for them to face any difficulties in pursuing these careers.

So in the face of these difficulties, can they really give their due efforts.

Because they do n’t know, they will become stronger or stronger. The degree of fear there must be determined by the fact that they all know how to do this or become such an intensity.

Then according to all their understanding, so at this time.

Why is it that when they face the difficulties they all need to face, people will become the degree and challenge, it depends on whether they can really achieve the level they want.

Well, Nagato came to this place from the beginning, knowing that he needs to become stronger, and his determination to become stronger is stronger than others.

Then at this time, his determination and decision to become stronger must be more than others are coming.

Well, at this time, now they are faced with something that they all need to change, and surely, to accomplish what they all need to do well.

Now, in the face of the changes they all need to make, they will naturally make these adjustments accordingly. ..


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