My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 279: Strange land

When faced with how they all need to make these adjustments, they really have to talk about it. In fact, Nagato will decide this way because he knows what to do.

Because in the face of some rules of this world, strength is the most important thing. If there is no strength, then everything will become meaningless.

Because it came by itself, Yang Changmen knew how to do all this, and at this time, if he did not know these things, then there must be some problems that were not easy to deal with.

This is actually enough to show how useful his contributions are still in these matters.

Moreover, in the face of some behaviors, no matter who they are, they must also be faced with some corresponding changes that they should make.

After I made these things, what should I do to deal with the current problems, which is conducive to how they should accomplish the degree they want to achieve now?

In fact, this is also a question worth thinking about. According to normal speaking, Nagato wants to do this if he wants to. In fact, many times it is also a completely correct choice.

Because no matter what kind of things they do from the beginning, it is indeed beneficial to them, how to complete everything they should do well.

Well, under the premise that they now need to change things.

Probably what they have done in the past is what they should do well.

Because of the roles they play, they all know what to do is correct.

Then in this one, there are some opportunities and treasures that need to be pursued in this small world of Nagato.

In fact, no matter when, he will be willing to take the time to pursue these things, which is conducive to him now to truly complete the transformation they want to complete.

And now these items shocked them and made them happy.

In fact, the reason for thinking and doing so often is because they all know how to do these things before they change.

Now, when they all need to reform and really do these things, what should they do now is the most correct choice.

Now faced with what they should do and how to change and innovate the mechanism, who is cheating and become stronger, it is a more important thing.

And relative to other things, in the face of these changes, they all need to make their current efforts.

The unwritten rule on the Budo continent is that when everything you pass is strong enough, you can decide your own destiny and even the destiny of others.

So when working hard for this purpose, many people are indeed working hard for it.

This also shows that eating instant noodles, in fact, the rules of this world are actually more simple and rude.

But if you ca n’t achieve what you want, then you are not worthy of respect, or even worth others. You have any respect and respect for these strengths.

Normally speaking, under the premise that they all need to change in the face of this, they now face these extraneous external matters that will affect their actions. This actually means that there must be a certain aspect that is facing now, no matter who changes it, it is definitely not enough to achieve the level they want.

So under the premise that they all need to change now, how to complete their reversal is the most important thing.

Because now they are faced with what they all need to face. In fact, many times, they will do this, and do so many things, which is definitely based on them, they need to make these changes.

Well, at this time, they will make these changes and adjustments. In fact, from the beginning, it certainly means that they are completely correct in doing so.

According to normal logic, if anyone becomes a strong man again, if they don't make efforts for it, then it must be impossible.

So after the strange texture of the yellow sand of the mainland, Nagato was also devoting himself wholeheartedly, paying attention to all the conditions around him.

Even in this small world, such a land of yellow sand will appear, which is actually quite strange.

And after entering this desert land, Nagato also means that he certainly cannot retreat when he does not know when to face this challenge.

Because once backed off, this place will definitely affect his progress, because this is a very real thing.

And after entering this desert, Naomen can also feel that some of the surrounding highways are different from other places.

Because in many cases, in the face of the danger that they all need to be careful, in fact, the long door.

Now that they are all in need and how to do these things, Nagato of course is making these adjustments, and everything it needs to do well, which means that it is actually doing the corresponding challenges.

The corpse is scattered on the ground. In fact, many people may choose to circumvent it. After all, it is definitely a bad place in this place. This special place will be formed.

After all, it is not a place, or a desert land will be formed at any time. This is very much said.

Then the desert land will be formed, and the strangeness of such a place still appears, which certainly means that he is not the same, not to mention that at this time, facing the direction they all need to change, in fact, Nagato knows that he should How to do it,

They are faced with the need to reform and change their direction. In fact, it is quite correct to say things normally

Because no matter who they are, they are making these changes at this time. In fact, no matter in which aspect, they are definitely the right choice.

Now no matter who they are facing, what they will do and what else to do, it is definitely based on how they can do these things.

Well, the role played by Nagato in this is definitely based on all the things that should be done before now.

So in terms of becoming the people and things they now need to become, they will do this or do something. You must be a more correct choice.

Because in the desert where she sees the yellow sand now, Nagato often knows that she is very correct to do so.

Because according to him, if people do not make some corresponding changes for these things at this time, then certainly they cannot be called a person.

Because the people in this world are very direct, they can do anything for the sake of force and cultivation, and everything can be discarded, even making them look like themselves. ..


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