My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 321: Resonance

Gujing resonated at this time, as if he felt the light from the tree mushroom. Nagato wondered if the tree mushroom was related to the ancient well. He turned and approached the ancient well. At this time, the tree mushroom floated into the ancient well and fell into the ancient well. The deepest part.

Nagato can no longer see the shiitake mushrooms. I do n’t know what the shiitake has to do with Gujing. How did it react? When Nagato thought about it, the shiitake mushrooms sprout at the bottom of Gujing and gradually grew up. It became a tree, getting bigger and bigger.

The mushroom grows out of the ancient well. The big tree is thick, the leaves are lush, the branches are strong, and the long door ca n’t even see the top of the tree. The top of the tree has been extended into the cloud layer, and it is completely covered by the cloud layer. The long gate stared at the top of the tree for a while.

When I came back to the long gate, I searched the tree to see if there were treasures that would make me stronger. But there was nothing but thick branches and green leaves on the tree. The long gate jumped up and went up to the tree. See if there are other discoveries.

The long door was covered with a big tree, and it stepped on a thick branch towards the top of the tree. The long door did not forget to look around for any treasures that could strengthen itself.

When I reached the branch of the mountainside, the long gate looked down and looked at the direction of the root of the tree. I was scared that my legs were a bit soft. This tree didn't come up and I didn't know. As soon as I came up, I reached the mountainside. There is no fear of heights.

After going back to the God Long Gate, he continued to go in the direction of the top of the tree. He thought, where can this tree grow, but it will grow to heaven? When you reach the heaven, you can't see the fairy. This small world can let yourself go to the heaven!

It ’s really magical in the small world. There are treasures that make you stronger. Even if you suffer a little, it does n’t matter. As long as you can be strong, Nagato is willing to pay. This bitter Nagato is still acceptable.

Almost at the top of the tree, Nagato wondered if he had really come to the heavenly realm, wouldn't he just leave the small world? No matter, Nagato stepped up to the top of the tree step by step, at the top of the tree, long The door was stunned by the sight.

The top of the tree top is not a heaven, but a slide going down. This slide should be the way to let the long gate go down, whether the long gate goes down or not, where will it go, and where will it go? Where is it?

If he goes down, he will go to another place where he can gain strength and become stronger. The long door hesitated for a while and decided to go down the slide to see where the slide can go. The long door flew straight from the slide. This speed really can't be said.

It's faster than flying. It's almost a little scared in the heart of the long gate. I'm afraid I accidentally slipped out of the slide and fell down. The slide is straight and curved. It feels like a roller coaster. It's just sitting alone. No That kind of feeling.

The long gate came down the slide, reached the bottom, got off the slide, and came to a hot place, where is this, there are small volcanoes in this place, the small volcanoes are all smoking smoke, all are smoking hot smoke.

Nagato looked at these small volcanoes and thought that there could be treasures here that would make him stronger. Is it necessary to walk through these volcanoes to another place! Otherwise, the slide can't go up, only the slide that can't go up.

Nagato began to shuttle through small volcanoes, and there was no change in the small volcano. It was always smoking hot. Nagato thought that it was just going across the volcano to another place. Who knows, then small volcanoes began to grunt. Grunting voice.

When this sound was heard, it was about to spew out magma. Nagato thought that this was not the end. If all the magma was spouted out, would n’t Nagato melt in this small volcano?

Nagato accelerated his pace, and even flew to find an exit from the volcano quickly. He flew left and right, looking anxiously from left to right, which only made himself stronger. How could Nagato drown here.

The small volcano is ready to go, and the grunting noise is getting louder and louder, and the magma will soon be erupted. There is no way for the Nagato, is it really going to be melted by the magma?

The small volcano erupted. When Nagato was thinking of being submerged by volcanic magma, the small crater erupted. The eruption was magma, but the magma is not hot, and it is not a magma that can melt people.

This magma is a magma that has no temperature, and the magma hardens soon after landing, and can walk on it. The long door came out with a cold sweat, thinking that it will be killed in this magma. After the magma hardens, the long door Walking on it carefully.

I have n’t forgotten that I ’m here to find ways and treasures to make myself stronger. This volcano erupted, and there were no treasures or other changes. It was a false alarm.

Now Nagato knows that there are no treasures to make himself stronger, so he has to find a way to find out if he can go out.

After the eruption of the small volcano, there was no other reaction. Now Nagato was eager to find out. If you find the entry and exit, you can explore other trails. There is no treasure in this trail. There should be other trails. In order to strengthen him Willing to do it.

Long Gate carefully did not miss any place. After a long search, he finally found the exit. The place where the exit was found was a small volcano among many craters. This volcano is different from other volcanoes. The volcano has a large crater. Can enter a person.

Nagato jumped into the crater without thinking. Compared with the previous sequence, it must be an exit. This is a serial lasso. If there is no exit, you can find the exit. You can definitely go out. Nagato enters the mouth of the pass. Nothing can be seen.

But this time the long gate in the crater was not used to walk, it was floating, he did not fly by himself, it was a warm wind in the crater, which made him float all over the body, always floating and floating, so it sagged The Nagato is also very comfortable, so with the warm breeze, it soon reached the volcano's exit.

This is the entrance of the third path, so the long gate went to the exit of the third path ...

At this time, he seemed to feel a special feeling, because this feeling made him feel something special because the long door knew.

Even when he is doing something, he will make such a change in that attitude, completely because he is facing danger and he knows how to deal with this time.

These protections have let him know that as a person who pursues grasp, he will still go. The real future is to grasp the effort

So at this time, what will he do, or when he makes these changes, is it actually done in a person's posture, which is indeed what the Nagato can do now. ..


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