My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 322: The third way

When Nagato entered the third road, he thought to himself, is this road an empty road? But if you do n’t try it, you can see how you can strengthen yourself. Meeting other things is also a kind of growth.

The third trail said that it was empty and there was nothing. Just when the long gate felt that there was no hope for this trail, hope came, and an old man with a horse came in front of him. I looked at the long gate and then at my horse.

The old man asked Nagato, "Do you want to make yourself stronger, young people, and let yourself gain more power!"

When Nagato heard the old man's words, he immediately said, "How does the old man know?"

The old man smiled slightly and said, "People who come here want to become stronger. This small world is what makes people stronger, so I don't need to ask you to know why you came here."

Nagato smiled and said to the old man, "What you are saying is that I want to make myself stronger and more powerful. This is the third path I have experienced. Two trails, both trails are quite rewarding. "

The old man said, "If you want to make yourself stronger, you have to pay. If you don't pay, there is no gain."

Nagato agrees with what the old man said. He nodded and said, "In order to make myself stronger, I should eat bitterly and tiredly. There is no such thing as a free lunch!"

The words just fell, the old man said, "Dare young people dare to follow me, I can make you stronger, but first you have to pay."

As soon as Nagato heard it, he said quickly. The old man said that there must be corresponding efforts to get a corresponding reply. "Old gentleman, please take me away. I want to make myself stronger. I am not afraid of anything."

The old man looked at the long door so persevering, nodded and said, "OK, come with me, young man!"

Nagato knew that the old man must make himself stronger.

The old man said to Longmen, "My horse is disobedient, will not go back, and will not go to the place where I live. Do you want to make it obedient? Let it carry me back to where I live , So I can teach you how to become stronger! "

Nagato looked at the horse.

It can be seen that the horse has white hair all over, and the coat color is very good. The limbs are strong and strong, especially the eyes are very spiritual, the eyelashes are particularly long, and the eyes are very clear. Presumably this horse is quite spiritual.

The long gate walked around the horse, looked at the horse carefully, and asked: "Does the horse have a name?" The old man said that Bailing is its name. Bailing is a very spiritual name. As expected, this name is very suitable for this white horse, and it looks very spiritual.

Nagato said to Bai Ling, "Ma Ma Ma, why don't you go back, go back to your residence, go home?"

Bai Ling didn't respond to Nagato's words, but his spiritual eyes blinked, and the old man looked at the corner of his mouth with a smile, the interaction between Nagato and Bailing.

Nagato knew that the old man would not teach Nagato to become stronger if he did not take Bai Ling back to where he lived, so he had to do everything he could.

Nagato reached out to touch Bailing's body and touched Bailing's hair. Bailing felt the warmth of Nagato's hand and moved his limbs subconsciously, but he didn't mean to move around.

Nagato walked to Bai Ling's ear and said to Bai Ling, "Good horse, let's go back to where we live, go back, so that I can become stronger." Bai Ling still did not move, but just blinked and looked into the distance.

Nagato continued, "Bai Ling is a good horse, how can you go? If you are a spiritual horse, tell me, how can you go back?"

Bai Ling seems to know the mind of Nagato!

Nagato has been talking to Bai Ling, observing Bai Ling's movements, and knowing that Bai Ling is a good horse. Nagato tried to take the horse rope and let Bai Ling go back, Bai Ling shook his head and pulled away the long The door held the hand of the horse.

Naomen knew that Bai Ling was not willing to leave, so he spoke to Bai Ling patiently again.

This time the long door stood in front of Bai Ling, with his face close to Bai Ling's head, looking at Bai Ling's eyes and saying, "Good horse, good horse, I know you have spirituality and can understand people's words. , How can you go back? "

"You can tell me, I can do it if I can." Bai Ling shivered and looked at the long door, his eyes blinked, and he looked at the old man again.

Nagato knew that Bai Ling felt the thought of Nagato, and Nagato continued to say to Bai Ling without giving up. Good horse, what do you need, you can tell me, I will do it for you, OK.

Bai Ling shook his body again, and the saddle on his back shook.

Nagato seemed to understand something. Nagato removed the saddle on Bailing's horse, and Bailing raised his head and screamed.

Nagato knew that Bai Ling wanted freedom and was not trapped by this saddle. It was a spiritual horse. How could it be willing to let people ride.

Bai Ling was unloaded from the saddle and took a breath at the long door. He looked at the old man again and ran to the entrance of the trail without looking back. The long door saw that it was broken. How did Bai Ling run? Explain!

Do n’t you want Bai Ling to return to the old man ’s residence? It ’s okay. Bai Ling is free. He ca n’t get the treasure to make himself strong. The long door looked at the old man and said, “Sir, how can this be good? Bai Ling released. "

But the old man didn't get angry at the long door nor did he get in or out of happiness, he said to the long door,

"You did n’t do anything wrong, young man. The horse returned to its residence. It ’s just its own residence. It ’s a very spiritual horse. Last time it was injured. I took it home and raised it. Yes, now it's hurt, I will let it go back. "

Going back to his own place, his own residence, after the long door heard the old man, it was reassuring, saying that the old man was asked to make me stronger, and the long door was willing to follow the old man's instructions.

The old man looked at the long door and said, "You have got the treasure that made you stronger, young man. The long door looked at the old man and wondered what the old man said, what has made him become stronger?"

Nagato didn't understand what was going on. The old man said, look at your palm. Nagato opened the palm and looked at it. There was a blue tear-shaped gem in the palm. Nagato picked up the gem and asked the old man.

"Old man, what is this treasure that will make me stronger? When did this come to me, I didn't even notice it?"

The old man said, "This is Bai Ling's left for you. This gem will allow you to understand people's minds. If you practice it, you will have mind reading."

Nagato was very happy, and he added another function to make himself more powerful. Nagato was very grateful to the old man. The old man said, "The young man ’s method of cultivating this tear gem is on the last trail. ! "


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