My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 324: Snake Reproduction

Nagato sat for a while, and the young woman said to him for a long time. The smile of the young woman gradually disappeared, and she looked impatient.

Nagato knew that the Miu Ling woman was the result of the change of the snake essence, and had no attack for the time being, just to see what this snake essence wanted to make.

The expression on the face of Miu Ling's woman became more and more stiff, and she squeezed out, "Do you want to rest here for a long time? Didn't your son feel tired?" Nagato understood, this poisonous snake essence was medicine in the water! She wanted to poison me.

The snake essence knew that Nagato was immortal. No poison would work for her, let alone the poison of snake essence.

The long gate is no longer inked, and I do n’t want to see the snake spirit being put down, and directly said, "You are the one that is not harmful."

"Don't pretend that you can't pretend anymore"!

"Simply make a point, come straight to the point." Seeing that she couldn't cover it, the snake spirit changed back to her ugly face.

This snake essence turned out to be a man, but I wanted to give Nagato a beauty plan! Which long door doesn't know this set, it doesn't make sense to pretend, just don't pretend to say, "Are you here to die, kid?"

"No one in town dared to come here, and you are an outsider at first sight." "Whoever gives you the guts to live or die."

Nagato looked calmly at the fierce face of the snake man, and said, "You are right from the outside, I do n’t know if you are alive or dead. I think you are the one who met this Nagato today. day."

The Snake Man heard the words said by Nagato, and he was so angry that he shouted, "Boy take the trick, I don't know if I don't know your father." From head to head towards the long gate.

Nagato sees that the snake man is ready to make a move to himself, and by the way, a sideways escapes the attack of the snake man. The snake man escapes his attack so easily that when he sees the long door, he launches a second attack, This shot is faster than last time.

Who knows that Nagato easily avoided it, and the Snake Man was a little annoyed. This kid didn't expect such a good skill to avoid his attack. The average person was too late to avoid it. The Snake Man thought that this kid is not an ordinary person. Ah, it seems difficult to deal with.

When Nagato sees the snake man attacking again, it seems that the snake man is quick to make a quick decision, and Nagato is not willing to be outdone. The chest aimed at the snake man is a palm. Blood.

After being hit by the long door and vomiting blood, the Snake Man burned in anger, thinking that he couldn't even hit the long door, even after only one move, the long door hit himself.

This time, the snake man is going to make a big move, and it is necessary to use Dafa. In this town in the small world, he has absorbed the spirit of so many people and made himself so powerful. It is to deal with people with strong power.

The snake man spit out the red letter from his mouth. Is this going to enter or leave the prototype? Nagato thought of the red letter of the snake man.

Sure enough, after spitting out the red letter, the snake's face gradually changed into a snake's face. When the long door looked, it was a bamboo leaf green. No wonder he likes to live in a bamboo forest.

Seeing the Nagato, the Snake Man looked at him calmly and calmly, and was ready to use his own Dafa. The Snake Man began to exercise his power and prepared to use the Dafa to the Nagato. As soon as the Nagato saw the situation was bad, this Snake was about to smoke. .

Nagato turned around, avoiding the snake man's smoking, and Nagato was a clever man. He didn't avoid the snake man's smoking for the second time and was sucked into the stomach by the snake man.

The Snake Man saw that Longmen was sucked into his belly by himself, so it ’s Le Zai, but that ’s the case with this kid too. Originally, he just wanted to **** the kid ’s spirit away, but because of his unusual ability, he simply sucked himself in. Your stomach so that you can make up for yourself.

This kid might not be able to make up for the residents in the town, maybe it can reach the spirit of a hundred people! The thought of this snake man is even more fun. Who knows that if he is not happy for a while, the snake man's stomach turns over the river, as if something kicks in his stomach.

The Snake Man wouldn't think that the Nagato deliberately let the Snake Man **** into his stomach, in order to make the Snake Man proud and come to a pain, and the Nagato torture the Snake Man.

The snake essence man rolls on the ground with a stomachache, knowing that he is bad, this kid deliberately let himself **** in, he wanted to cause trouble in his stomach.

Nagato's estimate of the snake man's stomach, and the snake man's painful call is just a small bamboo leaf green. After absorbing the spirit of many people, he wants to be the king.

The snake elder was so painful that he rolled on the ground. He flew out of the bamboo house and bumped around in the bamboo forest. He was so painful that he covered his stomach and cried repeatedly, and said to the stomach, "Boy, come out to me, come out and fight hard."

Nagato knew that the snake man was scorning again, ignoring the call of the snake man, he still gave out palms one after another, and one palm was heavier than the other.

The Snake Man couldn't bear it anymore, and the pain made him unable to himself. This time he completely changed back to a snake, and changed back to its zombie, swimming around in the bamboo forest. The Snake Man walked under a waterfall.

Swim under water, drink water madly, I want to drink more water to drown the boy inside, I don't know how much water I drank, the snake's man's stomach has been greatly swelled by the water, I feel that there is no movement in his stomach.

I wondered if the kid had been drowned by water, but after a while, Nagato made a voice and said, "Snake man, do you think this water can drown me? You are wrong, my Nagato is not dead." Body, what is this water for me. "

The Snake King heard the long door saying, immortal body, such a good body, if it was given to me, wouldn't it bring my ability to a higher level?

The snake man secretes a lot of stomach acid from his stomach when he thinks about it. Your boy is immortal. Isn't my invincible stomach acid still digesting you? After digesting my skills, I can greatly improve my skill. My stomach acid is secreted.

Nagato saw a lot of viscous liquid in the snake man's stomach and knew that the snake man wanted to secrete stomach acid to digest himself.

Upon seeing this, Nagato decided to make a move. He used his hand several times faster than before to slap his hands. The Snake King shouted, and the Snake King felt that his stomach was about to be broken by the Nagato. How is it good!

Nagato hit the last palm and came out of the snake man ’s stomach. The snake man was lying in the water with pain. The long door looked at the snake man and smiled, “That ’s the skill, I want to beat me, I want to put I digested and improved my skills. "Think about it! Hahaha! ..


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