My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 325: Fruitful

Nagato laughed a few times! The Snake Man defeated the Nagato in this way, and the essence of the Snake Man sucked from the residents returned to the residents one by one, and the residents were all resurrected.

After defeating the Snake Man, Nagato came to the town and told the residents that the Snake Man was defeated by himself. The residents no longer have to worry about fear, they can live a good life and enjoy life.

Residents cheered and grateful for the Nagato, applauding the Nagato, who remembered that the old man said that tears and gems on the last road can improve his skills, but did not work.

Originally thinking about whether it was related to the snake demon, but after the defeat of the snake elite, he did not play a role. The long door asked the residents "the fellow can know where else can improve his skill, he is going."

Residents said that apart from living in this town, no one has ever been out of this town. I do n’t know the world outside the town. I hope the heroes will forgive me. After being heard by Nagato, I was a little disappointed. All the trails have been experienced and many treasures have been obtained, but Nagato has not yet strengthened himself to the point of his satisfaction. It is too early to be strong to his satisfaction!

The residents stayed in the long gate for the night, and early in the morning, the long gate said goodbye to the residents of the town and walked out of the last road.

Nagato returned to the entrance of all the trails. Standing in front of many trails, Nagato passed through the dense fog of the mirage again. This time Nagato didn't know where it would go to the small world.

Nagato came to the dense fog again, went to the dense fog alone, and walked forward again according to his feelings. I do n’t know where he would go through the dense fog this time.

Nagato knew that he couldn't go backwards to make himself stronger. You ca n’t be timid or timid. As long as you seek, there must be a way to make yourself stronger. As long as you go forward, you can find it and do n’t give up.

At this meeting, Tian Dashan and Zhu Wushuang gathered a lot of people, looking for the whereabouts of Nagato everywhere, and vowed to take back treasures and skills from Nagato, and could not make Nagato become stronger anymore.

In the thick fog, Nagato could not see the road ahead, and could only walk forward by feeling. At this time, the tear gem gave the direction indicated by Nagato, and the tear gem pulled the Nagato, making it clear. Direction.

After leaving the thick fog, Nagato came to another strange place in the small world. This strange place is much more clear than the previous trails. What is the clear place! It was Nagato who came to a valley, and everywhere in the valley were birds and animals, birds and flowers.

Nagato was attracted by the scenery in front of him. There is such a beautiful exotic world in the small world. It is really beautiful. Nagato moved forward and walked in this beautiful scenery.

What kind of strange things will Nagato encounter here, or what experience can make him stronger.

The long gate walked and felt that the body was so light, and it flew unconsciously, the body flew involuntarily, flew over the stream, flew over the flower tree, flew over the hillside, over the flock of birds , Flying past those little animals.

Suddenly, Nagato's body fell down and fell on a meadow full of yellow flowers. Nagato stood up and looked at the flowers on the ground, which seemed to be dandelion flowers, hyacinths.

In the scenery where Nagato reveled in dandelion flowers, a demon wind struck, and the blowing Nagato almost fell again. This demon wind was accompanied by a burst of flowers, and a lovely elf appeared in the demon wind.

The long gate saw the elf and asked, "Is the elf a guardian of this dandelion flower?" The elf replied, "Yes, I am the guardian elf here."

"Who are you, how come you come here." "No one in our valley can get in," "It seems that you are the one who came to save us!"

Nagato heard the elves say rescue! Asked "Why did the elf say this, what happened in this valley, where did the elf save the word?"

The elf said, "We look at this valley is not very beautiful, birds and flowers." The long door responded "Yes."

The elf said again "Originally" "All kinds of guardian elves live peacefully in this valley", "I don't know that a huge centipede came that day." "Frightened us little elves," the big one Centipede grabbed us elves one by one. "

Nagato asked, "Why are you holding you up?" The elf said, "Take us up and let us gather these flowers, trees, water, birds and animals to give her aura, she can improve her mana."

"If we don't follow her instructions,"

"She locked us up and whipped us every day."

"At first there were some elves uniting against her," "but the centipede is more powerful than our elves," "We elves can't resist her at all."

"I was afraid of her later. In order not to be beaten by the centipede, we can only listen to the centipede and collect aura for her to practice."

Nagato understands, isn't this the style of the snake man? Use others' spiritual power to cultivate your own spiritual power and make yourself stronger.

The elf looked at the long door and did not know what the long door was thinking. The elf asked the long door, "What are you thinking, are you our savior, what is your name, can you help us?"

Nagato replied, "Yes, I am your savior. My name is Nagato. You can call me that. I came to this small world to make myself stronger. There are many places that make me strong."

Nagato asked the elf to take him to find the centipede monster, but to see what this huge centipede was. It was even more difficult to deal with than the snake elf. No matter how difficult it was, Nagato could find a way to defeat her.

The elf took the road in front, followed by the long door, and as soon as the centipede dwelled, the elf was very scared and slowed down the progress. The long door understood the elf's fear.

Nagato said, "Don't be afraid, elf, I won't let that centipede bully you, and won't let him hurt you, so you can lead the way!" The elf is still afraid when he hears Nagato of.

It didn't know if Nagato could deal with that huge centipede, that centipede was really big, and it was also very cruel.

The long gate let the elf sit on his shoulders, and the elf was not so scared at this time, as long as he directed the route of the long gate to walk.

Nagato and the elf came to the home of the centipede. The place where the centipede lived was built with boulders. These stones exhaled the cold, and Nagato entered the home of the centipede.

The centipede was still asleep at this time, not aware of the arrival of the long door. The long door let the elf lead the way to the place where the centipede held the other elves. First, the elf came out and came to clean up the centipede. ..


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