My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 327: Whimper

The centipede said, "I know you are all kind," and I can't bear to hurt any of your elves. I wouldn't be like that unless I was confused by that voice. The centipede shed tears.

Nagato asked, "Do you know where that voice came from? How could he control you? Hearing you control him like this, what good is it for him?"

The centipede grievanced said, "That voice said that he not only made me stronger, he wanted to make many people stronger, and said that when those of us who become stronger can gather together, we can see his real body. He will let us see his real body! "

Long door thinking, is it to control these powerful people to do something, or do not have other intentions?

Elf "Centipede blame you even if we let us collect auras, why do you want to hit us and shut us up and hurt us like this!"

Centipede: "At the beginning, the voice just let me come here to practice, saying that it will make me stronger, and when I come in, the voice tells me that there are so many elves here, you can let them help you, don't need to Seek it yourself! "

Elf "So you listened to that voice and came to harm us and force us to do things for you."

Centipede "Yes, at first I said, no, I can't do this, it's wrong, how can I hurt you, but the sound is like magic, I have to listen!"

Nagato "You say that you are still innocent. You can't blame you for doing these bad things! You have to blame the source of that voice!"

Centipede monsters knew they were wrong and could only ask them for forgiveness. The elves did n’t believe what the centipede monsters said. They thought that the centipede monsters lied and lied to them.

The centipede saw the thoughts of the elves, "I know you will not easily believe these things I said. I have a way to prove that every time that voice talks to me, there will be a phantom, a phantom in that phantom. Green smoke. "

"Every day that voice will talk to me, and when he talks to me, it will prove that I did not lie to you."

The elf and Nagato looked at each other. The elf "Does the warrior think this centipede is true?" Do we have to believe her?

Nagato "With her skill, she can't escape my palm. Let's look at the truth of this centipede. Let's go back to the home of this centipede and see if that voice will come to her like the centipede said. . "

Everyone went back to the home of the centipede and waited for the voice to find the centipede and see what the voice was.

The centipede greeted everyone and sat down. The centipede felt very embarrassed to the elves and watched the injured elf weep repeatedly.

The elf saw the centipede monster like this, not as angry as before, and said to the centipede monster, "If what you said is true, we will forgive you, and besides, the wounds on our body, we can collect aura to heal, you do n’t need to worry . "

Centipede is even more ashamed of it after listening to it, so kind elves, why am I bewitched by that voice to hurt them, it is really something that should not be done, really should not be.

Nagato was also moved by the kindness of the elves, no matter there are many kind people in the outside world and the small world.

After an hour, the sound said by the centipede came to the centipede. Everyone saw that the source of the sound was a group of blue smoke, and the voice came from the blue smoke. The voice was very confusing.

Just listening to that voice said to the centipede, how are you practicing, did those elves collect more aura for you? The centipede "collected, and it has become a lot stronger. I will be more skillful for a while, and I will be able to see you when the time comes. See you Will you be able to become stronger? "

The voice is "yes, as long as you become strong enough, then there is no problem seeing me, and you can become stronger when you see me, and you can do whatever you want."

Centipede "Well, I will let those elves collect more aura, so that I can become stronger and become a stronger person, so that I can become stronger."

Voice "Remember to make yourself stronger, remember."

After talking, the voice disappeared, the centipede looked at everyone, you see, I did n’t lie to you, I was confused by this voice, he let me do these things, he let me hurt the elf, hurt the little Elves are really not my own wishes.

Nagato wanted to know who the voice was. He could manipulate people's hearts in this way, do things for him, obey him, and so bewitching.

The elf now believes what the centipede said, and it is helpless to know that the centipede is not willing to do anything that would harm others.

Centipede looked at the Nagato and the elves grievously, "Can everyone believe me now? I said it is true, but also the persecuted."

Nagato "I believe what you said, but you hurt the elves, you have to be punished as well as atonement for yourself."

Centipede monster "Yes, the knight said how to make me atonement. I can do it. Please ask the knight to tell me what to do."

Nagato "You let the elves collected by the elves use it on yourself and make yourself stronger. The elves gave you the aura. You said what you should do. You should understand this."

Centipede monster "I understand that warriors, I can accompany the elves and let the spirits of these flowers and trees grow again."

Elf "You are with us? What if the voice is letting you hurt us, and we have to suffer again, how can it be good."

Centipede "This is also a headache for me, and I am also afraid of it. How is this good? She looked at Nagato."

Nagato "rest assured that I give you something, you will no longer be fooled by the voice, Nagato took out the tear gem."

This gem reacted with the tear gem on the long door when the voice confuses the centipede.

This gem can block the temptation of the voice, and the long door gave this to the centipede, so that she would no longer be fooled by the voice to do things that would hurt the elves, and the elves could get along well with the centipede.

The centipede is very grateful for the long door, and even thanked you. You gave me such a precious treasure. I do n’t know how to thank you.

Nagato "You don't have to thank, you just have to do the centipede that doesn't do anything, just get along with the elves and get a good atonement, otherwise I won't make you happy."

You remember that there are no centipedes. Remember, otherwise you will never be let go. Do you understand? Listen carefully. Centipede nodded quickly, the warrior rest assured, I will not forget.

So the crisis in this valley is over, and now Nagato is to find the voice that the centipede said! ..


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