My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 328: Restart

When Nagato learned that there was such a character, he could control people's demons, and he was going to find him. This heart demons must have controlled a lot of people to control these people to gain strength to see him. There must be an attempt. Nagato is going to find the source of this voice.

But how to find the demons is very slim. The centipede did not tell him where the demons came from and where, which made the long door not knowing where to start and where to seek. The ability of the centipede was not strong enough. The demon will not tell him where he is.

Nagato asked the elves, "How many unknown places are there in this dense mirage. I passed through several different places in this dense fog," I can't see the road ahead every time. Feeling like this. "

Elf "There are many different spaces in this dense fog. Many outsiders have visited our valley before. They said that the dense fog of this mirage has hundreds of thousands of different realms. Everyone has been there. There are similarities and differences, everyone experiences and encounters are different. "

Nagato learned that there were so many different realms in the thick fog, and he didn't know that realm was where the demons were, so there was no clue which way to go.

Centipede monsters can't help Nagato, only their own abilities are not enough, they can't ask where and where the demons are, so Nagato can find him and defeat him.

Nagato said to the centipede and the elves, "If you go to find someone or something, it will be particularly difficult, but if you inadvertently seek it, it will be easy to meet and find."

The elf let the long gate stay for a while. In order to thank the long gate for saving them and giving them a quiet living environment, they decided to collect some aura here for the long gate.

Nagato came here to cultivate and become stronger. Hearing that the elf said that he can get spiritual power, and that he can become strong is very happy. He lost his tears gems and got the spiritual power given by the elf. .

After staying in this valley for some time, Nagato has improved a lot, thanks to the help of the elves, thank you very much.

Nagato is ready to set off for a new realm. No matter whether the next realm can meet the bewitching soul, he will also seek other abilities to make himself stronger.

Nagato said goodbye to the elf and the centipede, and was ready to go. He had to use his instinct to find out in the dense fog. What kind of things would he encounter in this new entry and exit? And novelty.

Nagato thought, I had dried up with this thick fog, and I thought I could get out of this small world by entering the Mirage.

By chance, I went to different places in this dense fog. These places also let me learn new skills. This is lucky for Nagato. He is worth coming to this mirage.

I don't know how long I walked, the thick fog gradually dissipated. This time the long gate came to an ancient forest. This ancient forest is a big tree in the sky. The root tree is tens of meters thick, so many people can hold it.

Nagato stood at the entrance to the forest, and I wondered what was waiting for him. Was there a quirk or something new? Holding this mood, Nagato walked in.

Nagato entered the ancient forest, and the vines that had just appeared before him were covered with vines. The vines extended from the trees. Nagato didn't know what kind of tree it was, and there could be such long vines.

Nagato continued to move forward, what would be in this forest? What characters will make you stronger this time? The long door thought while walking. He didn't know that there were eyes in the tree staring at his every move. These eyes were very sharp.

He watched the action of Nagato ready to attack at any time. Nagato looked at the ground and the scenery in front of him, not knowing that he was in danger and would be attacked at any time.

These eyes stared at the Nagato, looking at the timing, and attacked, making the Nagato no time to dodge. The Nagato didn't notice any strangeness at all. It might have been taken away by this strange scenery.

At this moment, those sharp eyes launched an attack, rushed straight down, and attacked the head of the long door, just five inches away from the long door. The palm was against the sharp eyes.

Those eyes also responded quickly, and opened the long door to fight back. The long door looked at it. This is a giant wolf. This wolf is twice as large as the ordinary wolf. The body color is white. Rarity is also a rarity.

The wolf stared at the long door with sharp eyes and issued an alert look to see what purpose the outsider had come here.

The white wolf said, "What's the matter with outsiders coming here, how did you get into this ancient forest?" Outsiders are not welcome here. You'd better leave quickly, otherwise I will attack you, you better understand people, Retreat from difficulties.

The corner of the long door mouth is lifted, "I have always been advancing in the face of difficulties, and I will not retreat in the face of difficulties. I came here to make myself stronger, to practice and cultivate myself. Just rest assured. "

White Wolf "No matter what you do here, this ancient forest just doesn't welcome you and allows outsiders to enter. You still leave quickly, otherwise I'm really rude to you and hurt you, don't blame me. "

Nagato knew that it would be impossible to enter the forest without the permission of the wolf. It seemed that he had to fight with the white wolf, but it was determined that he could not enter the forest. Many wolves offend, I must enter this forest. "

Seeing Nagato insist on going into the forest, the white wolf didn't say much. He was ready to fight with this outsider, to see what the outsider came from, and to see if the outsider had the ability to enter the forest.

Nagato and the white wolf prepared their gestures, and the white wolf jumped and attacked the longdoor. The wolf claws exposed their sharp minions to attack the longdoor, and the longdoor avoided one, avoiding the white wolf's attack. Seeing that, the white wolf jumped up and attacked the Nagato once again, and the Nagato was still avoiding it.

The white wolf did not understand that Nagato kept avoiding his own attacks, and did not move to attack himself, saying, "What do you mean, outsider, why not move? You are underestimating me, or what, do you think I am unworthy?" Do you contest? "

Nagato "I do n’t want to fight with you because I just came here to practice. I did n’t come here to **** anything, I do n’t want to hurt you, I hurt you, I must also invite other inhabitants of the forest to attack, this is not what I want. result"..


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