My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 336: Mandala wound

Nagato told the white wolf the scenes in his dream one by one. In the arms of Nagato, there was a mandala. Nagato and the white wolf took the mandala to the ruins of the ancient city. On the ruined ground, see if the mandala can survive.

So the hope depends on this mandala. If this mandala survives, the white wolf may meet the elder again. Nagato and the white wolf put all their hopes on this mandala. Luo body.

If this mandala will not wither after three days, it can prove that it can survive and open the runes. The long gate and the white wolf waited for three days in this ruined ruin, and did not leave here in one step. Guard this mandala.

Early in the morning of the third day, Nagato saw that the mandala was full of vitality and was very moving. He knew that this mandala survived, and he really lived up to it. The mandala adapted itself to the soil here. It seemed that Nagato was very happy.

Nagato and the white wolf walked to the mandala, and Nagato asked the white wolf, "What should I do next?" White wolf "I was recalling what the elder had done to the mandala at that time. Zhu Mandala, I have to think about it. "

The white wolf tried hard to recall the scene at that time. He must remember how the elder opened the mandala. He just remembered that the elder had dripped blood on the mandala. Did he say anything in his mouth? He has to think about it.

The white wolf tried hard again to recall the behavior of the elder at that time. The white wolf recalled that the elder said in his mouth, "Flower mandala, please open the medicine city, flower mandala, please open the medicine city." White wolf I remembered what the elder said.

The white wolf told the long door to the long door, and the long door opened the ancient city. The long door knew the old man's way, and read the mantra to the mandala flower. "Flower open the mandala. Please open the medicine city. Flower bloom. Mandala, please open the medicine city. "Another thing is to scratch your fingers, let your blood drip on this mandala, watching this mandala change.

I saw that after absorbing the blood from the Nagato, the mandala slowly began to stain the surroundings with blood red. The bright red slowly turned the runes on the stone into golden yellow, and these runes slowly evolved into modern times. Wen, Longmen and White Wolf walked into the stele and took a look.

The meaning of these runes is that when the whole city is full of mandala, the medicine city can be reopened. There is a elixir in the medicine city that can bring the dead back to life and strengthen the living.

Nagato and the white wolf learned the meaning of these runes, and had different ideas for them. Nagato wanted the elixir to strengthen themselves, and the white wolf wanted the elixir to resurrect the elders, after they learned After this news, the rune returned to the original rune.

Nagato "Did you see the white wolf, tell us above that as long as the mandala is full here, this ancient city will reappear. We must let the mandala open here, do you mean it is a white wolf."

The white wolf replied, yes, so that I can reunite with the elders. This mandala can fill the mandala here. How long will it take, is there any fastest way to fill it here? Mandala, use the fastest method. Nagato "Let ’s go and see the mandala," Nagato and the white wolf came to the mandala again to see if there was any way to make the mandala the fastest At the speed of growth, Nagato knew that the mandala is a flower representing death, and no leaves are blooming, and no flowers are blooming.

What the white wolf remembered! Let Nagato wait here for him to come back, and he will go back. Nagato doesn't know what the white wolf is going to do, so he waits for him to come back here, and the white wolf disappears in an instant, and Nagato knows that the white wolf is used again. Illusion.

The white wolf came to the growth spring, contained a spring of water in his mouth, and immediately returned to the ancient city with illusion. The Longmen saw that the white wolf came back so fast. He wanted to practice the illusion of the white wolf. Will the white wolf teach him magic?

The white wolf spit out the spring water of the growing spring from his mouth, and drenched on the mandala. Seeing that this mandala was gradually opening up in the ruins of the ancient city, this music broke the long gate, white wolf What spell was used at this time, so quickly filled the mandala.

When the last mandala occupied the ancient city, the ruins changed dramatically. It seemed like fragments of memories in front of Nagato and White Wolf. It evolved the ups and downs of this ancient city and finally appeared. In their eyes is a medicine city full of herbs, the herbs here are very precious.

Nagato sees that the people here have a blue silk, and here are women, and did not see a man in this medicine city. Nagato thought that this medicine city is all women, no men!

The white wolf knew at a glance that the elders were the people in this medicine city. These people had the same blue silk as the elders. They must know the elders. The white wolf came to a woman. "Ask your pharmacist, I Just want to live someone in your medicine city. "

Please tell me where I can find the elixir, the elixir that brings people back to life, the pharmacist "You are a white wolf, that wolf that uses illusion, Bai Ling and we mentioned you, saying that she has no way to forget you and want to return Go to your world to find you, but no one opened this medicine city again. We have no way to open the medicine city to the outside world. How did you get here? "

After listening to the pharmacist, Bai Lang immediately asked, "Bai Ling? Is that the elder who accompanies me, is she still alive? Where is she now? Please tell me, I would love to see her. I have never forgotten her, and I have never forgotten. "

The pharmacist said, "Bai Ling is now in Datura Valley. You can go there to find her. She will be very happy to see you here. You can go to the Datura Valley to find her. The Datura Valley is from here. Just go to the end, go. "

The white wolf motioned to the long door. The long door went to the mandala valley with the white wolf to meet the elder in his dream. The white wolf waited for the elder for a hundred years. , Live here well.

Nagato and the white wolf came to the mandala valley, looking for the elders. At this time, a young, very charming young woman came towards them. , Qingsi lightly scattered in the back.

The white wolf stepped forward, "Ask the pharmacist, did you see an elder? She is also a blue silk. Someone told me that she came here, did you see her? We are her loved ones, and come from a far away place She ...


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