My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 337: City of Pharmacists

The young woman covered her mouth and smiled. "The elder you said is me, can't you recognize it? I'm the elder you are looking for. Our pharmacist is no better than here, we will accelerate aging outside. , So what you see is an old man. "

"White wolf, you are taking a good look. I am your elder."

The white wolf came to the young woman and smelled the smell of her body. This smell is the one he is familiar with. It is the elder who has grown up with him, the elder he loves, the he Thinking about the elders for a hundred years.

The white wolf fell down at the feet of the young woman, "Elder, I have been looking for you for a long time, but you know that I miss you every day, since you left me, I have not been really happy one day, not you Saying to make me stronger and to protect this ancient forest, I don't know where to go.

Maybe I have already gone to another world, and I will never see you again. "

The young woman touched the head of the white wolf, "Good wolf, Linger knows that you miss, and knows that you have suffered a lot, knowing that you have become stronger, and guarding this ancient forest, I am very happy, I miss you very much in Yaocheng, but I did n’t find the right time to see you. "

Nagato saw that the two met again and renewed the leading edge, and he was also very happy. This elder was really beautiful and imposing. He couldn't help making him keep looking away and kept looking at Bai Ling .

Bai Ling came to the front door, you look at God, it ’s time to get back to God, I still have something to explain to you, the front door suddenly blushed, and quickly returned to the words "elders have something to do, please command, can be done I will do it, please say. "

Bai Ling, "Don't call me elder, I am very old, I am not in the outside world, I am what I am now, our pharmacist will not grow old in this drug city, it has always been like this, So just call me Bai Ling. "

Nagato "Okay, I'm gone, don't call you old, I'll call you Bai Ling from now on, I'll call Nagato, you will call me that way in the future." "So everyone is no stranger, before you We have seen several faces in my dream. "

Nagato smiled embarrassedly, Bai Ling saw the shyness of Nagato, and was no longer teasing him, and returned to the business, "I entrust your dream to you, just to let you come here, one is to be able to be white The wolves met again. The second is that the herbs here are withering. Many herbs have withered, and they have not re-germinated. They are almost extinct. "

"If we go on like this, our medicine city will become ruins, just like what you saw in the outside world, seeing that piece of ancient city ruins is the remains of our medicine city, just because all the herbs here have withered, the medicine city will not Re-exist. "

Nagato "So what can I help you? Is there any way to keep the herb from wilting and let this medicine city survive forever so that the white wolf can accompany you around you, instead of accepting the centuries of separation."

Bai Ling, "When you came in, did you see the word on the rune that said there is a magic medicine that can be brought back to life? Find the magic medicine and give it to me. I naturally have a way to let the withered herb grow out again. , No longer wither from now on. "

Nagato "Yeah, when we came in, we understood the words on the runes and there was such a potion. Then where do I go to find the potion?" "The potion is here Drug City? "

"Yes, the elixir is in the drug city, but our pharmacist can't get the elixir. Only outsiders can get it. The outsiders must be righteous and kind-hearted people, those evil people are! Can't get it. "Bai Ling said

Nagato "Ok then take me to that elixir, I will help you get it." Nagato thought that the elixir could be obtained by itself, and the white wolf thought that the elixir was to resurrect the white spirit. Elixir, the original use of this Elixir is here.

Bai Ling brought Nagato and the white wolf to the location of the elixir. This place is a temple with a pharmacist statue in the middle of the hall. The white wolf told Nagato and the white wolf, "This pharmacist is like their first teacher, this Xianshi has gone away. "

Nagato asked, "Is this elixir left by this first master?" Bai Ling said, "It is precisely that this elixir was left by the first master, but somehow our pharmacist cannot touch this elixir. , Will be hindered when approaching. "

"Like something is blocking our way, there is no way to get the elixir. If we break hard, we will only get injured, so we dare not go to get this elixir and learn that the first teacher is in the pill box. It says that outsiders can take it, and we are waiting for a just and kind outsider to come and save the herbs in our medicine city. "

Nagato went to look at the pillbox in Xianshi's hand. A flying body jumped in front of Xianshi and saw that the pillbox did say that outsiders could take it. It was strange. Nagato entered this medicine city, even here. Runes can be understood.

The Nagato opened the pill box in the hands of the Master. The pill contained a pink pill. Is this the elixir? Nagato took out the pill and saw that the elixir changed in Nagato's hand The color turns into a blue pill.

Bai Lang and Bai Ling looked at Nagato's every move, and saw the pill change color in Nagato's hand. Nagato leapt down and handed the pill to Bailing's hand. Bailing reached out to get the elixir. Nagato said "Thank you."

The voice was very sweet, the long door was about to get drunk, and there was another burst of blush, embarrassed. The white wolf looked at all this and said nothing, it was a bit jealous. I saw Bai Ling and Nagato one Come and go.

Bai Ling saw that the white wolf was unhappy, and reached out to touch the white wolf's head, and smiled meaningfully, "Little fellow, you are jealous, really grown up, I am kind to all kind people , You do n’t have to be jealous. "

The white wolf was seen through Bai Ling's thoughts, and he did not hide. In the past, the elder only lived with him, and there were no other people, so the elder was only kind to him. This time he saw that the elder was kind to others, and he was not used to it. !

Nagato "Now that we have got the elixir, can we go and save those withered herbs," Nagato looked at Bai Ling, "Yes, we are going to the herb valley now, where is there a medicinal king tree, and the elixir Give the King of Grass. "

Nagato and the white wolf Bailing came to the herb king tree. This herb king tree is very large. The roots of the herb king tree are covered with the whole herb valley. Are these herbs cultivated by this herb king tree? Nagato thought.

Bai Ling buried the elixir under the root of the medicine king tree. The medicine king tree absorbed the power of this medicine and saw that the root of the medicine king tree moved up one by one, dispersing nutrients to Here, the herbs, after absorbing the elixir of the medicine king tree, one by one, are full of vitality, do not wither. ..


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