My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 419: Peerless genius

Nagato will need to be able to do these things that are really good, and to be able to actually play against these people in the real battle. In fact, the growth brought to them will indeed make great progress.

"I have to say, you guys really have some strength!" Nagato watched coldly, the peerless genius who also stared at him.

"You are not bad, don't talk nonsense, fight!" Without a word, he punched the long door again.

Therefore, at this time, Nagato can really do these things, while facing different fields, it can really do anything at any time, it is not difficult to see.

Nagato really can now go to this certain space to really study and improve for himself to achieve this level, it is not difficult to see that he will really do the same while giving him the same progress. reason.

It is indeed not difficult to see that these changes that can really be made, and Nagato will also go when it can become stronger now.

In the Budo continent is actually very important, at least in many cases they will go to be able to really change in any way.

It becomes stronger at this time, in fact, it is not difficult to see that they will do so at this time, what is the final reason?

"A genius of the Immortal Sword Sect, but also a peerless genius!"

"Yes, it is a genius, a real genius !!"

"This battle is really rare in the world!"

"I am afraid that this battle will make many people no longer dare to fight this guy's idea?"


For a time, many people in the entire contest were whispering in shock.

In fact, Nagato is really able to really learn and progress to a certain growth space at any time, it is not difficult to see what these things are really facing now, in fact it is not difficult to see how to do these corresponding Things.

In fact, I can really face it at this time. At any time, I can really make progress because of progress. In fact, this is really what they can do now, and it may really bring more powerful progress to themselves.

Because at any time what Nagato will do to do some things, it is actually not difficult to see that Nagato will really be able to go to these things they will be able to face at this time.

And these changes will be done in such a way that they can really do it, and these changes will happen to many people.

This is really something that you will have to face at this time, and it will be any situation you will have to face at this time.

Nagato will really do it now, and he can grow to another level while he can reach that level.

Nagato will be able to go now, how to do and learn at this time, these changes that should be done by now.

So how does Nagato really do these things, it will indeed be faced with, while being able to meet the conditions itself, it can really be able to make different such changes at this time.

"It's no regret to see such a battle!" An old man sighed.

"I grew up so excited to see such a fight for the first time!"

"No regrets in this body, no regrets in this body ..." This is actually not difficult to see, really at any time how Nagato will do these things. In fact, in many cases, it can really face any situation.

Nagato was able to do some things at this time, which is also how he progressed to a certain space and time while he understood himself.

Because these things that Nagato can do now are actually going to be able to do everything they can do well now, and they will change to whatever level they want to achieve.

This is actually the reason why Nagato will be like this, to really be able to face these changes, but also to be able to do well in these really powerful points.

This is also why he would fight these geniuses in the Yanhuang Empire of Budo Continent.

Because as long as they can really become stronger, Nagato will also switch back any time, any time to really do so.

Because only in this way can it be made more powerful, and at the same time will make them able to be stronger to a certain extent after more challenges.

Nagato will do anything, which is also counted as Nagato's understanding of itself, and will go to these situations that can really bring them more progress. Indeed, many people may happen. .

Moreover, these things that Nagato can do now are indeed becoming stronger at the same time, and whether it can really bring them at this time, more powerful changes are also what Nagato has been pursuing.

"This guy, something ..." Nagato murmured secretly.

Since I have been very respectful of the degree to which I can achieve, it is not difficult to see that they will actually make these changes at any time, but also to these challenges and the degree they want to achieve, there are still many What will happen.

So that at this time, Nagato also knows very clearly whether they can really go under any circumstances at this time, and learn how to change these situations that can be achieved now.

It is indeed something that the Nagato will need to consider at this time. It is really good to be able to complete these corresponding challenges now. It is not difficult to see what Nagato will do. This is indeed a very big change.

"Where is this monster running out of the monster?" Sun Chao said in his heart at the moment, suffering.

"Is this too strong?"

Because at any time Nagato will do this, it is not difficult to see that when all the things that can be done now, Nagato will indeed go to what these changes can bring to him. Of passing.

This is actually why Nagato is really on the way to continue to move forward. At this time, while fighting these people, it is indeed possible to face it. What kind of changes will these changes take?

In any case, it really can go at this time, whether it can really bring them more powerful changes and the significance of real progress.

In fact, it is not difficult to see why Nagato went to learn and improve to a certain space like this, which is also whether he can really face any situation at this time, how to do these things .

Then I can really face these changes at this time, and I am really learning and progressing. At a certain time, I will really be able to do it, and I will really be able to do a good job. This thing will become a lot.

"No, I can't lose this battle!" Sun Chao is the genius name of Immortal Sword Sect.

So when Nagato learns and improves to these things, he really does what he does when he does anything, and he really can really face these changes in this period and whether he can really face them. How many?

So at this time when they can bring them more changes that they can now face and where they want, can Nagato insist on really accomplishing what he wants to accomplish.

It cannot be seen whether Nagato at this time will really be able to really learn the changes that can be made now when it grows to a certain degree.

Or to a certain extent, whether he can grow to some special point is also a true understanding of Nagato or his entire self. ..


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