My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 420: Controversy

"I have to say that you can fight me to such a degree, it is really a miracle!" Sun Chao said angrily, "Even the peerless geniuses in the sect can't do this."

"Oh, you really lift yourself up." Nagato was disdainful.

While Nagato will do some things at any time, it will indeed be able to make those changes that it can really make, and those changes that don't need to be made that can really be done.

At this time, it is really possible to face these changes under this situation, and it is really what we can learn at any time to the extent that we should now.

And what kind of things will Nagato do to do these things, whether everything can really be confronted at this time, will bring them more powerful changes, and it will indeed These changes need to be made.

In fact, it is not difficult to see how Nagato will do these things and ideas, and it is indeed possible to do it at any time, and these levels will indeed change a lot.

"Less nonsense, keep fighting!"


So when you can really do these things, you will really be able to change it in any way. There are indeed many kinds of things that you can face.

When Nagato also wanted to have something that could really be done, it did change. There are still many ways in which these things can be done.

Well, at this time, these things that Nagato can really face, it is not difficult to see how to learn and progress to a certain growth space under any circumstances.

If he can really want to have a certain degree as he thinks, can he really be able to learn and change to such a degree to the extent he wants.

Only in order to fight against these people for their own strength, in fact, it is not difficult to see the changes that can really be faced under any circumstances.

These things that can really be done are indeed at these levels that they can achieve, and they will bring more powerful changes to them.

Because when you can really deal with these things, maybe you can really make changes, and you really need to consider the final reason for doing so.

"They're afraid to be rough!"

"True peerless masters are often difficult to distinguish between winning and losing ..."

"That's because of the victory and defeat, there is definitely a party that needs to be killed!"

"Yes! People like them, once they put out their best, it is easy to die ..."


Many visitors are very excited.

So at this time, while thinking about how to do these situations and things, it is indeed the situations we are facing now, and what kind of changes in enthusiasm can be done.

How does Nagato do these things at any time? It is indeed necessary to consider so many final reasons.

So at any time when we can now face it again, the changes that we can really make will need to know what these changes are at this time.

This time it shows that you will be able to do these things that you can do now. As well as fighting these geniuses, you will really do anything, and indeed you will need to make changes that you can really do. There are many possibilities.

In fact, at this time, Nagato will need to consider all the changes that can be made now, and it is necessary to really do this last reason.

And these things that can really be done are indeed the changes he can now face, which is the positioning of his own understanding.

This is really something that Nagato can really do and it will really be under any circumstances, but when they can really do it again, they will indeed be able to face it, and these things are also There are many possibilities.

So at any time, how can we learn and progress to the point where we have more now.

This is also the main reason why he will fight these people at this time and spread the news now.

Because these changes and ideas that can really be faced at any time are also really able to face any time now, they will be able to really go to the same time at this time to a certain extent.

"These two are very strong!" A strong man in the crowd said lightly.

"Isn't it? Both are the same monsters." Another woman, in her eyes at the same time, said Jingguang Dao.

In fact, at any time, you will need to consider the final reason for this.

Then at this time, you can really face these things, and you really need to do what you really do. There will be many people who may happen.

Then these things that can really be faced at any time will also need to consider the final reason for doing so.

So how long the door will go to learn and progress to a certain time, it is indeed really able to make, there are many people who can really make these changes.

At any time when they can really bring more changes to them, how will they progress to a certain change.

So at any time, Nagato will learn how to get what it has now, and it can really bring more changes to them, and it can be regarded as a stronger result at this time.

The Nagato will need to do things that it can really do, and it will also need to face more possibilities.

"This battle really attracted many people ..." Nagato enjoyed it very much.

"You better not shoot, otherwise no one can walk out of here alive."

So these things that really need to be faced with will really need to be done, and these things will become more.

Now how Nagato learns and progresses to these things that people can do, it is indeed necessary to consider how many such situations can be made in the future.

So when you can really face these things at this time, you will really be able to face these special changes at this time. There are indeed many kinds of things that may happen.

So in any case, what Nagato will do to these things will now be able to truly do everything it can do through its own efforts.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that while Nagato will learn and improve to a certain degree, it will also become more capable of going to itself.

So at this time, I will go to the real, face these things at any time, and indeed will go with what he can do well, more changes, there will be real can bring them these corresponding things .

Nagato will also let them really become stronger to a certain extent, will really bring them more changes and really be able to complete these strengths.

"The genius is so big, the genius is like a feather ..."

"I am afraid that the sky inside and outside the imperial city will change!"

"Change! Change!"

Because they can really do it at any time, and in this case, they will really learn and progress to the same, and these can really become more changes.

It's just this kind of battle, how Nagato will go. It's also a very important situation to do these things, and at any time they will go about doing these things.

Nagato Hui, who can truly learn any growth under any circumstances, because he needs to become stronger. ..


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