My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 422: In full swing

So at any time when these things can really be faced, Nagato will also go really under the circumstances of learning and progressing to a certain degree.

Now any opponent who can bring him more powerful changes and can improve him is actually very important for Nagato.

"This is the God of War!"

"Since then, this son is unmatched!"

"This time, I'm afraid it has deterred the heroes."

"This red-haired boy is in the sky!"


But this guy was defeated by Nagato in one punch, which is something that no one thought of!

Because at any time they will do these things, they really just want to bring them more powerful changes through challenges.

At this time, the changes that Nagato will really be able to make will need to face what it can really face.

The challenges of these people now also affect him, which will allow him to progress to a larger space,

What can really be faced, what can really be done, what brings them these things, and what can really become more powerful will result in many changes.

But all of the people present could n’t believe it was true, but it was indeed true.

Because Nagato was able to punch a punch, it would be true that at this time he would be able to go to the Zongmen disciple whom people admire. He could actually do anything useful at this time. How to do it.

But it is true that he was defeated by Nagato, and it is not difficult to see that he will need to consider this. For them, the final meaning is acceptable to such a real development.

And at any time, Nagato will go to the point where it becomes stronger with what it can do. Whether it can be done, can really make her progress to a certain space.

In fact, it will really affect the current Nagato, able to do it itself while facing these to make them more powerful, Nagato will also go real, but it has improved to a certain extent.

"This world is changing, there is a dragon out of people!" A middle-aged man in a robe, his eyes lightened, seemed to see the future.

Because in any case, Nagato knows very clearly that at this time, Nagato will face Kerry of these people on the martial arts continent, and it is indeed true under any circumstances.

How can this be done for this? It is also very necessary to consider what Nagato needs to consider now, and many people will change.

Because how Nagato learns and progresses to more space now, it is not difficult to see.

While they are doing these things, they will give it their own room for research and progress, and it will be something that people have no way to think through.

Because these things that can really be done, it is indeed possible to face these changes, and it is really able to bring them more powerful changes.

And how can Nagato really be able to achieve any utterance during this period, this is actually a situation that is very necessary to think about.

"I'm afraid that after this battle, no one dared to underestimate this teenager so much." An old woman murmured.

How can we really do these things at this time? It is true that we can accomplish these changes that we can do, and there are many kinds of things that may happen.

So at this time it is really possible to go, and the changes that can be faced during this period are indeed at any point where they are really made, and they will make them more powerful.

Well, during this period, this kind of transformation that will bring Nagato stronger, it is also necessary to consider more meaning now, whether they can really improve to a certain extent as they thought.

In fact, it is also impossible to see how Nagato will do these things at this time. This is indeed a very important thing for himself.

"But there is still the courage to step forward to fight!" The Nagato shouted loudly, "If so, stand up now and don't waste time!"

And at any time Nagato will do this and learn, and everything that can be done now will go to more of this field that he can really do, and really do it at this time.

This is actually what Nagato can really do in the course of constant challenges and progress, and these things of progress will gradually become more.

So it is true to be able to face these changes, and it is indeed true, what kind of learning will be done at this time, and now can make more of these changes.

At this time, how these things can really be done by Nagato is indeed the changes that can really be done at this time. There will be many kinds of changes.

"This kid is too rampant!"

"What's wrong with others? People have this capital !!"

"The world is changing, the human race is about to rise!"

"Follow the trend, because it is so!"


So at any time now, these things that can really be done are really able to complete more of these changes, and now they can make more progress in the Tao.

And at this time, these people will look down on them, because his guy with red hair is too conspicuous, so that now the guy does anything special in and outside the imperial city.

And he will make Zhu Wushuang Shangbo Xiaobo a strong success in spreading the news. Now people just want to get the world era from him, and then become more powerful.

Although he is doing the same, that is, following their wishes, so that these people will challenge him and want to get a lot of things from him.

At this time, it is not just a lot of people now. I already know that this guy has got a lot of treasures.

But what I really want to say is that at any time, these so-called geniuses have been defeated by Nagato in a wave, and after another wave, many people who have been secretly observing are no longer in a hurry to continue to challenge Nagato.

Because they often do anything at the same time, they will really complete these states to the extent they can do it.

At this time, while really being able to face these things now, it is really able to face any changes they can make.

Indeed, what they can do during this period may be just a simple part.

Just as Nagato thought, he would do anything, which is actually just his change to what he can do now, will make them more powerful at the same time, what will they do To these corresponding things.

At this time, all the changes that Nagato will learn and improve to what it can do now can really enter a certain space.

"This is a man!" A girl in flower season excitedly.

It is indeed possible to go. At this time, how to really be able to do so, these changes will become more.

And these people will do this, and the changes that will bring him will also make them really able to progress to what kind of space at this time, that is, he will learn at this time and fight with these people will make him change. To be more powerful. ..


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