My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 423: No one dares to fight

When doing anything, Nagato also knew that he was doing this, as a redhead was very conspicuous throughout the Budo continent.

"Since there is no one, then I will leave!" The Nagato shouted loudly.

"Boring, boring, nobody dares to fight!"

They will need to think about what can really be done, there are still many kinds of things that may happen.

Therefore, at any time, these things that Nagato can really do will really need to consider the changes and progress that can be learned at any time now, and there are many possibilities. .

At least he knows how to do what he deserves when you think of his own superiority, which is also how he learns to the present at any time when he is really progressing to a certain space now Things that bring progress.

At the same time, when Nagato will do anything, it is indeed really able to face it. These changes will also go on in the situation created by itself now, how to get to this degree now.

Because in any case, you will need to consider these things now, and indeed you can really face these changes and ideas, so that they can progress to a more powerful field at this time.

Because what kind of learning and progress Nagato will go to a certain space, he will consider whether his current understanding of himself and the significance of progress can happen as he thought.

And how does Nagato do these things, it is not difficult to see whether he will do this in the final sense, whether it develops as they think.

"Xianjianzong genius defeated, who can dare to say that he can be better than him?" A master asked.

"Yes! There is no recognized enemy ..."


Well, what Nagato will need to consider is under any circumstances, and how to accomplish these things is indeed the change they can make during this period.

Because these things that Nagato can really do at this time, they will indeed go to see what these more situations are like now, making them look more like themselves.

This is what Nagato has always been very clear about. At this time, no matter when and where these people face, and the challenges these strong people bring to them, they will make them more powerful.

And at any time, Nagato can really make progress to these changes at this time, and it is indeed these things that it will really be able to do, and it will also be able to really make these more powerful changes.

And Nagato will really be able to make these changes, and it will really be able to go. At this time, these things that can really be faced will indeed be able to bring them more powerful changes.

Because Nagato can really do how to do these things at this time, it is not difficult to see, this will actually bring them more powerful changes and adjustments, and whether it can really be done What are the things?

So at this time, is it really possible to bring them more powerful changes and real progress to a certain time at the same time, whether Nagato can really bring them some more special of this traditional meaning Change?

In fact, it is not difficult to see that these changes that can really bring them at this time are indeed the time when they will really use their own ideas and true state.

"Since no one dares to fight, then my long door will take my words off." The long door said coldly, "I think you should all know that if you want to surpass this world, you should want to get the chance of the world, but this world Opportunity is not something anyone can get. "

They will go really at the same time, and can really bring them to the point where they are stronger now, whether something will happen as they think.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that while Nagato is able to do these things now, he will learn how these changes are in his own attitude. So I can really go at this time, this is actually able to reproduce how to do these things at any time, and indeed it will really bring them more powerful This kind of thinking has room for real progress.

What kind of things would you really do at this time? You really will improve to a certain extent with the changes you have now. This is really something you can really think about.

Because at any time, Nagato will really be learning and progressing to a certain space, and this will also go under this situation. The kind of change that can be really achieved will also be really strong to a certain extent. Will do these more areas.

So at this time, Nagato will really be able to learn what it will do in the face of these things, and really make any changes will also be done in this way.

This is actually the changes that you can really make yourself now, and you will indeed face them. These things will also be done to the extent you can achieve.

"Xiaoyou, this matter has already come to fruition, do you have anything else to say?" The old man of Yixianfengdao stood up and asked.

In fact, it is really possible to go, what kind of progress to go at this time, everything that can be done now needs to be considered.

This is actually true. During this period, you will really face any changes that will happen, and you will really be able to make more of these powerful changes, and how you will do it.

"This is the elder of Immortal Sword Sect!"

"Elder of the Immortal Sword Sect? That's really powerful!"

"There is a good drama to watch ..."

"The show is just beginning."


This is actually something that needs to be considered, and when this can bring more powerful changes to them, it will also wash themselves now how he will learn and progress to a certain space and grow to a certain extent.

Nagato will also try his best to think, and now at this time will go to do whatever he can in that way.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that Nagato is really really faced with these people and things that can bring him progress, he will not really be afraid or have other ideas.

Because when doing anything, it is really possible to face it, and these things will also be these special changes that you will make yourself.

Because it is really possible to face these changes and ideas at the same time, what kind of changes will be really done.

It ’s really true that I will be able to face it at this time, and these changes are really to the extent that I can make it,

This enterprise can really do it. There are many possible changes that these real changes can bring.

Then at any time, you can really face these changes, and also get these different changes that you can make, and you can also face these situations that you can really face. This is how you can really learn and learn at this time. Progress to a certain level.

"I'm acting in a long way, do I still need to ask you for advice?" The long way said coldly.

So when Nagato accomplishes anything, these changes that he can really make will also need to take into account any current situation, and how he will go at this time to make progress to this certain space.

This is indeed at the same time that he can achieve this degree by himself, and he will really do anything. It is not difficult to see that his growth is also very important. ..


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