My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 424: Elder Zongmen

"There is a good drama to watch now!"

"This is a little bit crazy!"

"As soon as the elder came out, what he wanted!"

"This kid is over ..."

Well, in the place of Wu mainland, the significance of these strongmen to Nagato is extraordinary.

And wherever Xiaoming is now, how can he reconcile with someone who has become stronger, this is actually necessary.

Although it is said that the fairy genius who had always expected and expected them was defeated in the hands of Nagato, it is not difficult to see that Nagato still has a very high evaluation of this guy.

Because normally speaking, other people will really count nothing in the eyes of Nagato, but at this time, if Nagato will need to do something, it will still go, really facing any possibility. There will be a lot of possibilities for people to happen.

And in more cases, with the defeat of the disciples in the fairy sword, many people no longer dare to challenge the Nagato.

Because Nagato knew what he was facing now, so that under any circumstances, they would make any changes.

Because in any case, when they do something, they actually do it.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that Nagato is also very aware of how to deal with these kinds of situations that may happen now when learning and progressing to a certain point.

"Boy, the old man kindly reminds you that you still don't know what to do?" The old man Gujing Wudao said, "Don't you still want to be against my entire Immortal Sword Sect?"

It is indeed now how he would fight these people in the face of these geniuses who can really go for her to become stronger.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that Nagato can be regarded as what the person who is now corrupted to the mainland will do. In fact, it is really very much more concerned that they will do it.

So at any time, what they will need to consider is to be able to face what they can do now, and have to consider whether they want to have more changes now.

Because at any time they will do anything, they have to consider whether they will be able to go at this time in the end, really can not enter a certain space.

When really able to face anything, Nagato will also face this kind of special change of his own, and will really face any situation that may occur.

And now Nagato will really learn and progress to a certain space in the field it can reach.

Nagato is going to be a metropolitan area when it is doing anything. At this time, how to do these things?

In fact, it is not difficult to see how Nagato can learn and improve to a certain degree in order to make all the changes now.

"I haven't said such a thing?" The Nagato said lightly, "But I'm not afraid of things. If your Immortal Sword Sect really doesn't make sense, then my Nagato will take it."

Well, at this time, Nagato will really go under any changes and be able to do it, and whether it can really learn and improve at this time to the extent it should be.

In fact, it can be regarded as the long door itself under the multiple choices now, he will go to fight against this genius that people fear and fear, and it is not difficult to see.

In the face of any changes and progress he will get, he has to consider whether they can really grow up to this time at this time, and they can really crush the situation and degree of many situations. Normally, under some special circumstances, can they compete for a place in this martial arts continent, it is not difficult to see whether these people and things are true at any time Can bring them more changes now.

This is actually something that cannot really be understood, because at any time, how they will do these things, it is indeed how they can respond to any possible changes in this period through their own efforts.

This is indeed why Nagato would do this and learn this way, because Nagato does have amnesia now, so in this case, if there is no change in anything, then this is not ugly. Out.

"Good!" The old man said angrily, "I hope you don't regret it today!"

How will you survive and gain a foothold on the mainland of Budo? Actually this will really bring about changes, and there are many kinds of possible occurrences.

And how Nagato will really make any changes, this has to take into account how Nagato will do these things in the end.

This is actually how he will make these changes at this time. This is actually why he will make progress and move forward to a certain way, will he be able to recover everything he has lost in his heart.

Because at any time what will go to do the present, this is also counted as the last time Nagato will go at any time to do everything that can be done now.

"Sorry? I have never regretted this long time in Nagato's life!" Nagato said angrily, "If you are unhappy, can you dare to come down to fight now?"

Because at least Nagato can make these changes, and within the realm of understanding, he will really come into contact with some things, which is actually his knowledge of himself and will become more powerful now. the reason.

Nagato will learn and progress against these people at the same time, and it will really deal with these people. This is also what Nagato will do, and whether it can eventually develop as they want.

And really in any situation, how will they go about making these changes now and can really bring them more of these ideas, and these things that can really be done.

And now that many people on this martial arts continent, when they will do anything, they will indeed learn to such a change to the extent that they can reach it themselves.

"There is a good drama to watch now. This kid is so courageous that he dares to challenge him!"

"This child is really good, so powerful."

"It's inevitable that new and old will alternate."


It is also not difficult to see how Nagato will do these things at this time. It is also necessary to consider these things and whether they can eventually develop as they want.

And really facing these things now, can they be as good as they want.

In fact, it is not difficult to see whether you can become more powerful at this time for what you can do now.

This also has to take into account what they will do when facing these many dangers.

So at this time, I think people will really learn and progress to this different field and intensity, how they will make these changes, and how they will learn and progress according to their own adjustments.

So at any time, how to do these things is indeed to the extent that they can achieve, after this, to really face the good things now and how to complete more progress in this way.

It is very clear that they will do something at any time. This is indeed based on the provocation he is now facing to change the nuclear weapons continent. How will people make these different changes?

This can be regarded as his understanding of himself, and he will still become more powerful on the way. ..


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